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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. Wow, looks excellent. I had no idea it was going to run 2 trains.
  2. Yes, Viper did have 4. Yellow, Brown, Red, and Orange. Not to mention they got GASM's trains from SFGAdv so there should've been no shortage of parts. Tatsu's 3rd train's fiberglass pieces got stored underneath the transfer shed a year after it opened. Riddler's and X2 you can forget about ever seeing 3 train operation again. Goliath might, just might, (If all stars align properly) have 3 train operation for a few days here and there during the summer but is nowhere near consistent.
  3. It's inevitable that 1 of the trains will become a parts donor, however in regards to the up-stop wheels, they are removed when a train needs to be added or removed from the maintenance track.
  4. I know you work for the park so you're a little bias however you can not ignore the facts of his trip report with his mediocre experience. If you were in his shoes would you be happy? (Serious question, not trying to be a sarcastic a$$)
  5. This. The guests that legitimately need the pass, don't b*tch. The guests that do b*tch, don't need the pass and are just angry they can't abuse the system any longer.
  6. A doctors note can always be forged and that's exactly what people will be doing.
  7. If it's policy I understand that. I just thought it would make more sense to go on and unload the guests verses having them sit there. All I know is that the ride ops did not explain it like that, they said it was because they could unload the guests but they could not open the exit. So there would be nowhere for the guests to go. I do not see why pushing 7 footswitches, and unlocking the exit would shut the rides PLC down and reset the fault codes, they must have it interconnected in some weird way. A lockout/tagout switch cuts power to the rides control system. Below is what they normally look like. Once switched into the "off" position, the PLC is shut off. Most newer rides can pull up fault codes while and after being powered down but some older coasters that use relay logic PLCs (Most Boomerangs built prior to 2000 use this type of PLC) lose all data once power is removed. Once powered back up, previous fault codes are lost. So with that said, It seems like it is SFStL's policy to not EVAC a ride vehicle unless lockout-tagout procedures are implemented with supervision and maintenance approval.
  8. Vekoma is allowed to represent and sell RMC coasters outside of the US market. ^Edit: Beat me to it.
  9. If the Boomerang train is parking short, that usually means the station brakes are too loose thus having the train not be trimmed enough when it comes backwards through the station at the end of the cycle.
  10. Wonder if they're using Baynum painting. When I was working at KBF I know they got quoted something like 300K to paint XC so I know TTD must be a solid 500K+.
  11. ^Definitely right. It boils down to "You get what you pay for." Cliche but true. Knott's is an exceptional value but it's no secret that Disney has a sh*tload more to offer. Just like my MacBook I just purchased. Yea I could've bought a $299 PC from Best Buy but I bit the bullet and purchased my MacBook for $1999. Don't regret it one bit.
  12. They raised parking?!?! That's it! I'm canceling our Orlando trip in December.
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