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Everything posted by PennStater

  1. Nice trip report! You actually do freefall when you're first released on the Skycoaster... so that's probably why you felt that way. I've been on it once... can't wait to do it again!
  2. It's been a few days, so I figured I'd bump this. Still in 2nd place so far... keep up the good work! http://www.refresheverything.com/conneautlakeparkbluestreak or Text 100510 to PEPSI (73774)
  3. Awesome! I'll continue with my three votes per day. We may have a good chance this month after all!
  4. That's good to know... I was sort of giving up there with it not moving, lol.
  5. Might not be in danger after all? Or might be in danger after all?
  6. Very nice! It's in first place now. Let's try and win this one by a long shot!
  7. I'm still putting in my three votes per day (one online, two via text message from two different phones). Five places to move up with only two days left to vote... I'm getting worried. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!! http://www.refresheverything.com/conneautlakeparkbluestreak AND Text 100510 to 73774 (Pepsi) from every cell phone you can get a hold of!
  8. I've been voting three times per day... once from the web site, and once from each of my two cell phones (personal and work).
  9. Ive' been voting every day as well. I've never gotten to ride the Blue Streak, so I can't wait to get the opportunity!
  10. Chances are I'll be there in the afternoon after work, although I already rode it last Tuesday. I bet V.I.P. Coaster Tour passes will sell out tomorrow for sure!
  11. Actually, I'm pretty sure the MCBR doesn't have the ability to stop the trains. They're just magnetic fins, not pinch. I was one of the ACE folks fortunate enough to ride the other night... the Sky Rocket is great! Airtime while upside down is pretty sweet. I can't wait to ride again.
  12. YES! It's currently my favorite wooden coaster. I love it! I can't wait for some Ravine Flyer II ERT at CoasterCon in a couple weeks. The last coaster I rode was Phantom's Revenge at Kennywood.
  13. So far out of what I've been on, I've enjoyed Dueling Dragons the most.
  14. I'm thinking in the "boiler room" area somewhere as you go down one of the hills, but not positive.
  15. From Kennywood.com: It sounds like they're trying to have Sky Rocket open in time for CoasterCon, if at all possible!
  16. I wonder if there's any chance they'd do temporary fencing / railings for the queue like they did when the Bayern Kurve opened last season. Probably less likely with a coaster, I suppose.
  17. I like the way you think. I'm really hoping for some Sky Rocket ERT at CoasterCon!
  18. Ditto all of that... I totally agree. I love the way the logo and design on the front looks. Testing soon hopefully!
  19. Cool! I've been wishing we could see the Sky Rocket from above. Thanks for the link.
  20. The Sky Rocket looks pretty awesome. I can't wait to ride it... hopefully in a couple weeks!
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