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the sound

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Everything posted by the sound

  1. But did you go on the log flume? There's an extreme amount of wetness there.
  2. ^^ I don't think there is anyone in my hemisphere that is that dumb.
  3. ^ Ewww? Looks crazy. Lincow, do you know when it is supposed to open? Can't be too far away now.
  4. the sound


    I've been to an alpaca farm. Quite boring really.
  5. What is this herecy! I need to go up to the Gold Coast soon to see this for myself. The thing is though, it doesn't get that busy. I've been in the middle of peak school holidays, and the queue lines have haven't ever overflown once, with the exception of the Eureka Mountain Mine Ride.
  6. Good Video guys! Loved the POV of Nautic jet. I went to a small Self Operated park in Germany in September, it was near Heidelberg. Had some awesome Animatronic attractions that acted out Nursery Rhymes in German. That and the bizarre Clown "Steeplechase" style ride.
  7. Bulls on Parade: Rage against the machine Befor that it was Insane in the Brain: Cypress HIll.
  8. Born Slippy Nuxx - Underworld. Best dance song ever.
  9. WORST CHUCK NORRIS JOKE EVER. The stunts were pretty cool, it would be insane if you could do it without getting seriously hurt if you fail.
  10. ^^ I would say actually that they would be very very greatful for the action, and they would make them an honorary guest, etc etc.
  11. Seriously? I think it looks pretty crappy. (No Particular Order) Wolfenstein 3D Outrun 2 Super Metroid Contra Call OF Duty 1 Super Mario Land Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal Street Fighter 2 Jet Set Radio Future Super Smash Bros Melee
  12. ^ You'd need a lot of Tequila for that to be true.
  13. Not overly, to be honest. It gives the thrill of a pirate ship, and goes a little bit upside down, and it spins around a little. Not something to get super duper exited about, really.
  14. ^^ It's only 100 or so Stories. It also has around 1000 rooms, 7 Revolving restaurants, and was scheduled to open in time for the 1989 World Festival of youth and students. I've seen this hotel many a time before, and i have been thoroughly researching it, as there has been some rather dumb comments posted about it. It was originally built so that it could help turn North Korea into a Tourist Hub, and so that Western Investors would have a place to stay when they Stepped into the North Korean market. It has also been reported that it was made as a Soviet Response to the Westin Stamford hotel in Singapore a few years before construction started in 1987. It is made out of reinforced Concrete. Problems regarding Building materials and the building method being used delayed the construction of the hotel, and in 1992, due to lack of funding, electrical shortages and the famine that was in N.Korea at the time. Currently, the building has no windows or fittings in it, however the frame has been complete. The North Korean Government is also trying to gain a foreign Investment of around $300 mil to finish the hotel. However, The hotel has now been removed off of maps and stamps, and is being replaced by a hotel with a much more conventional Design, the "Taedong River hotel". But what do i know, I'm just a kid, right? EDIT: On Tourism, North Korea's tourism rates are growing, as more and more people are becoming fascinated by the country's soviet architecture and bizarre lifestyle and monuments, as well as the Mayday festival, however you can only go around with your guide.
  15. ^ Just what i was about to say! Great TR JZ, hope you have a lot of fun at the parks. I think i should also point out in response to Steve Irwin evrywhere that he is probably not so well known by everyone here as a Movie and TV show personality then as he is as a fighter for the protection of wildlife, which is why there are reminders of him everywhere around the park. And also, you wouldn't have seen the other Irwins, as they're probably following Bindi around with her new"Fitness Show". BTW, it's spelt "Cricket" not "Criket" .
  16. ^ That, my friend, happens nearly every week. When was the last time you filled the bathroom up with steam?
  17. Better then Flight-hawk, or Deck-hawk, or Top Gun-hawk, or Paramount Movie themed ride-hawk....
  18. I haven't heard anything about this, when is it supposed to be opening?
  19. Oh god, this is one of the funniest threads i've read in a long time.
  20. Favourite Bands: Wolfmother, Prototype, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, U2, Eskimo Joe, Damone, John Butler Trio, Muse. Favourite Singers/Solo artists: Moby, Bernard Fanning, Missy Higgins, Lisa Mitchell.
  21. Yes, probably will be Nodle Box, or some thai or something. Do you chew on your shirt?
  22. Yeah, my first and only ride of Goudrix. Does your dad have a really crap taste in Music?
  23. Awesome tr guys! Love this randomness. A quick question, has Kidtums said her first word yet? And if so, what was it? And what was her first interesting word?
  24. Spot what's wrong with this photo: That's right! The guy holding the repairman isn't watching him!
  25. Which ones are innovative? Have a great trip JZ, hope you have a lot of fun down here.
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