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Everything posted by Loopy

  1. I dont have much of an explanation. I was sitting near the gift shop and then this happened... http://www.break.com/usercontent/2010/7/22/a-trip-to-the-arcade-1888349
  2. Billy Joel and Elton John on their Face2Face tour at historic Wrigley Field in Chicago. The music was great, the crowd was full of energy. It was a beautiful night to see a concert, and turned out to be one of my all time favorites.
  3. The magnum sign sucks compared to the millennium force sign. With all the cedar point build-up, i think the magnum sign was a little too over-hyped.
  4. Ya know, everyone is entitled to their opinion.... Less people liking magnum = shorter lines for those that do! BTW, you should all hate Top Thrill and Millennium too....they were way overhyped!
  5. You're not giving it a fair shot if you say you don't like it because it was over hyped. Who cares about the hype? All the coasters at Cedar Point are over hyped at one point or another. It's because its one of the most well known, and visited theme parks and they have a fantastic marketing department....
  6. ^ Exactly. With my budget and vacation time each year, I can only dedicate about a week total to riding roller coasters, and they have to be within a reasonable driving time to Chicago. With those limitations in mind, Magnum is near the top of a very short list....
  7. Magnum is just awesome. It has a great location, with fantastic views, a really good drop, and I love those pops of airtime. Its the first and last coaster I ride each time I visit the point.
  8. I think the whole point is that 80% of cars with hood scoops and spoilers, do not need them. They do not affect the performance of the car, whatsoever. Ever heard the term "put lipstick on a pig"? Its kind of like that. No offense intended, just saying a lot of people giggle when they see cars like that.
  9. Same here I remember doing the math when I was about that age, and finding out that insurance for the year was more expensive than the car
  10. $2400 a year? You're getting screwed, or you're a terrible driver with really bad grades. To fully insure an 18 year old with a brand new (nearly) car? I would charge about that....
  11. This thread reminds me of the BMW Z4 Vs. VW Golf http://tr.youtube.com/watch?v=mjgaxdl-z-g
  12. http://bacolicio.us/http://www.themeparkreview.com
  13. FYI, this cola doesn't contain any more caffeine than a normal cola would. In other words, it's not like Jolt. It's niche is that it is all natural, but it's pretty gross. Give me the artificial stuff please.....
  14. Is that really 8 inches? Looks like less, but I'm probably skewed living near chicago.
  15. This thread reminds me of Indiana beach.....
  16. Its not uncommon to loose fast right off the bat. I'm tempted to pull out the wii fit and work with you here rob.
  17. My wife Jessica, as a Go-Go Dancer, and I'm thinking.......
  18. The one true thing about the stock market, is that no one really knows what is going to happen (with the exception of insiders and maybe Warren Buffet ). It is possible to make a heck of a lot of money by doing what they call "Shorting" a stock, which basically means as the stock goes down, you can get rich..... I would consider that position for Six, but I am not going to. There are plenty of other more appealing stocks that have great upward potential, with not as much risk as SIX.
  19. But it is a slippery slope. Most investors see a reverse stock split as a flashing red light warning that you may need to kick a stock out of your portfolio. As many as 75% of all stocks wind up trading lower after a reverse split. With all the bad news lately, this last ditch effort might buy them some time, but once it comes time for the PIERS dividend, they are toast without the ability to refinance.
  20. SIX getting de-listed will be the final death rattle for this company. Some parks might be saved, others lost. Don't purchase your 2009 season pass, and go get your final rides!
  21. I really don't think it's a good time to invest in SIX. Once your credit is sunk, they are going to need to take drastic measures just to stay afloat. Either way, it's not good for the stock price. If you have that overall sense that they will make it (for whatever reason), I would wait for the price to drop even more. Once that happens, it will probably be OTC since the NYSE usually drops stocks that are below a dollar for an extended period of time. Remember that stock price does not reflect what a company is worth, it reflects what the investors *THINK* it is worth.
  22. Yep, but who is going to buy? People are holding on tight to their money. I say it is the end for six flags. I made a few bucks by buying some when it dropped to to 75 cents a little while ago, and selling at 1.30, but I wouldn't touch it now for anything.
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