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Homey G.

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Everything posted by Homey G.

  1. Very sad. There are before and after photos on Tommy's forum here : http://tommyandjames.bbfun.com/tommyandjames-about1091-15.html
  2. Can someone who's been this year confirm whether they've cut another entrance to the area from back where Crystal Pistol is? Or is it just one way in/out like before?
  3. That would be funny if it went to Canadia's Wonderland. Before long, they would move into contention for park with the most coasters! Those crazy canucks would lose their mind!
  4. ^ PCW?? That's the acro for Canada's Wonderland... do you mean that or Carowinds?
  5. ^ My mistake. I meant to say Goliaths opening date is April 1st. Not much point going before then unless you wanna ride Ga Cyclone trimless.
  6. SFoG's opening day is April 1st. I wouldn't suggest a trip before that unless you're goin to Media Day.
  7. I say cut him a break, he's only 19. They don't teach true grammar and capitalization until at least 4th grade.
  8. You're 13. You never know, you could have a great life of your own some day.
  9. Apparently, the guys words were motivational for you. You scored your highest score ev. He's like Mickey from Rocky. Tough love.
  10. Tommy got some propers! Awfully nice o' ya there MacCraiger. BTW, acting gay gets women to put their guard down.
  11. ^ I'm not used to hearing the word "crap" from you. You feeling ok?
  12. ^ Don't forget you gotta allow time to listen to Dolly, Cher and Tammy Faye.
  13. ^ You might be ok, but it's always a good idea to update your mailing address BEFORE he starts mailing them out. He already makes these discs and ships them to you for free. He's probably not a big fan of getting these discs returned to him and having to eat the shipping costs for nothing.
  14. I like swinging pirate ships. Anyone that gets sick on those is pathetic. 8)
  15. Truly wild. I'm in the boat with those that feel drop rides are truly the last threshhold of fear for me. Maybe they could install one at CP and charge for the earplugs like DT charges for glasses. javascript:emoticon(':roll:') Rolling Eyes
  16. Dallas is gonna be pissed when he finds out he doesn't have a dad.
  17. Not to mention, Nitro's helix is not that intense to me at all. Perhaps that's why my opinion is the way it is. EARregardless, the point was for the gentleman that thought Goliath would just a hyper-in-training to not feel that way.
  18. This will be no B&M hyper-in-training. That downward helix will be the most intense element of any of the B&M hypers. Don't let the length of the track fool you into thinking this doesn't have a chance to be the best of the bunch.
  19. I also think that's it's extremely difficult for us to be objective about things like prices for season passes. Part of being a seasoned park goer is feeling like parks are giving away the gate and wishing they'd charge more because we feel like it will improve our park experience if there were less people there (read : less people in front of us in line, and less morons walking 1 mph in the middle of the midway 15 abreast). While everyone would prefer to have shorter lines for rides, but I don't know anyone who has offered to pay more when it came time to pony up for season passes. At the end of the day, people who crunch numbers determine prices for the parks. It's their livelihood on the lines to make money and I'm sure they have access to the figures to correctly determine what to charge. Meanwhile, while we're scorching in a 2 hour line for a coaster running one train is when we truly notice how many people are in the park. Amazing how a good day at a park can take your mind off things like admission, whether daily or season passes. I never notice tons of people getting "dropped off" at parks on my way in, or anything else that would potentially piss me off before I even get in the park. Keep pumping your thousands of dollars a year into SFMM, and things'll get better! 8) Brian, who's sorry for his "stream of consciousness" style post.
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