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Woodie Warrior

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Everything posted by Woodie Warrior

  1. Iron Eagle would be a terrible idea for the park. It's the first "big" coaster at the park that kids can ride, with only a 42" height limit. RMC'ing it would raise the height requirement and the park would lose one of its only family friendly rides. Don't let one person's terrible No Limits creation make you think the Boss has less RMC potential than Eagle. There is A LOT more that could be done with Boss; Screamin' Eagle's layout is a very straight out and back, which IMO doesn't really work as well for the insane things RMC can do.
  2. Fright Fest last night was fun! Crowds weren't too bad and I got to do the one house I hadn't gotten to already this year: Blind Fury, which was pretty good and by far the best of the event. The changes to it this year made it flow a bit better compared to when the cage maze was there. I loved the new troll area; the trolls were very active and their costumes and masks looked pretty creepy. The clown and cannibal areas looked nice, but the actors seemed to be standing around a lot. Really wish I would've seen Dave at the park to congratulate him on his retirement and thank him for all he's done, but I didn't spot him anywhere. Oh well, I'll make sure to shoot him an email sometime soon.
  3. That's pretty awful. That makes that crew the worst out of the four newer RMC's. 20 cycles is a low hour at Goliath and Medusa, and I assume TC as well. What are they possibly doing that they're moving so much slower than their counterparts? Are you sure you heard 20? And not 25 or 30? I agree! I was also there on Saturday and found the same results for Wicked Cyclone. It seemed to take about 2.5-3 minutes per dispatch or more! If I had been there when they made that announcement, it would have taken everything in me to not scoff at how laughable that it. It was weird though, because when I rode Mind Eraser, that crew was god damn quick. They were sending out trains every 30-45 seconds tops. I did about 5 rides within the span of 15 minutes. Well those RMC trains are the worst trains that have been designed in recent history so I can't exactly blame them for not getting very good hours but 20 is still really low. And you've got to think about how much easier it is to check restraints on mind eraser. That's why they can dispatch so much quicker. The trains themselves are fine, it's the unnecessary seatbelts that the parks asked to install on them that causes the long dispatch times. However, SDC does fine even with the seatbelts, probably at least 30 dispatches an hour, which isn't horrendous, but isn't great either.
  4. I'm not saying this one man is going to completely ruin the park, he could improve it for all I know, but it's not wrong to be nervous considering that he used to be Director of Operations at a Six Flags park known for their horrendous operations. And it's not just that he's from SFNE. It's just that Dave has been at the park since it opened, starting in the mail room and making his way up the chain to president. This new dude has never worked at the park before, so it might take him a while to get used to everything. However, if HWFan says he's a worthy replacement, I'll take his word for it. And I'm sure SF knows what they're doing, I am just a bit nervous. The new guy could be just as good (or possibly even better) than Dave, I think I'm just kind of upset to see Dave leaving after all these years, which is why I'm so doubtful.
  5. Is there a way to send him a direct email? I'm pretty saddened by the news as I've seen him around the park plenty of times but always have been a bit nervous to say hello, and now I'll never have the chance. Good for him, though, his whole life was basically dedicated to the park, I just hope the new president does a good job. I'm a bit worried, since he's coming from SFNE...
  6. You don't think the designers would feel even a slight pang of loss when something they worked hard on for years is made defunct? Sure it's a business but it's not the kind of business you'd be in if you didn't care about what you made. I'm sure they'd be a bit saddened but still a bit happy that their design still sort of lived on in a way, instead of being completely demolished like they would've been if RMC came along.
  7. I originally said Holiday World but it's not really a small park at all anymore... I'll go with Nickelodeon Universe. A nice little indoor family park with some decent theming and some fun coasters.
  8. I do that every night. You pickin up what I'm putting down? The double entendre? Eh? Eh? I'll see myself out... I don't see why a park would find that appealing. There are plenty of types of coasters (wild mouse, spinning coaster, launched steel coasters) that could (and already do) go through a building and not need as much maintenance or retracking as a wooden coaster would. Not to mention, a wooden coaster would be a lot noisier inside of a building than a steel coaster would. Well, except for B&Ms...
