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Everything posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. The stand up slide thing seems like it could be cool, but I think it'd be better suited for something like a strait racing layout. Could be really fun to have a competition on. Definitely a never in america ride though, seems like it'll be very easy to fall on your face or back and get a concussion/broken bones. The Skyturtle thing just seems wrong to me. Nothing about being locked in what is essentially a coffin, being half submerged in water, and having no way to help yourself if you start to drown seems fun to me. The concept is cool, but thats all it should be IMO.
  2. Actually there is an exact Ispeed clone with the new gen lapbars http://rcdb.com/7395.htm The issue isn't the transitions, on these trains the seats extend out a bit to keep you in place. The only reason they can't be used on maverick or I305, if there is any, is because of clearance issues .
  3. Huh, That'd be kinda strange for the plug to be pulled so far into construction. Hopefully the intamins will find a new home soon.
  4. Am I the only one who's just being confused by Cedar Fair this year? So far we have rumors of coasters here, CP, CW, VF, And WoF... Either we're all gonna be dissapointed or amazingly surprised.
  5. They have plinko boards setup outside the some of the major coasters, with the main prize being one time use fast line passes.
  6. If you know what your doing you can get multiple rerides on everything on a tuesday. Flats included. It can be a stretch on a weekend but it can be done just not as easily. In my experience the best route is usually to start with TTD incase it goes down later. Usually between 15-40 minutes depending on how fast you get their and how many seats they have open. Next I'll head to millenium, generally under an hour still. After that I'll generally head back near maverick and eat at the chickfila and get plinko passes for maverick. After that you can hit Mean Streak, Gemini, and Magnum all in about an hour or less. Once you hit those head back to the front usually around 2-4 ish. Hit up Wicked twister(Generally 15-30 wait) and Raptor(30-40) then bluestreak which is normally a walk on. You can also add Gatekeeper here but its usually a walk on after diner. Rougarou generally holds a 20-40 minute line all day. I Haven't been able to see any patern yet. I've never bothered to look at corkscrews line, I never ride it anymore Mine ride and Iron dragon are pretty short all day long, hit them whenever you want.
  7. I think it's tough to compare the decisions of KK and CP as they are in completely different generations of existence. I do think KK is going about this the right way. Distancing themselves from Twisted Twins when marketing this new ride. I think Cedar Point would profit more however on the demolition of Mean Streak and creation of a new ride or two in the existing Mean Streak footprint. Their reputation of "The World's Best Collection of Roller Coasters" wouldn't suffer by an RMC rework of Mean Streak, but it wouldn't be enhanced. I think New Texas Giant really is driving their desire to not rework Mean Streak. The fact that they would more than likely be getting a clone of someone else's ride would be a shot to their collective egos. I know they have some clones there now, but they haven't installed one in quite some time. So what if one park is in earlier stages than the other, they both want to make the most money possible. KK and CP would both go through pretty much the same thought process, just different budgets. If RMC Mean Streak happens theres no chance its a clone of Texas giant. The rides are very close in layout but they have some distinct differences. Plus, RMC has upped their game sense NTG. They can build what ever would fit on the structure and the end product will be nothing like NTG.
  8. Surprised the train made it back to the station. Seems like it would have been wedged to far in for the wheels to turn.
  9. They really aren't all that short. Most of them so far have been about 100-200 feet shorter than their older counterparts. Mainly I think they're just trying to keep the pacing up all they way to the brake run.
  10. I have to say, this layout seems very unimaginative and boring compared to the other RMCs. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun and a world class ride, but we've seen what RMC can do and this just looks half-assed next to it. Almost like something somebody designed in nl2
  11. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the track at the factory currently hasn't been shipped out yet.
  12. Sounds fake to me. But if its real that means its probably not B&M.
  13. I think you need to take a look at what it was before. It used to be solid concrete with a flat wall. Now it's got some grass and planters an amazing view of the lake, more shade, more tables and more buildings. What do you expect? The whole island is naturally flat.
  14. Rides valley all the time, especially at Cedar Point. there was probably just a strong gust of wind at the wrong time. Combine that with colder temperatures it could cause this.
  15. I'm just gonna call it roarmc now. That first drop is going to be really unique though.
  16. Essentially, yes but with a different locking mechanism and no ankle restraints. And a flying dive machine would be so fun.
  17. Flying coasters aren't during out at all. Just look, there's 4 being built right now. More per year than any time for stand ups. And standup coaster have longer dispatch times than flyers but flyers still consistently have longer lines than stand ups. Look at sfgadv, superman generally has a longer line than green lantern, and gl is usually a one train ride.
  18. It doesn't seem to be dive machine track. Look here, its the same size as the red wingrider track. Maybe we'll get the dark purple/black after all.
  19. Actually, theres a peice laying next to the red wingrider track for china, and its the exact same size.
  20. They also mentioned there was extensive rehab over the off season that supposedly made it less uncomfortable..anyone who's ridden it this season agree that it's better than before? It's actually significantly rougher than last year. But with that said, its way more enjoyable this year. They have lightened the trim brake so it only uses two instead of three. It now gives some airtime on the hills and some pretty cool lats. Still the worst coaster at the park though.
  21. I have to give the point to Cedar Creek Mine rides helix thingy after the first lift. It doesn't pass at all, they even had to put a mat kinda thing their.
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