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Everything posted by PennStater

  1. Looks like a great day with a nice small group. If I hadn't just been to the park a few weeks ago, I would have probably tried to make this trip. On a side note... yay Pittsburgh!
  2. I'm wondering why when the ride was designed, they didn't make it so that the cars can only swing left to right (or in and out), but NOT forward and backward. This would keep the spacing between the cars equal no matter what. Wouldn't that make sense, or am I just being silly? EDIT: DiSab posted while I was typing my post, so maybe stress on the joints is the answer?
  3. I totally agree on this one. I experienced Mantis for the first time this past weekend, and as of right now it's my absolute bottom place coaster. Felt like my legs were going to explode!
  4. Done! I'll be making my first trip to the park tomorrow where Blue Streak is actually open and I'll actually go on the rides. Looking forward to it!
  5. Same here... my first Cedar Point trip! I saw them evacuating the car that had E-Stopped at the top of the front right drop. There were one or two people sitting in an ambulance in the midway in front of the ride. I figured it wasn't good, especially when the ride was still closed today. At least I got the credit in... TTD was up and down all day today as well it seemed. We got in line and it went down while we were in the first bullpen of the queue. Waited it out, and then it went down again when we were sitting in the train and next to launch. Waited in the train until they got it back up again and rode. We hopped in line again as soon as we got off since it was basically a direct walk to the platform. When we were about three back from riding, it went down a third time, but we waited it out again and rode. When we walked past a bit later in the day, we saw that it was down again. How common is it for TTD to have days like this? All three times, the mechanics were down on the launch working, seemingly in the same area. I assumed a problem with a brake fin possibly... any thoughts? We also saw Windseeker testing, both at half and full height.
  6. Well then why did the automated Kiosk offer me and my friends one when we live in PA? The first thing it asked for was my zip code...
  7. It seems like it makes sense to fill it in if it would otherwise be empty. The only downside I could see is if a group behind the front group in the third row was trying to ride at the same time as some friends, as they would then be mis-aligned. On another note, however, the park made a great first impression on me. It's definitely a great looking park with all of the trees, flowers, landscaping, etc. The trees are especially nice on a hot day as there are lots of places to get shade. I loved all of the coasters... but Loch Ness Monster when you don't know what exactly to expect.... OWW! I did find it quite interesting that a Fun Card is the same price as a single day ticket. Doesn't everyone just get a Fun Card in that case? Or, is it not always the same price?
  8. I was at BGW with a couple friends for the first time on Sunday, and we were wondering why the second row on Alpengeist was sometimes empty. When we were in line for the third row and it was our turn, we asked an op if we could go to the second row and they allowed us to do so. This explains it!
  9. The thing is... off-seasons are getting shorter and shorter at many parks too with Halloween events, Christmas events, etc.
  10. I do remember seeing that they added a little wooden one at least on the corner of the platform closest to the stairs guests enter from. Can't say for sure about any of the other edges. I do know what you mean about it feeling like it was not quite finished, though, and I think it was probably true. It seems to feel less that way this season, at least to me.
  11. There is in fact air conditioning in the Parkside Cafe this season. They are also enlarging the restrooms in that building. Also, the on-ride photo on Phantom's Revenge was added last season.
  12. I was there yesterday, and the park was looking really good. They made a lot of little improvements throughout the park. As far as I noticed, Volcano and Wave Swinger were the only two rides not open yet. It wasn't TOO busy, but busy enough that they were running two trains on all the coasters... which was nice! A few improvements were made on Sky Rocket. The link between the two cars in the train was lengthened, so the maximum height restriction for row 4 was removed. The seats are also a little more heavy duty this year, and shouldn't come loose or tear off nearly as easily. If you're interested, I posted a very brief trip report with a few photos over at Kennywood Connection: http://www.kpconnection.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4059
  13. Jan van der Velde Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001971185413
  14. Yes, it is. I plan to get my first Blue Streak experience this season.
  15. I was there on Sunday, and Sidewinder was not open yet. Also, Storm Runner was only running one train, so that was our longest wait of the day. The other train still had test dummies hanging out in it.
  16. I very highly doubt that it was full speed... especially if that was its first time through.
  17. Maybe the email itself actually needs encrypted with that 12-digit key. I think there's a way to do it with Thunderbird... I may mess with it if I have some time tomorrow.
  18. We've posted an off-season photo tour of Kennywood over at Kennywood Connection. Check it out!
  19. Okay, thank you. If anyone has any idea whether it will open next month, please let me know. We'll be going either way, I'm just curious whether or not I should expect to be able to ride it.
  20. Does anyone know if Rockit is reopened yet? If not, I'm wondering if it will be in time for Thanksgiving week, as I'm planning to visit then. I haven't heard any updates on its status anywhere lately. Thanks.
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