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Everything posted by PennStater

  1. I miss Wonder Wheel! But no, not a Ferris Wheel either. I would like to see one in the park again some day, though.
  2. Others have said that too, but nope! No Windseeker, either.
  3. The front gate area looks surprisingly well for being under water a day ago. I'm sure once you get close up, into the ticket booths, etc. there is considerable damage, though. These pictures of the flooding are crazy! Just think standing in those areas next season knowing that they've been under water. I wish the park luck with the cleanup... and let's hope our Skyrush construction hasn't been hurt too badly!
  4. Anyone else find it interesting the POV is only 1:12, but the ride statistics say it will be 3:28? I suppose the lift hill probably has a lot to do with that...
  5. equals overbank turn. I was thinking, the picture of it doesn't actually look like one.
  6. Element number 3 is a barrel roll, so that's something different.
  7. http://leviathan.canadaswonderland.com/ is up!! Lift height: 306' 80 degree angle descent 92 MPH 3 minutes, 28 seconds Track Length: 5,486' Three 32-passenger trains Eight cars, with four seats per car, per train Fiberglass and steel coaches with lapbar restraints
  8. ^ That's possible too... I'm honestly not sure. I just know the automated kiosk offered me one when I was attempting to purchase a one-day ticket.
  9. ^ My personal opinion is that it is just about as forceful as before, but for a shorter duration.
  10. Call me crazy, but even if I was close enough to the park to warrant a trip for Mach Tower, I still think I'd hold off a couple weeks to make sure there's no "crashing" involved.
  11. It's not always all about how fast the crew is... the guests play a big factor in it too. Although, I have to admit... at a coaster like Diamondback, it shouldn't be that complicated (sit down, pull lap bar down, done.) I guess you have to also take into consideration people placing items into the bins, taking shoes off when they're not supposed to, etc.
  12. Wouldn't the seats generally come attached to the train when it arrives anyways?
  13. I'd be happy with a coaster similar to Kings Island's The Beast being built on the hill and into the valley there. No need to expand the midway. haha
  14. The Afterburn ride op was quite energetic when I visited last week as well... singing happy birthday to a guest and saying she loved everyone. I wonder if it was the same person. I must say, I was at Kings Island for the first time on Sunday, and their ride ops seemed the most enthused and energetic out of KD, CP, Carowinds, and KI. Diamondback went down for 10-15 minutes due to a restraint issue, and while the ride was down the bar checker with the microphone was doing trivia about Diamondback and the park. It was pretty cool!
  15. Yeah, I'm guessing hersheypark.com is getting crushed with traffic. Won't load here either.
  16. I had this problem as well. Took me a couple days to realize I hadn't gotten any notification emails... so I had some catching up to do! At this point, they do appear to be working again, as I received a few today. Thanks!
  17. Exterminator, Ghostwood Estate, and Noah's Ark are all a little further back in the park. From what I understand and from the map we received at the media announcement, guests will not be permitted back that far into the park during the event. The area is not set in stone yet, but don't count on venturing back much further than the Parkside Cafe and Kiddieland. Garfield's Nightmare of course would be a bad idea with potentially freezing temperatures...
  18. I work in the IT Department for Hershey Entertainment & Resorts. All departments were invited - but I'm pretty sure it's just for set-up/tear-down/making sure everything runs smoothly for the conference itself. But, WHILE I'm making sure everything runs smoothly, I will also be paying close attention to the conference I like the way you think!
  19. I was at the park for the announcement yesterday, and everyone seemed pretty excited about it. Looking forward to it!
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