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Everything posted by Tmcdllr

  1. Ok so.... Anti rollbacks... Block brake... Then something interesting I never noticed before. Here is the current section of track right after the trim brake at the run to the loop. See where the track is dark, like something used to be there.... Well actually there was something there pre trim. Some large chain driven drive tires...
  2. Why, because a major and popular attraction is down? So what, happens at every park. As with any ride, sometimes things happen that the park cannot control. Whatever the issue I'm sure they are working on getting it back open.
  3. Revolution had 5 trains but, I think only ran a max of 3 at a time. Here you can see 3 trains on the circuit at the same time... Cool info here: The coaster guy/ Revolution schwarzkopf-coaster.net More cool stuff..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fxxQbnjcD8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ida3FgIcB6E From the movie.... Here you'll notice the trains with the original 2 point wheel system... Interesting fact: Revolution's trains originally had the 2 point wheel system but was later modified to the 3 point system. There is excellent footage from the movie ROLLERCOASTER of which you'll notice there are NO TRIMS! And as the train runs the course you'll also notice it was not designed to fly over the hills, but crest them gracefully.
  4. I think the station chain has always been that way and that accident was not that long ago, 1996. From rideaccidents.com... Interesting video from 1978... I remember riding it before the trims, so yes, it did run that way. I would love to see this ride get restored to run the way it's supposed to. The interesting part of the video is you can tell it runs much faster on the final turn as if there were no trims before the loop.
  5. They probably designed it and had it contracted out to be built.
  6. I'm sure if floorless trains were to be used on Mantis they would be designed specifically for this ride so the heart line and other forces are not an issue. They wouldn't just throw any old floorless trains on here if they are not going to work like that.... or maybe they will... who knows.
  7. "She said it will be a while, if ever, before she returns to Cedar Point, or any amusement park. "I just keep playing what-if scenarios in my head. It's a miracle that no one got hurt." I completely understand that. I have a technical question about this ride because I don't know much about it. What is the purpose of these cables?
  8. Thunder and lightning effects around the ride at night would be amazing!
  9. So it appears the cable itself did not break but the mount/bolt/whatever securing it at the top failed.
  10. So you guys staged a diary tied to this ride to be found by someone during the walkback? OMG THAT is SO COOL!!!!!
  11. I think the main question was how the modern day farm themeing played into the story. I think the issue is no one has ever heard of this legend before. I'm a pretty big history buff and never heard mentions of the Thunderbird tribes of the northeastern parts of the US. How would a pilgrim even know what a Thunderbird was if it was isolated in Northwest US/Britich Columbia area indian folklore. Over thinking this just a bit? Not at all. The park prides itself in being the first theme park and even bragged about last night. Then they announce a the name for their biggest coaster and it is complete stretch for the Thanksgiving area. I'm excited to see if the ride delivers but think the name makes no sense. I think I see your point. I keep forgetting this is HOLIDAY World and that the areas are themed to that, I've never been to this park so it's easy to forget that. Thunderbird.... Thanksgiving...... hmmm.... that's very interesting. But, since this is probably made up it could be anything they wanted it to. I mean, the story fits the area doesn't it?
  12. Aren't LSMs sort of limited to a certain speed? (at least for now, in terms of efficiency) If that's true maybe because these trains are so huge that's why they are only 5 cars.
  13. Since this is a first for B&M this coaster is also a test. A test for them to see how well the launch system works for this ride (or maybe their other) types, which means the next launcher from them could be much bigger. Maybe that's already happening. Maybe this particular ride was the perfect size/layout for HW and the 'next' one could be much more. I'm really happy and excited for HW, this ride is absolutely perfect for them. But I'm even more excited to see what's down the pipe for B&M launched coasters..... could there be more?
  14. Could not agree more. It is a shame. All this worrying about theming and forces and elements.... why not just ride to, oh I don't know, HAVE FUN? No wait, that's too simple, that won't work.
  15. I think the main question was how the modern day farm themeing played into the story. I think the issue is no one has ever heard of this legend before. I'm a pretty big history buff and never heard mentions of the Thunderbird tribes of the northeastern parts of the US. How would a pilgrim even know what a Thunderbird was if it was isolated in Northwest US/Britich Columbia area indian folklore. Over thinking this just a bit? Over thinking or nit-picking?
  16. Ok then. I agree with you that I'm sure B&M would not do something unless they were sure it would work, actually any coaster manufacturer for that matter. And yes this is a new field for them and being the first of it's type for them there is the possibility that it might be buggy- not a big deal, happens all the time. That's what the testing phase is for. But the technology has been around for awhile now and by now I would think that these types of launch systems in general would be pretty well figured out, I mean it's been done so many times now, so in that respect I would say there is less likely to be problems than if this technology was brand new. And you gotta figure, all these companies launching coasters- it's all basically the same technology, the difference is the train and ride design, that's pretty much it. Will there be problem? Eh, don't know, but if there are I expect them to be minor and something easily corrected during testing.... not any different than any other launched coaster using this technology.
  17. Yes, but at least we won't get as hungry in the afternoon ... LOL!!! I just want to say HW did a great job with this one and this is one enthusiast (because a previous poster said ALL enthusiasts were let down- NOT TRUE) that is really excited to see this bird take flight. First you say you can't expect this ride to have good reliability and that (for all we know) it could be "plagued with problems", then you say you don't think B&M would ever put something on a coaster that would cause reliability issues unless they were 100% sure it would work which contradicts your previous statement.... so which is it? And no other coaster manufacturer would ever put something on a coaster that would cause reliability issues unless they were 100% sure it would work? Come on....
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