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Everything posted by methos

  1. I expect that to get a ton of backlash. If they make everyone use the test seat that will slow down the line and if they make only people who appear to be "questionable" about fitting on the ride, that is also going to cause problems. People are going to be singled out which they aren't going to like, especially those that know they can fit. i agree, why go through so much trouble to do this and pay some one to do it when it would be much easier to get a more accommodating set of lap bars that would allow more people to ride, this has become so insanely strict since the accident a few years ago, their is about zero tolerance, many people who once could ride no longer can. why not get the retirants like el toro or something to alow for more riders and to be more comfortable.
  2. Park gm was on hand for the ace superhero event. he did confirm that the new coaster is a mack mouse style that they will be concentrating mainly on the theme and effects of the ride. He said "The theme will cost as much as the new ride" as well as they will add johnny rockets for 2008. They are slowly changing the south end into Gotham. That's the good news. Bad news is the fallowing rides will not be back next season. rodeo, catapult, konteki, kiddie bumper cars, double trouble. Also mentioned to not have a solid status is that the batman stunt show may have some thrilling replacement, park would not confirm weather or not this is the new coasters location or if it was to be a new show. One positive note is that the re-themed swings were to be remove this season for wiggles world but the park rides manger did not like the idea of removing such a classic park staple ride. So they re-themed it and added it to what will be the Gotham section of the park. The gm also mentioned they have bid to paint m.e. , flashback and thunderbolt waiting on corporate approval. Reasoning for ride removal varied from low ridership to mechanical issues. Much of it is part of a major 20 year plan for the park, witch would eliminate the dead end paths making circular ones so you can travel the park better. They are also going to fully staff rides next season, use mandatory lockers at rides like superman batman and the new dark knight coaster to help speed loading times, riders will be required to use the test seat and height sticks to enter the line for the ride. No loose articles into the line like at many cf parks and fl parks. Idea is to up capacity of all current rides. Superman was confirmed down till next season it seams to fix the issues with the lift chain some track will be removed altered and put back into place. that's it for now. Kontki was said to be rethemed and readded at a later date. Other then that all rides status is unknown.
  3. Man thats so not cool, I have not been all year yet and was headed for frightfest. Both my parks are suffering with B-dash only running a single train last i knew and superman down.
  4. Thats freddie in a nut shell, but yes superman dominates all, may the force bow down to its greater coaster! I even see will in that one but I am missing in the back of that boat.
  5. Good pictures Will, love rumbler with the headlights on. Casey in the death machine, I had a lil discomfort in the very restricive and tight trains it must have been murder on him.
  6. Mystery mine wasn't rough,heck you haven't seen rough till you ride t2, but yea I love the sudden unexpected changes in direction on the mine. Evan I wish I would have taken video of the drive to cinci, that fog was crazy, and well their were many interesting things along the way. Make a legal U-turn!!! Voyage is a sick coaster, its not rough it has lots of airtime and is one of the most intense rides i have ever been on. Raven was fantastic. Legend was not bad, not top ten but not bad (sorry freddie i did say not top ten). Holiday World is a great park all around, its a must visit just like Dollywood. Both parks have nothing but good coasters, and some cool flats too. How many oasis credits did you get?????
  7. Any one going to the great escape this Sunday, or any one live in range and wanna make a meet up?
  8. coaster 200 rocked my socks. thunderhead is amazing, sorry to all the rumbler fans on the uk trip but thunderhead was hands down the better woodie. i love both of them though, both top ten coasters. mystery mine was amazing theming un expected changes in direction, far different then i expected. i loved it, kept me guessing as to what was coming next. tornado best arrow looper hands down. this ride is tucked in to the hillside trees and speed not to mention a huge loop and sweet first drop into a tunnel. blazing furry is a cool ride must be ridden to understand, not explainable. just fun sidewinder is the best wet "not so dry" slide ever. its fast and on the verge of out control and down a hillside with trees and shade. take not sfi trees and shade help make better rides. dollywood is defiantly a must visit. i must say though the scariest ride of the trip was the car ride to cinci
  9. how i miss holiday world, what a great park. Tomi great photos, gotta love that overlook. everyone liked my zoom up on voyage lift spot lol. I hope i make the ptr sometime.