  9. I mean, I found the "bully" slides funny, but did they really think the board would vote in their favor with stuff like that? When you're trying to go up against such a big group as Universal, you should show maturity, and not call them "bullies". I'm guessing Universal's just mad that a hot new project might steal their new rides' thunder, but they should know by now that there are enough tourists to go around. Oh and that "Disney, Universal, and Seaworld never build huge attractions and they're doing just fine" line is stupid. The whole point of this project is to be tall, telling them they'll still attract guests with a shorter ride is just plain dumb.
  10. I'm pretty sure it was scrapped, but I'm not sure. I don't think there's any chance any park buys a similar ride anytime soon, though.
  11. IMO it doesn't really count if only the front of the train makes it to that steepness.
  12. I have to actually agree... I know I'm in the minority, but I found The Beast kind of boring except for the ending. Topper track and maybe an additional airtime hill added somewhere would make the ride better.
  13. Last year's Fright Fest and 2013's were good. Not too many attractions, so there were plenty of actors in each one. With 3 new attractions this year (Killamore, hayride, and trolls) they've really stretched out the amount of actors in each one. At least the park attempted to be different with Camp Killamore. Just needed a ton more actors. And why did it not open until 8:00 tonight?
  14. Few thoughts from tonight... -Camp Killamore was done extremely well, it just had an extremely low amount of scareactors (same with every maze at the park). The path also was a bit weird to follow, they just kinda sent you off into the woods. It's a cool concept, having a spread out outdoor maze, totally unlike the tight indoor mazes we're used to, but it wasn't executed very well. It was still probably the best house of the night (not a very hard title to claim), but it could've been A LOT better. It did have a good number of startles, which is harder to do in such a wide open environment, yet they pulled it off, and by far the most enthusiastic actors. Just not enough of them. -Insanity Alley really sucked. Maybe 5 actors in the maze? Was done well last year with plenty of actors, but this year it fell flat. Another disappointment. -Slaughter House, just like last year, stops you 4 times throughout the layout to handle the crowding and to space people out, which kind of takes away from the experience. Didn't get a single startle in this one. Once again, not enough actors. And once again, a disappointment. -Voided Vision was a waste of space once again. Got a startle, but it was the only actor we saw in the entire maze. Even as low capacity as the maze it, it still had a very short line, which says something about its popularity. -Biggest disappointment? Wreckers Salvage. Way to spread out, no real theme (We're in a salvage yard, with lots of dogs, a cop car on fire, a girl looking for her missing dog, the whole thing made zero sense.) Two of the actors actually jumped on the hayride and tried to scare people (which freaked out the girls across from us) but the rest just yelled at us stuff like "Oh the employees here are just dying to see you" and later "Oh get ready for the grand finale" which turned out to be a drive through a garage without any actors straight into the exit platform. In other words, the most anticlimactic ending ever for a haunted attraction. This was the biggest disappointment of the night as far as attractions go, still better than Voided Vision, but I was expecting that one to suck anyways. -I never got to Blind Fury, which I'm kinda bummed about, but I was told by the rest of my group it was terrible this year. Some thoughts about the event in general: -As much as I love the amount of attractions this year, the park is running out of scareactors. I mean, in a city with Darkness, Creepyworld, Abyss, Fright Fest, and countless other mazes, there are only a certain number of people willing to give up every October weekend to work at a haunted house. Six Flags really should just scrap Voided Vision, Wreckers Salvage, and one of the scare zones next year, and spread out those workers to other mazes. 4-5 actors in each maze is pretty much unacceptable. -Park was jam packed. Decided to cancel plans to visit again next weekend, will probably go to Creepyworld or Darkness instead. Not worth bearing the crowds for the same haunted houses.
  15. Okay Six Flags... 4 actors in Insanity Alley??? I feel bad for the people waiting an hour plus in the regular line, at least it was only 15 min for us. Hoping Camp Killamore is better...
