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Everything posted by screaminkid2005

  1. I'm really happy I got to ride this last summer along with Disaster Transport! To bad they couldn't have found a way to build around the tower. RIP buddy =[
  2. Hey Everyone! So at 5am on June 29th, Kyle, Nadine, Greg, and I all began our weekend road trip to PA! The first park of our trip... Knoebels!!! Man have I missed this park! I honestly thought I wouldn't visit the park again for at least a few more years, but I'm glad I had the chance too! We arrived around 10am to a relatively full looking parking lot thinking that they're might be long lines. Wrong! Every ride was a walk on or a one cycle wait except Black Diamond and Phoenix which were three cycle waits at most! Having missed the credit by a little less then a month last season, I was really excited to ride Black Diamond after hearing all the great reviews! While watching the construction of the coaster, I was a little confused as to why everyone was going crazy over it. After riding it, I thought it was amazing for what it was! It had great scenery, pretty decent speed, and great hidden drops (even if they were trimmed!). We decided to only stay at the park until about 4 due to it being about 108*. Over all I thought the park was tons of fun and I can't wait to go back in the future! The Pictures! Such a simple but amazing flat! And they even have a TV showing off its history and rules! Such a great coaster for such a little park! The Haunted Mansions line all day long! =D It's so crazy to think that its ok in PA to walk on the track while the train is cycling! NO GATES!!!! A nice little log flume that gets you slightly wet! My favorite flat at the park! After leaving the park, we decided to drive around Hershey, PA for a little bit to see what the city had to offer. Granted we only cared about one thing! Lightning Racer greeted us as we drove into Hershey! The New Hotness! Can't wait to try this out tomorrow! Hes shy! =[ After driving around Hershey, we drove a half hour to our hotel! After a 6 hour drive in a car with no AC on a 108* day, the only thing we wanted to do is chill and swim. Once everyone recovered from their heat exhaustion, it was time for dinner! Luckily for us, our hotel was on a main road with plenty of restaurants. Everyone decided that we didn't want something that we can get back home and the first thing we saw was Fuddruckers. As soon as I walked into the restaurant I fell in love. Why you ask? <3 While at dinner, we decided to check what the weather was going to be like for the next few days. Saturday and Sunday were going to be hot in high 90's low 100*. Tonight not so much! I opened my phone to see a massive storm heading right for us! It's trying to poke us! Once we were finished eating, we decided to head over to Walmart to get a few things then play storm chasers! The regular view from our hotel. Once the storm came! We watched the storm get worse and worse as the night continued and then just decided to go to bed due to the long day ahead of us tomorrow at Hershey Park! Be sure to post, telling me what you liked, didn't like, and what you would like to see more of! Thanks! -Kevin
  3. Hey Everyone! I just got from a road trip around PA where I went to Knoebels, Hershey, & Dorney Park! Be on the lookout for a few new trip reports over the next few days!
  4. I went to the park on Saturday and rode it for my first time! I thought the ride was AMAZING, but just like everyone else said the restraints are pretty uncomfortable. After riding both the old and new restraints, I agree the new ones are much better. I feel like if they some how changed the shape of the restraints to have some type of curve to semi fit the persons waist area, then it will take some of the pressure off that one area of your legs and make the ride much more enjoyable. I am glad that Hershey is making improvements to ride and I can't wait to see the final result!
  5. I was the only one on Bizarro at SFNEthe other day when the park reopened for a storm. it was great! =D
  6. ^Very true! I really wish they reopened it like they were trying to do in the early 2000s
  7. Hey everyone! Yesterday I took a trip down to Lincoln Park. For those who don't know the park has been sold to a condominium development recently and land clearing has begun. From what I've heard, everything but the Comet will be cleared. Once the site is cleared, they will start demo on the Comet and sell parks of it to viewers and give the money to charity. I'm going to try and cover the demo as much as I can but work is now in full swing so i'm not sure how much i'll be around. Anyways onto the photos! Very little land clearing has begun on this side of the park. A few trees have been removed giving a better view of the Comets entry way. They have begun ripping up the parking lot. More mounds of concrete and dirt. That random shack is still standing... But for how long? Near the Comets turn around is where most of the land clearing is taking place. There's much more land then there appears to be. While it may look like Comet demo has begun, the turn around is just one of the many sections that have collapsed over the years. A view of what's left of the Comet. The parks administrative building that was destroyed in a fire many years ago. One last view of the Comet... I hope it's not my last. Like I said at the beginning of the update, I will try my best to make it out to the park again to see the progress! Hope you enjoyed!
  8. Thunderbolt at Six Flags New England!!! Such a great little woodie!
  9. Hello everyone! So now that school is finally coming to an end and everyone was off from work, we decided to take a drive down to Six Flags Great Adventure! The Details: Time: 10am-6:30pm Weather: 60-75 degrees, Partly Cloudy, VERY Windy! Crowds: Moderate until 2pm, Empty after 3pm! Who: Me, Kyle (BiZaRpErMaN), Allie, John, Sarah, Lindsey, Brittany, and Brittanys little sister Kendra. Notes - The park has greatly improved food service! - All the staff was extremely friendly! - The rides that I saw closed (Skyway & Parachutes) were most likely because of wind. - El Toro was horribly stacking. - Sky Screamer looked great! It tested a few times and I can not wait to ride it!!! The Group! What's that behind the trees? El Toro Signature Shot! So much airtime! Turn around! Medzarro! <3 Sorry but I had to do it. =] For anyone who said Bizarro doesn't ever get a line... Closed for Weather... =[ I see you Sky Screamer! So beautiful! We saw Sky Coaster didn't have a line so we took it over! Tower Bravo you've reached the top, 3,2,1, Fly! =D Swing, Swing, Swing... =] Such a beautiful park! Skull Mountain got a new sign over the off season! Dananananananana Batman! This is how dead the park was by 2:30pm! Time to ride the Ferris Wheel! Such a great view! Green Lantern was a walk on! You know the parks dead when you see this! Superman legit had no line! Thats all for now guys! =D Comment below!!! Tell me what you guys liked, didn't like, and how I can improve these trip reports! Thanks for the feedback!
  10. In about 5 hours I'll be on my way to Six Flags Great Adventure! Be prepaid for a update really soon! =D
  11. That's awesome! I wish I lived near the park so I could enter the contest!
  12. I have to save up some money but it definitely sounds like a possibility!
  13. La La La La La... It goes around the world like La La La La La Around the World- ATC
  14. ^^I'd give two years of a new roller coaster for them to restore Revolution!
  15. Hopefully they'll send out those two flats to other parks! Does anyone know if they're up for sale?
  16. Dam! I didn't know your phone was stolen! I'm sorry When you get a new phone, we can go to some other parks & take a bunch of new pics to make up for it!
  17. ^I was thinking about that! The only problem is I would have to get a passport. It's definitely a possibility though! How expensive is that park on average?
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