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Everything posted by OldJJman

  1. Ok. After today's update, I started nosing around a bit. First off, if you DO NOT have the "Duff Racer" ($250,000) and the "Duff Beer Wagon" (50 donuts) they are now available. Since they're not actually "NEW" items, they're already for sale in your store. There will be a Superbowl questline. At some point you'll get a new Duff Blimp (w/o Barney's face) and a rumored 7 donuts. That questline should end next Tuesday. No confirmation whatsoever of a Valentines Day update, but.... the rumors surrounding it say it will/might happen, shortly after the Superbowl questline. (I also found that there are no new episodes till 3/9. Not sure how true that statement is.) As far as level 39 - the only thing that I've found is that the fire station is still prominently in the files. Not much else so far. Sorry.
  2. Universal Orlando is one of my favorite places in the world (behind TDS, and Europa) and I haven't been there since I saw the construction of Potterville (and the decimation of Dueling Dragons) and I still see no reason to return.
  3. After Homer has his brain freeze, Lisa triggers the next task *IF* you bought the Blue Haired Lawyer. That's NOT the courthouse questline. For the courthouse (at least until you build it) all you need is Wiggum, and Comic Book Guy (at some point). At least that's what I've found.
  4. I'm assuming that's the one. I got the lawyer - pretty funny dialogue. If Homer is needed, I'm screwed as I just sent him on a meeting with the lawyer for 12hrs. There is also a grocery store, which is a 24hr build.
  5. If you noticed, I got rid of my slums. Besides, they seem to have fixed the static rollover amount. When I made all those donuts, it was stuck at maxing out about 192,000 for 3-4 months. Now my next rollover is set at 1,795,000. I'm only at about 950,000. Stupid EA.
  6. Ok I think it's time for Elissa to put all of her peeps on 24hr tasks so the update will come! (Edit to add: the judge and the courthouse have been u/l to the game files. Update expected tonight or tomorrow. NOT necessarily a level 38 though.)
  7. Ok. Some thing's I've found out: People that were playing across 2 different platforms (android/iOS) have lost the ability to log into their towns. The courthouse, judge Snyder and the Blue-haired lawyer have all been found in the game files. No mention of the monorail. Manjula and Mary Spuckler are rumored for a valentines update. This next update may include multiple levels that will be upgraded as a person completes each level, as opposed to the general lump sum one level at a time that they've done for the last year. Possible tie-ins with the heading on the App Store update. (Rumors) Sideshow Bob may become a playable character. "Who shot Mr. Burns?" is a possible scenario. Some things still in the game files: (but in a sub-directory, aka: junked) Greenpeace Boat Khlavkalash Stand Knight Boat Nooglenog Billboard Satan's Anvil Worlds largest toilet Hal Roach Apartments MyPod posterboard Camping Tent Ice Cream Cart Mayan Marge That's all I've discovered so far. Edited to add: As of right now, you can't delete people from your friends list in the app, only add. You still can delete them, but you need to log in to Origin on a PC to do it. Not sure if the max # of friends has changed or not. the real update is expected Thursday/Friday.
  8. That would be my guess as well, since the auto update that accompanied it was fairly small. I'll be checking the forums when I get home tonight and do some snooping around.
  9. Ok. Update available in the App Store. But, nothing has triggered for me. The description sounded good, but I've got nothing so far. Stupid EA.
  10. Ok. All of my peeps are free in anticipatation of the ending of the Christmas event. (Except for Prof. Frink, because I accidentally tapped on his exclamation point. Now he's on a 4hr task.) Talk on the boards has been minimal, with a reminder that last year when the Christmas event ended, an update didn't come until 2 days later (I don't remember that, but OK) someone did mention that the Simpsons Valentine episode airs on 1/26, so that may be coming. Some are hoping for some sort donut reward for unused spin tokens (I have 63) but those who seem to be "in-the-know" kinda doubt it. The consensus seem to think (like last year) the next update will be like last years, centered around Valentines day, and no major update until after that (new level(s) etc...) I'm tired of the snow. Time to hurry up and wait...
  11. Though I am NOT a fan of twitter, I like the smaller size of the main picture box. That being said, having the twitter feed there, probably saves you time in announcing certain updates, so having it there to scroll thru does have its advantages.
  12. I got the update on my iPhone, and immediately sent Komiku (?) on her 8 hour quest. Got home last night, and updated the iPad. Komiku was nowhere to be found on either device. Closed the app, opened again, she was still gone. Decided to sleep on it. This morning, nothing. Logged out of the app on my iPad, and the dialogue box announcing her arrival popped up again on the iPhone. Started the 8hr quest again. Then I logged back in to Origin and everything was ok. Kinda weird. Yet, I checked the boards, and no one else seemed to experience this. Oh well. On a side note - I wish I could help those with the "wheel of $1000 deaths". I'm up to 47 spin coins - I'd love to be able to give them away.
  13. I think it went something like - *IF* you didn't have enough decorations up, a dialog box would pop up telling you how/what to do. When completed you got $$ and XP. But not much. I haven't seen any more written about it though.
  14. Even though you're a Packer fan, I still voted for you. Good luck Shawn!!
  15. By the looks of things - we should get that later this afternoon, or at the latest, this evening.
  16. Just checked. It extends the Christmas update for another week, till the 14th.
  17. I've read about others having this problem. Some have it, and done don't. I'm up to 22 tokens, and still counting.
  18. Evidently, EA is being generous on New Years Day. Apparently, there will be 4 tasks. First two pay 2 donuts. Third one pays 6 donuts, and the forth only pays $100. But, 10 donuts is 10 donuts.
  19. I was bored when I got home today, so I built a drag strip. Yeah. I have no life.
  20. No problems that I've noticed. Yes, but it wasn't until the 71st spin (71,000 gift cards) that I got my final item, the Helter Shelter.
  21. It took 71,000+ gift cards, but I finally got everything on the spinning wheel. Also, broke the 60mil mark, so I uprooted all my housing farms (made tracts out of some of them, lot of work to do) so I bought the Popsicle tower and magnifying glass just for fun. Bring on the next challenge!!
  22. Pretty much. You also get credit for decorations, etc... at the end. Then there are the sub-plot quests for: Santa Flanders Barney as the Plow King Mr. Cossington
  23. I'm doing the exact same thing!! Right down to leaving Homer and Lisa in the treehouse.
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