  16. Yes, there has been a shock effect in there for several years now as well as Slaughter House. I've never noticed anything like that? When do they do that?
  17. Heard from somebody I know that they actually SHOCK you in Insanity Alley this year? I find it hard to believe but can anybody confirm or deny this?
  18. He isn't against SDC adding a new coaster, he's just saying they shouldn't just plop one down without any theming, and I totally agree. SDC is extremely well themed, and every one of their coasters is well hidden from the rest of the park as to not distract from the feel of the park. A giant coaster plopped in the middle would take away the charm of the park. I'd love a new coaster, just as long as it's hidden and themed well, like Outlaw Run was.
  19. exactly. I still think you should spend no more than 2 days at Kentucky Kingdom. We were done with the park after 3ish hours, and if we would've done the water park it still would've been a day trip. I mean, it's your call, and I kind of get the "getting to really know the park" thing, but I still would highly recommend doing both HW and KK. If you can't afford 2 days at KK and a few at HW, just do 1 day at Kentucky Kingdom and get HW's 2 day pass (I'm pretty sure that's a real thing...), which shouldn't be that much more than the price of 5 days at KK. Just do the coasters and whatever you want at KK and do a few of their water park's stand-out attractions, which won't even take up a full day (especially on a weekday) and then hop on over to HW and do their coasters and flat rides one day and their world-class water park the next. Like I said though, it's your trip, do whatever you really want to do. I just wanted to tell you how I'd do a trip like yours. The main reason I'm trying to steer you away from 5 days at KK is that (IMO) it really isn't that great of a park. Lightning Run and FearFall were great, and Storm Chaser looks great too, but I cannot fathom doing 5 days there. It still feels very much like a SF park, from the landscaping to the employees to the crowds to the layout, I could go on. Maybe it's improved since my last visit, but I had a friend visit this year and she wasn't a fan of the place either. However, if you are really stuck on have a relaxing, one-park, week-long trip, I'd do a week at Holiday World in 2016. Yes, Storm Chaser looks great, but Holiday World is a much more matured park, KK still is working on getting its kinks. Do a week long trip to KK in a couple of years when they've gotten some more rides and have cleaned up the place more. I don't know, it's your choice, and you seem to have a different idea of what an ideal theme park trip would be like, and I totally respect that. I just want to make sure you have the best trip possible, even if it is a week at Kentucky Kingdom.
  20. A 5 day trip to Kentucky Kingdom? Even with Storm Chaser and Lightning Run, and the waterpark if you're into that, KK is a 2 day park at the most. Just go weekdays in June, if that doesn't work, weekends in early June shouldn't be miserable. Oh, and stop by Holiday World while you're at it.
  21. Any Fright Fest reviews/reports yet? Would love to hear how Wreckers Salvage and Camp Killamore are, and if they improved the existing houses at all.
  22. It's cool that Voided Vision and Slaughter House will be open for 2 hours during the daytime on Saturdays, but I'm not a fan of the park reducing hours. Didn't Fridays used to be 4pm-1am? Maybe I'm just imagining things. I'm really looking forward to Camp Killamore and Wrecker's Salvage, I just hope house wristbands don't go up by too much.
  23. From the videos, Paranormal Inc looks fantastic (minus the pre-show, that was a bit too cheesy for me), while Dead of Winter looks absolutely terrible. I thought they said something about Dead of Winter using lots of bright lighting, but the whole thing looked just as dim as any other maze. The effects, sets, and actors in Paranormal Inc look awesome though.
  24. Millennium Force and Maverick are my favorite rides at CP, but there's no doubt that the B&Ms are more reliable. MF doesn't seem to break down often, but Maverick does from time to time (same with Wicked Twister), and TTD seems to be closed more often than it is open. At the end of the day, both companies make great rides. B&M's are more reliable and always a guest pleaser, while Intamin's are less reliable but seem to be a favorite amongst both the GP and enthusiasts. Just look at CP's social media pages. Anytime they ask "What's your favorite coaster?", 99% of people either respond MF, TTD, or Maverick.
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