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Everything posted by TXman308

  1. I actually don't think Rattler is that rough, but I do agree about Mean Streak. Rode in the last car and was very close to thinking I had broken my ribs.
  2. Never thought those trains would be able to look so good.
  3. I wonder if they're going to paint the cable lift yellow, or if they're just going to leave it like it is. Hopefully this means testing will be starting within the next couple of days.
  4. ^The two front seats seem bigger than the others. They must be for the ACEr's.
  5. Is it just me or does the train look like it's made out of rubber.
  6. You're completely right, I was just referring to the last time that I went when Dragster's wait was 45 min. and two thirds of that was spent inside the station. This comes back to the point of if you buy FL on a crowded or light day, but I think they should put you right in a un-congested station for both.
  7. I think that THIS is how the Fastlane should be handled. Instead of slowing down dispatches from guests entering using the exit of the attraction make a simple merge point. That way no one really gets that mad if a guest takes their seat because the lines would have already merged. I am hoping Cedar Point will have merge points instead of exit entrances I would agree If they make sure the stations don't get flooded. I would be upset if I bought FL and then when I got to the station I had to wait an extra 30 min. (cough, Dragster, cough)
  8. What's the problem? It's a straight piece of track with a brake on it. Big deal. It looks like it's right before the final brake run anyway. I really like Shamabuckbuck's track/train color scheme. I was expecting it to look similar to Alpengeist, but it doesn't. That brake is actually on the speed hill right after the tall helix (official name?). I do agree that the trains look great though. Anybody know what the lead car will look like?
  9. I'm pretty sure it is being built by them, and I will bet you a dollar, if it is by RMC, that it will have a loop. I don't know it for a fact, but if RMC has it ready I could see SDC being a sucker for having a looping woodie. Sorry to rain on your parade, but RMC doesn't build wooden roller coasters (unless I'm completely missing something here).
  10. Well MF and TTD stations have been flooded for years, so if FL manages to fix that, that's another good reason why CP is implementing it. In my personal opinion though, exit ramp access would be so much easier, just look at the rides they chose (MF, TTD, Corkscrew, Gemini, PT, MaXair), where, like on corkscrew, one exit from the station could be a regular exit, where the other could be a fast lane line. Just my two cents.
  11. I looked around and didn't see this posted, so here's one of those cheesy national geographic documentaries where they go about the entire construction of Formula Rossa. (Look at the related videos to find the other parts) www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UghKQ3Ln_g&feature=relmfu
  12. I don't think they could do the percentage thing, as you can buy fast lane tickets online. Though I think that they will give out more of them on weekends than weekdays, it will probably be a specific amount. (I'm not certain though)
  13. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, but then it says "exclusive access points". If they're referring to an access point to the ramp, they could be misleading a whole bunch of people.
  14. For the Fast Lane, will there be one assigned row, or will you be able to pick which row you want to go to? I'm primarily talking about dragster, because I think that would probably make people angry if you had to wait twice as long for the front row. Edit: It says on the info page "Separate Ride Entrances". So it won't be right up the exit ramp?
  15. I'm confused? Why is it taking them another two years to open up this coaster? Have they just not started on it yet? Even with all the theming they'll put into it I really don't think it'd take that long.
  16. This ride looks amazing, but it also seems like it might be over quick . I guess we'll wait until we see it testing.
  17. Any word if Verbolten is testing yet? I would like to see how fast it goes down the drop.
  18. Any word of trains being spotted on the track yet (transfer track included)? Only a month or so away.
  19. I think you meant Skyrush's second hill is half that of Magnum's. Has there been any word on a pull through yet?
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