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Everything posted by PennStater

  1. Definitely looking forward to this... I can't wait until Saturday!! I think my season pass will get quite the workout as well.
  2. I was there Saturday with a couple friends, and we noticed that as well. They had two trains running on the Lightning side. Gotta wonder how Thunder stalled there... I suppose maybe if it happened on the first test run of the year.
  3. Ahh, sorry about that. Yeah no certain date is set yet for the coaster opening. I was wondering the same... I'll be there one way or another. Work can wait!
  4. Me neither! I'm definitely pumped for it, and will probably be there the first day it opens regardless if I have to take off work, cancel appointments, etc.
  5. Hi everyone! My name is Aaron and I'm from a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. My local park is Kennywood. I worked there for a couple months last season, and have a season pass for this year! I don't have a count of coasters I've been on yet, but it's not TOO many any I hope to increase it a good bit... maybe even this summer! I'll be working on a count here shortly. I work at my local school district full time as the Technology Coordinator. See you guys around!
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