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Everything posted by Tmcdllr

  1. Not a chance. Maverick certainly looks different and for Cedar Point to put in something unique that doesn't try to break some kind of record is a good thing. Amen to that! And so what if it isn't taller, faster, doesn't have a vertical loop, etc. To everyone that has, stop complaining. If that's a problem then don't ride it. Just be happy it's another coaster, a good one. And it's themed. This looks to be a good, fun ride. What's wrong with that? Personally, I think it's a refreshing change to put in a 'normal' coaster and not one that has to break a height or speed record. So what if they didn't break a record this time. There's always the next coaster.
  2. I just heard a rumor the park has been sold but I cannot find anything on the net about it. Probably not true.
  3. What is this piece of track for? http://www.pointpixels.com/4images/details.php?image_id=8090 It's not box, triangular, or flat.
  4. Red is an odd color for a 'water' ride. Like I said before... NOTquatrax.
  5. Well even if you have the best maintenance program in place and it is followed by the letter you can still have odd, unexplained, or major mechanical failures. Mechanical things wear out-that's a fact. But proper maintenance and inspection can reduce major breakdowns from happening by repairing a small problem BEFORE it turns into a MAJOR one. I work in maintenance (not in the coaster industry but the maintenance idea is the same) and I see this kind of thing all the time. If you let little things go which at the time may not seem like much or cause the ride to close, they will only get worse until finally something fails and the ride does not work at all. If the time and effort is taken to follow this procedure the likelyhood of a major breakdown is greatly reduced. I'm not sticking up for anybody just stating the obvious. I don't think it is a coincidence that two major coasters in the same park that are not really that old both have had their lifts 'blow up' within the same season. When was the last time you've heard of this kind of thing happening. Coincidence? I think not. Bad luck? Maybe.
  6. Is there a POV of this ride? Isn't this coaster referred to as "Revolution's little brother?"
  7. I rode it a few times at SFMW, although it was painful due to the OTSRs, I enjoyed it. A coaster with back to back loops like that is a rare thing and would be a unique addition to any park- if only the OTSRs could be removed or modified to be more comfy. And with the cars being quite small to begin with, they really make it a lot more cramped than it needs to be. In my oppinion.
  8. If this is an AquaTrax, where is this piece of track? (On the right) Or is it too early to tell. Is that added to the track and supports or does it come with it?
  9. Where is this one and only AquaTrax located and what is it called?
  10. Sorry thats what I get for posting from my phone. If the site mods would be so kind as to delete a couple of those I would be ever so grateful.
  11. I was there all week and x ran a little on monday and was down all week. You didnt think tatsus pretzel was intense? Get a flashpass and ride in the back row and see if you still think that.
  12. I was there all week and x ran a little on monday and was down all week. You didnt think tatsus pretzel was intense? Get a flashpass and ride in the back row and see if you still think that.
  13. I was there all week and x ran a little on monday and was down all week. You didnt think tatsus pretzel was intense? Get a flashpass and ride in the back row and see if you still think that.
  14. I agree! Except my drive is 6 hours. OMG! I got totally soaked on the Rapids. That is the wettest I have ever gotten on a water ride. So much water came into the raft that it was up to our ankles. It was great!
  15. Sorry i misread your post. You have already been on them. The bottom line is you have nothing to fear and they are completely safe. Just have fun with it, that is what it is all about.
  16. The rides are computer controlled with safety systems and backup safety systems. If the computer senses a problem the ride will shut down- it is completely safe, they are designed and tested to be completely safe. You have nothing to worry about. Or you could look at it this way--- You are about a MILLION times more likely to have an accident in your car on the way to the park than you are on one of the rides in the park, I think that says a lot about how safe they are. Once you get past your first ride, the rest is cake and it suddenly becomes something that is an absolute rush and extremely fun. You'll probably wonder why you didn't do it sooner. PGA is a great place to go on your first coaster ever. Invertigo and Top Gun are exciting rides but some will say tame compared to others. For what they currently have for coasters, those two are the best. If you want to start out with something a little tamer, you could go on Grizzly first, very tame woodie. Then step up to a looping coaster, Demon. Again, pretty tame and a little head banging. Then maybe Invertigo. And finish it off with Top Gun. After you do that, I'm betting that you would ride just about anything. If you can work yourself up to go on Drop Zone, more than once, then you shouldn't have any kind of coaster fear left whatsoever. I wouldn't go on that ride if I were you until you were comfortable with the others first. That thing can really freak some people out. I love it and everytime I ride it just before it drops my heart is racing. But to me it's all fun and excitement and I hope that after you are acclimated to coasters that you will see it that way too and look forward to going on them as do I.
  17. that would be like the opposite of centrifugal force.. it would litierally throw the people out of their seats.. like going around a curve fast that is banked the wrong way I've always wondered if that was possible or if and when someone would actuallt design a coaster with that element- a normal looping coaster with the train traveling outside of instead of inside of the loop-sounds really interesting.
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