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Everything posted by Loopy

  1. I actually performed an experiment with mean streak. It went like this. I had heard hundreds of times how bad mean streak was before I had even been to Cedar Point. The first time I rode it was as an employee during a "ride night" (kind of like ERT for employee's). I rode it twice, and was done. There was no thrill whatsoever, and it was rough. Shoot forward a couple years, I decide to take some friends to Cedar Point. These are people who are not nerds like us, they don't know what TPR is, and know nothing about mean streak. I said NOTHING about the ride before we got on, to get unbiased opinion. They all hated it. They even wished they had not rode it at all. It was that bad.
  2. Hi all. I was just going through some pics from last year. I happened to be at CP when magnum had the collision. I figured some of you might find these pics interesting. Its a good thing the collision happened at low speed. Unfortunatly, my digital camera had broken, so I resorted to some disposables. From the other side, after they pulled the trains apart. Right after the collision, you can see both trains next to each other in the brake run.
  3. So what do you think about that first drop? Think it will be considered an inversion?
  4. ^ Sure, if you want to be close to the park, Santa's lodge is the only place. Personally, for Holiwood Nights last year, we spent all of about 2 hours in the park during normal operating hours, so the drive was not a big deal. If you're not a water park fan, there is not a heck of a lot to do.
  5. I HIGHLY recommend the Days Inn Jasper. Don't let the name fool you, we had a clean comfortable room with snacks, wireless internet, and all the basics. The staff was friendly and it beats the crap out of Santa's Lodge or whatever the name is. For the price, it could not be beat. Also in Jasper is the Shnitzelbank. If you like german food, make a stop there. Awesome.
  6. You might want to hit HW as the Hawg is not scheduled to open until mid may. As for me, I'm surprised everyone is snapping to judgements so quickly. Isn't this a concept design?
  7. My thoughts are on his family and friends. I hope they are coping well with such a tragic loss.
  8. Personally, I don't care how many coasters I, or anyone else have been on. I look for roller coasters that I think look like fun, and don't bother riding kiddie coasters or painful coasters. Don't worry about your count, just worry about having fun.
  9. Ha, I laughed when I read that sign from Coca-Cola "The Dreaded 79 days". You know, it was a huge foul up, and everyone agrees to that. But the funny thing is that the negative publicity actually sent sales (and profits) soaring. It was probably one of the most profitable corporate mistakes in history!
  10. ^ You went on a good day! It was Saturday, the weather was beautiful. Highs in the low 80s. Might have had something to do with it.
  11. Well take into account one train operation on both coasters. I believe Hoosier Hurricane can run 2 trains, but was not that day.
  12. Saturday was the 9th (the day we were there)
  13. Not as much of a TR, rather some random pics. It was a last minute trip, the weather was beautiful. Got plenty of rides on Cornball and Hoosier Hurricane. Here you go..... We arrive at the campground and set up camp. The park seemed pretty full, but waits for never seemed to exceed 20 min. The Tig'rr is a fun coaster. No Restraints! The first drop of Cornball, and the log flume. LoCoSuMo and the antique cars. The Beach Jessica in front of The Hoosier Hurricane First drop on Cornball Express I like this photo, it shows how everything is kind of packed in at Indiana Beach. Another shot of Tig'rr Next up was a ride on the flyers. Wow, these had lots of action. Very Fun! The Air Crow This is a very fun gift shop where I purchased a cornball express coffee mug. Me paying homage to the head We loved walking around after the sun had set. It was a blast. And behind me you will see Indiana Beach...... We hit the Roof Garden Lounge for live music and cocktails. We wound out the night with cocktails at the campsite. I did not post all of my photos here, just the best ones. I have all of the photos posted on my website. Take a look if you are interested. If you would like any full resolution (for a wallpaper or something), let me know. I will be happy to send it to you. Patrick www.CoasterRoaster.com
  14. Sorry if I am not quite understanding. I purchased some tickets off of ebay to save a few bucks. I can do the after 3 promo? Thanks.
  15. Thanks for the TR. Question: The arrive after 3 promo, do you have to buy your ticket THERE after three? I have already purchased my tickets, and I am wondering if I can take advantage? Thanks Patrick
  16. Here are 3 quick steps to becoming, and appearing, more mature. 1. Use "there" when referring to a place, whether concrete ("over there by the building") or more abstract ("it must be difficult to live there"). * There is an antique store on Camden Avenue. * The calculus books are over there on the floor. 2. Use "their" to indicate possession. It is a possessive adjective and indicates that a particular noun belongs to them. * My friends have lost their tickets. * Their things were strewn about the office haphazardly. 3 Remember that "they're" is a contraction of the words they and are. It can never be used as a modifier, only as a subject (who or what does the action) and verb (the action itself). * Hurry up! They're closing the mall at 6 tonight! * I'm glad that they're so nice to new students here.
  17. I have been visiting the Hotel Breakers for 2 years (this will be my third). Me and my girlfriend look forward to the Old Section of the hotel. The 1st year we stayed in the Twin Section, the Second in the Bon Air. To me, it has history. It has personality. Sure its old, and yes, you may smell some mildew. If you can't handle it, pay the extra dough. For me, I can share one queen size room package in the old section for just a bit more than breakers express (same cost practically if you take into consideration parking) the decision is easy. -Patrick
  18. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2006/09/21/eat_a_roach_and_be_the_first_in_line/?rss_id=Boston.com+%2F+News Anyone Hungry? To sum it up, the latest promotion at Six Flags Great America is: Eat a live hissing madagascar cockroach, you get a flash pass to skip a line. (I believe the article is wrong when it says unlimited line jumping privledges. I believe it is only one ride) I'll wait in line personally.....
  19. Oh, my fault. Should have defined it as well: From Merriam Webster Online: Main Entry: sar·casm Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m Function: noun Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut 1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm synonym see WIT
  20. It seems like these boards have been running into this problem a lot lately.... Typical Signs of Sarcasm: 1. or or similar 2. [/sarcasm] or similar 3. Comment is obviously outrageous (i.e. 4d wooden raft coaster) Write these down, and post them next to your monitor. It help while on discussion boards, especially this one. Not trying to be rude, but dude, seriously......
  21. Sandusky to Six flags Great america, (6 1/2 hours) Great america to Six Flags St. Louis.....
  22. How easy is it to get around speaking only English?
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