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Airtime 2000

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Everything posted by Airtime 2000

  1. Yes, there is. I'm from Jerusalem, Israel. Guess I'm not Israel's only coaster enthusiast anymore...
  2. My suggestions: 1) A clone of the hamster coaster from Fuji-Q. 2) A Intamin Rocket Coaster called "Humdinger". 3) An Intamin Hyper Coaster called "SuperCrack: Ride Of Steel".
  3. Israel sees Theme Park Review perfectly! Airtime "Hopefully R&E will visit here soon... even if the tallest and fastest coaster here is a SLC!" 2000
  4. OMG!!! I thought I was the only Israeli TPR member... guess not! BTW, I live in Jerusalem, Israel. Unlike Tel Aviv, we get snow, but very rarely, like once every other year. It ALMOST snowed here last weekend, but in the end we only got hail =(
  5. 44 Percent Theming at SFMM?!? Whoever wrote that quiz is clearly NOT from So Cal, otherwise it would be more like 0% theming, 100% rides, 0% atmoshpere and 0% value! Anyawys, I'm CP. My former homepark before I moved to Israel. Shame really, I never got to ride TTD.
  6. ^Agreed, Really laughed hard on that one. Also, Thundercoaster.... Woah. If I didn't know better, and if you wouldnt say it gave extreme airtime, I would say " I didnt know that Europe had a GCI woodie!". That thing is TWISTED! (although not as twisted as some coasters)
  7. OMG, this looks like it will be one heck of a ride! EIGHT tunnels, 24 seconds of airtime, two 90 degree banked turns, the steepest drop on a woodie in the USA... I think that Balder will have a serious rival next season. Maybe if the 24 seconds are ejector airtime, this might even dethrone Balder!
  8. The video is great, this blows Oblivion away! One thing that let me down was the water splash, it looks REALLY impressive, but as the POV shows, its just a straight section of track...
  9. Mine is fixed, I know it's basic but I can't edit pictures to save my life...
  10. The best fireworks show is hands down Illuminations with the christmas ending. Even though I only saw a video of it, I have NEVER seen so many fireworks shot at one time before I saw the Illuminations holiday ending! I remember Robb saying he was blown away by the show!
  11. I wish that Superland would suddenly turn into Cedar point!
  12. How about these: 1) Launched woodie 2) Woodie with spinning cars, like those on Spinning Dragons or Dragons Fury 3) Stand up floorless coaster. They did it on a drop tower, so why not on a coaster? 4) Launched standup 5)Take a Intamin first generation freefall (a la Demon Drop), and after the pullout onto your back, add a layout, with airtime hills, inversions, spirals...
  13. Happy birthday to Elissa and Tiki steve, from Airtime 2000, in the name of all the Israeli coaster enthusiats (Meaning, just me).
  14. Actually, Nemesis pulls 4G's, the old site said so. Anyways, this should be very short, but extremely sweet. Shame about the OTSR's though, with lapbars this would rule! Also, www.riderita.com confirms that the ride pulls 4.7 positive G's, and 0.7 negative G's, that mean SERIOUS airtime![/i]
  15. The worst ride name in my opinion is hands down Mr. Six's Pandemonium, with Wild Mouse in second place. Third place goes to Boosterbike.
  16. Yes: where is catastrophe canyon? That was my favorite part! Anyways, my least favorite WDW ride is Its a Small World... Do I have to say more?
  17. 3 words sum up what I think: That looks CRAZY! You're saying that people are really going to agree to be spun around, looking down at the ground 900 FEET below them, with only a lap bar and centrifugal force holding them from falling out towards certain death? And they're going to PAY in order to do it? There is NO WAY I would do that should I ever be in Las Vegas, and I'm not even afraid of heights! Airtime "ok, maybe if I would get $1,000,000,000 to ride I would do it, but otherwise NO WAY!" 2000
  18. WDW got my vote, For many reasons: You can "see" the castle, the rides are better, there are more parks, the theming, but I think the main reason is the awesome firework shows. Fantasmic is at both parks, but Wishes and the awesome Illuminations are spectcular. Airtime "OK, I might be WDW biased since I was there twice and I wasnt at disneyland" 2000
  19. I live in Jerusalem, Israel, and my homepark is Superland Israel. Its approximately 45 minutes drive from my house to the park. Israels only other park is Luna Park Tel Aviv, which is approximately 1 hour away. I wish my homepark would get a GOOD coaster, like a B&M or something. Because at the moment, Israel's tallest, fastest and longest coaster is... This: http://www.rcdb.com/ig1559.htm?picture=5
  20. I heard a rumor that KBF would add a Morgan Hypercoaster as their next coaster, as KBF is the only Cedar Fair park that doesnt have a hyper coaster, unless you count Xcelerator, and I dont. If this is true, it will probably open 2007/2008. All I want to see a GOOD coaster at Knotts!
  21. Good lord, not ANOTHER Tornado! Thats 5 Tornado's opening this year at SF parks alone (SFSTL, SFDL, SFAW, SFKK and now this one). Plus Michigans Adventure is getting one. At this rate, every SF park will have a Tornado by 2008. Still, its nice to hear SF is adding something to this slightly forgotten park, should be nice to see.
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