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Everything posted by SoCal_Coaster

  1. Thanks everyone for your replies. Phantom Poster reminded me of another question. Where are the best locations for lunch? Thanks again!
  2. Hey everyone! My family and I are traveling to Branson to visit Silver Dollar City theme park tomorrow. We are a group of six and want to know the best way to get around the park. Also, what is the best strategy to tackling Silver Dollar City at park opening. One last question: do we need to rent lockers while on the rides? Thank You!
  3. It may be hard to belive, but if you pick the wrong Saturday, the line can be backed up onto the freeway (from experience )
  4. X2 at night time ERT WCB! Literally no line! the rides just kept tallying up.
  5. It's all opinion. Some May like X2 and TC over MF and maverick. Plus Magic Mountain DOES have more coasters, therefore you would receive a better bang for your buck at SFMM.
  6. As a SFMM regular, the longest lines from longest to shortest on an average day are as follow: 1. X2 2. Tatsu 3. Golitah 4. Green Lantern 5. Apocolypse 6. Superman 7. Full Throtle 8. Twisted Colossus All the other rides, including Lex Luthor, should have from 30 min. to no line at all.
  7. Ok, that's a little better... I just think sometimes Coaster Enthusiast forums can be so nasty, and our hobby is supposed to just be a fun diversion from the harsh realities of life. This is a pet peeve of mine as well. Calling what they did idiotic is not the same thing as calling them idiots altogether. Btw, super stoked about Cedar Point's decision. One thing I don't understand is how people predict exactly what is coming. For example, Dollywood's Lightning Rod was the first of its kind, yet people still were about to predict the name and type of ride. Even with the leaks, Valravn still wasn't clear. I'm very impressed with the people who are able accomplish this.
  8. I don't see SFMM getting a Larson loop. They will receive a new coaster before a Larson loop. Even Six Flags should know that a Larson loop is not fitting for their 20th coaster.
  9. Just out of curiosity, do you prefer MF in back or front. For me, the front is superior other than the first drop. It's insane in the back.
  10. construction shouldn't start until after the announcement. We're probably not gonna see something like what Busch Gardens did with Tempesto.
  11. Agree...and if they theme it right put it in the ScreamPunk District. I don't think this is a coaster. If it is, It will be SFMM's 20th coaster. That would be a big mistake on their part.
  12. I must totally disagree with this statement. SFMM is in the shape of an 8. rides like Goliath and lex are on the bottom half and rides like tatsu are on the top half. The middle would include rides like Superman and Ninja. Another thing is park maps can be retrieved at the front of the park for easy navigation.
  13. I haven't been on B:tR at SFFT, but I totally disagree about Green Lantern. I find it totally enjoyable. the only bad part about it is a full line filling up the complete queue would take three and a half hours. In other words, it's a capacity nightmare. The closer we get to Sept. 3, the easier I see a 4D ride come to GAdv. The area of land matches perfectly. The only concern would be how long the line would be, but with El Toro, Nitro, and Ka in the same park, I probably wouldn't ride it unless it was on the way somewhere and with a 20 min. or less line.
  14. I got to ride a couple new rides this year. Here's how I'd rank them: 1. Fury 325 2. Twisted Colussus 3. Wicked Cyclone 4. Thunderbird 5. Rougarou
  15. The only credit I've ever missed was Wicked Twister at Cedar Point. This year I attended Coaster Mania. It included ERT on Blue Streak, Max Air, and WT all at the same time. By the time we arrived at Wicked Twister, the line closed. They literally closed the line right in front of us.
  16. I don't know why. However they usually close it immediately after summer opperations close (which would be next monday) so my guess is that they wont bother fixing it for it to be up for 3 days. I'll be at the park today too. I expect no crowds since school is back in session. If anyone wants to meet up with a fellow enthusiast I'll be wearing a solid blue shirt and black plaid shorts. You're wrong about the schools. Most schools start on the 26th around here. There are a few schools that star earlier, but just a few.
  17. I was at the park yesterday and got on one ride the whole day: TC. We left early because my younger brother wasn't feeling the best, but other than that, I had the best ride on Twisted Colossus yet. I have two facts that I don't know have been mentioned yet (correct me if I'm wrong). First is that there is no longer any assigned seating. This led to us getting the back two rows which are absolutely better than any other seats on the ride. The other is that the single rider line was closed. I don't know why this was the case (maybe because it was packed?), but it was frustrating because we know how to use it well .
  18. El Toro. I will say though after riding Wicked Cyclone this past week if Great Adventure got an RMC with a twister layout it would absolutely work. Wicked Cyclone was nothing like El Toro, a totally differen't ride experience. I can't tell whether you are saying that an RMC El toro is a good idea, but i think that will totally ruin one of the best (or even the best) wooden roller coasters on the planet.
  19. Yeah, but Fury is practically worth the visit alone.
  20. Like You, I visited for the first time very recently. IMO, Millennium, Maverick, and Dragster all need to be ridden in the front to get the complete experience. If you get the chance, ride Maverick at night. The Turns seem to be extremely aggressive and some of those elements come to life. More advice would be to ride Raptor, Gatekeeper, and Blue Streak later in the day. Other than that, if you stay the full day, you should be able to ride everything.
  21. These are the top seven most appealing roller coasters I haven't ridden yet. After This, I haven't thought much about it. 7. Leviathan (Canada's Wonderland) 6. Any Intamin Pre-Fab 5. Any Intamin Mega Lite 4. Goliath (Walibi Holland) 3. Intimidator 305 (King's Dominion) 2. Skyrush (Hersheypark) 1. Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park)
  22. Any idea why they can't run just the other side? My guess is that they probably could run just one side, but that would be a capacity nightmare and the line would practically never move. Just eight riders at one time....
  23. Ours was a combo of flying and road trip June 3: Fly to Cleveland June 4: Coastermania at Cedar Point June 5: King's Island June 6: Holiday World June 7: Fly to Charlotte June 8: Carowinds June 9: Fly to Hartford/ Lake Compounce June 10: Six Flags New England June 11: Six Flags Great Adventure June 12 Six Flags Great Adventure June 13: Fly Home
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