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Everything posted by lazaruslou

  1. Trip Report For 22 March G'day mates, Yesterday (Saturday) was another fabulous day in the park! Of my 7 visits to SeaWorld during February and March it was the busiest day and a large crowd. They had a special on Quick Queue Unlimited Passes (flash passes) for Season Pass holders so I got a Quick Queue for $21.65. It was well worth it. I rode the Great White 31 times in a row and rode the Steel Eel 13 times. Altogether I rode 44 rides which would have not been possible without the Quick Queue. I've averaged over 32 rides per visit this year for a total of 226 rides and the previous 6 visits I did not get a flash pass.. The food is excellent and very reasonable, actually cheaper than a fast food restaurant but much better. My favorites are the Chef Salad, Taco Salad, and the Turkey and Spinach 9-Grain Wheat Sandwich. The only thing lacking is that there is not a very big selection of drinks like at Six Flags. I'll come back to SW on Friday unless I go to six Flags Over Texas instead. Cheers!
  2. G'day mates, Yesterday 16 March I came to SeaWorld and had another outstanding day! I rode Rio Loco 5 times in a row and the Great White 21 times in a row for a total of 105 inversions. Altogether I rode 30 rides wthout a Quick Queue (flash pass). On my six visits this year (4 visits in February and 2 visits in March) I have averaged over 30 rides a visit without needing the Quick Queue pass. I'm coming back to SeaWorld on Saturday 22 March. The staff told me I would probably need an Unlimited Quick Queue pass on Saturday in order to ride as much as I have been riding these last six visits. So far in 2014 I've been on the Steel Eel 106 times and the Great White 45 times. Cheers!
  3. Spring Break Trip Report: G'day mates, I visited SeaWorld for the fifth time this year on Monday 10 March and it was another awesome day in the park! Rode the Great White 17 times including 13 times in the front row. I enjoyed the last row too but the view from the front is more impressive. I also rode the Steel Eel 3 times. It was the busiest day this season but I did not need the Quick Queue pass yet. In my 5 visits since January so far I've averaged over 30 rides a day without the Quick Queue pass along with at least one animal act or exhibit each day too. My favorites are Alligator Alley, the Shark Aquarium and the Coral Reef. I'm going to College Spring Break at SeaWorld next week so I may need a Quick Queue pass for that visit. Cheers!
  4. Sorry about this post mates, I didn't realize this was a legal issues site, I though it was Theme Park Review. My bad!
  5. G'day mates, Went to SeaWorld yesterday 22 February and had another awesome day! Rode the Steel Eel 28 times and rode the Great White 5 times consecutively in the front row! The Great White is just like Batman The Ride at many Six Flags parks. It was probably the largest crowd I have seen in these last 4 visits but still lots of riding time. Haven't needed to get a Quick Queue yet, but I'm sure that will change with Spring Break. Cheers!
  6. Is anyone going to opening day on March 1st? I went to opening day at SeaWorld on February 1st and it was most awesome. I'll be here for opening day also.
  7. Today was 28 c. and sunny. I cycled down the coast and it was most awesome!
  8. Today I filled up at $3.14/gallon. Good thing I get over 32 mpg with all my theme park trips this month!
  9. G'day mates, I went to SeaWorld this past Sunday 16 February and it was an awesome day! Got chilled out twice on Journey To Atlantis, as I tried the front row right seat and then the left seat in the last row. Tied my Steel Eel record from the previous Sunday of 30 times in a row. Altogether I rode 42 rides. So far this month I have been on the Steel Eel 75 times in 3 visits. Going back this Saturday 22 February. The park is very well run and entering the park takes less than 5 minutes. I haven't needed to buy a flash pass (quick queue) yet this month as all the rides are available to ride as much as you want. The only rule is that you can ride twice and then you have to get in line again, which just means I get on the very next train. Cheers!
  10. The Steel Eel, my favorite coaster at SeaWorld San Antonio, which I rode 30 times yesterday.
  11. G'day mates, I went to Sea World yesterday 9 February and it was totally awesome! I rode the Steel Eel 30 times which is my new record. Also twice in front on the Great White. Rode 38 times on various rides including the Steel Eel. I didn't even use a Quick Queue as it was a very small crowd. Going back on Presidents' Day. Total rides in 2 visits this month is 57. Cheers!
  12. G'day mates, Saturday 1 February was an awesome day at Seaworld San Antonio! I didn't break any records but I did ride the Steel Eel 15 times. I rode a few other rides too. It was sunny and a very pleasant 27 c. Getting into the park was very fast, about 7 minutes, much less time than at Six Flags. I'm going back on this Sunday 9 February. Cheers!
  13. "A Place Called Armageddon" by C C Humphreys
  14. Avatar Stargate 10,000 BC After Earth Apocalypto
  15. Just got this one last Wednesday 29 January. Driving it to Seawoorld opening day tomorrow 1 February.
  16. Novels by Clive Cussler, James Rollins, and Jeremy Robinson
  17. I live right on the Gulf Of Mexico where I swim with dolphins.
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