  10. 2 of those deserve a wtf???? 130 cats and all those people in a wave pool. i wounder how many people drown in that pool The slip and slide looks like a lil to much free time and i was waiting for a serous injury lol
  11. nice pictures will, my 200th is missing at dollywood thunderhead rocked. ohh yea voyage #1 wood hands down
  12. its nice to see the parks through the eyes of someone who is not used to the us norms. its funny to listen to what we have that makes no sense. tomi loves to pick on the automation of our society. i never really noticed the amount of "lazy people" devises we have in our country. i would like to thank tomi for showing them to us. as for the ptr its great. i love the fact some one other then me was able to like coney island. it may be a permeant carnival but its still fun.
  13. beep beep beep, does a laptop count tomi, i love the texting with ryan one. it was even better to see it the hand done way in your book. the casey one is great. you do such a good job. i guess getting left by the bus was not funny enough. video of bus coming soon
  14. terrance you are just to funny, the photos you take are great, the spinning mouse e stop video was also great. keep up the good work, looking forward to more funnys from you. the last picture is priceless though.
  15. Ok guys some things we missed on photo trips so far some other funny signs Lost on way to tenn? For all the stautue photos on the trip some one posted a sign Redneck navigation mounting Best haircut of the week Glad to know others have bad grammer and typos too. WTF? A porn and toy store Religous icon how is this posible next to? Definatly in the south now
  16. lol Am I the only one who noticed beast in the back seat to be extremely rough? I had a great time. hope to see everyone on the trip, " Except rude people who think they have the right to yell shut up to some one who they are not even talking too " in my neck of the woods soon. I will have some funny video from my bonus pki day soon.
  17. have fun at kennywood, hopfuly we may be able to catch up in pki, i may post the 7 hr ptr of greyhound.
  18. It was great seeing you. hopefuly i can get down their wit lil cam soon
  19. Yea we have to give a shout out to the crew at Timberfalls. Last nights thunderstorm fried the sensors on avalanche, and cause some issues with the flume, but since we are here they worked their tails off and got avalanche going. They brought in all the help they could find and guess what, avalanche is worth it, its an awesome coaster and worth a side trip to get it. Air time is insane, just a cool coaster. As for Hades, Cyclops Zeus and the rest of the dells, well Cyclops last row is absolutely crazy, the airtime is beyond ridiculous. what a blast. Hades is a great ride too, the tunnel is so long, and twice over at that speed. This park was also camera friendly when it comes to video, so look forward to that when i return home. Oh can some one please post the pictures of the several tackles and the wet towel snapping contests too?
  20. Voyage > Balder end of story. Speed Airtime and Ohh yea ride it night for the most insane crazy ride ever and most of us rode the coaster. This ride is just plain awesome. a true #1 coaster!!!!!!! Holiday World is a great park with an awesome staff and great rides. We had a wonderful day. Mullet count is still on the rise though. 15 mullets so far seen on midwest trip and pre mid west dollywood and my first reverse mullet picture to be posted soon!
  21. Myself , What now and Willmontu are hitting up Dollywood on august 1st. Any one in the area that wants a meet up?
  22. One happy set of Husband and Wife out enjoying a nice park. Congrats you too you both look great. Was drop zone running when you were their ted?
  23. if i wasn't gonna be in midwest i would join you at many of them tip, if you like water rides funtown now has a tornado water slide, lines at funtown are normally non existent so i would bank some time for the new slide sfne has a awesome water park but it tends to be very busy too. the water coaster and tornado are the best water rides their. also catapult aka swat is a ride to keep an eye on. it is often up and down most of the day. make sure to ride canobies roosters, frisbee, wipeout psycodome and of course the yankee cannonball. hope you have a great trip.
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