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Everything posted by TXman308

  1. ^He pretty much spends the last half of that video explaining why it is legal. But I really don't want to take the chance it's not. BTW, for those who have ridden it, how dark is it inside. I.E. can you see some of the other stuff in the building or is it truly pitch black.
  2. Just got back. X-Flight was what everyone said: fun and a good addition to the park. I love the general in the station (who tells you ride rules etc.), and the theming did not dissapoint. However the thing I like most about it wasn't the ride itself, but the fact that it took in most of the crowd. Walk-ons to 5min. for everything except for Raging Bull and Superman.
  3. If you looked down another line you'd see this... So is TTD's station no longer filled to the brim? If so that's two wins for Cedar Point.
  4. Nice video of everything going on at the soft-opening. I'll have to make it up to Williamsburg sometime.
  5. So I take it Hanno is the "one TPR guy". Hope this ride is as good as it looks.
  6. Don't know if this has been covered already... but will season-pass holders just be able to ride tomorrow, or can they also ride X-Flight on Sunday (the day I'm going)?
  7. So the ride starts off slow and then speeds up (talking about the cable lift). Is that because of the winged seats? P.S. Anyone else notice the front of the train is missing something?
  8. I'm going tomorrow on a Physics field-trip. Why couldn't this thing be open sooner.
  9. The final price tag was estimated at about 25 million. We had a whole argument somewhere back in this thread and it was decided that filling in the creek for construction was a huge chunk of that. No one (except Hershey and Intamin) knows how much just the "ride" cost.
  10. That video (not just that song, the whole VHS) was what got me into roller coasters. Is it sad that I know all the lines by memory.
  11. Maybe it was that pesky Intamin padding on the restraints.
  12. Imagine the airtime in the back seat during the first drop.
  13. Can't we just stop complaining and be happy B&M built a Giga, in a world class theme park like CW.
  14. It seems Fast Lane will now make it possible to venture to Cedar Point on weekends. I'm still trying to figure out where the "separate entrance" will be on dragster, unless it does end up being exit ramp access.
  15. Steel Eel at Sea World San Antonio has one of the best drops I've been on. It has a pre drop like B&M but it's slanted downward. Insane airtime in the back seat.
  16. Once again we have an example of concept art does not equal the real thing. I'm just happy they didn't put the drop section in a random box like Six Flags would.
  17. Awesome ride. The drop element just seems a little short (distance you fall), but for this coaster it's perfect. Hopefully we see more of these pop up at the other Legolands.
  18. That was my very first roller coaster. Anyways my list includes: Intamin Pre-fab Bizarro Skyrush Mega-lite Etc. Etc. (Notice a trend)
  19. Do they ever test the cable lift just by itself (without a train attached to it)? If all goes as planned than we've got less than a month to go.
  20. I don't think this has been posted yet, but I never truly realized how much interaction Comet and Skyrush will be having. ADMIN EDIT - LINK REMOVED! Cameras are NOT allowed on coasters at Hersheypark. Do not post illegal footage on TPR or your account may be banned.
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