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Six Flags Enthuseast

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Everything posted by Six Flags Enthuseast

  1. Yes. Kind of......... Do you like cheese pizza?
  2. Well, now that I'm back from Illinois (Sears Tower was awesome!), I have a suggestion for the Tree Cutter. Put a few short trees as if the tree cutter was really cutting them. Also, color the like it was a saw blade. I also noticed that the path in front of the Final Rest was full of barf. Check to make sure a handyman patrols there.
  3. Hold on, you're from Belguim, but you're going to Wild Waves?!?!!? That's here in Washington!
  4. )Yes, however the handles are ripped up a little bit so it's painful to jump for long...... Do you like Cedar Point? (Kinda obvious, eh?
  5. Speaking of dogs, there was this one yesterday in Iowa that was loose. She was REALLY annoying! She kept running around my Uncle Dave's house and slobbering everywhere. Then she ran out into the street and nearly got run over by a car. Has anyone ever tried that?!?!? P.S. If you have, PLEASE STOP DRINKING AMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. BkkMan13 : "It's like, how Six Flags America is keeping The Ultra Twister from Astroland in storage, why don't they bring it out and run it again." Actually, I've heard that it was damaged beyond repair once it was removed from Astroworld. So were a couple of others I think.
  7. In the middle of Seattle, my aunt who had come to visit Washington was walking around with us, and this begger was like "Excuse me m'am, do you have some money? I'd like to get a chicken sandwitch at Subway, please. I don't have any money, so can I have some please? Just a little bit." "*sigh* Fine, here's $5." It was kinda freaky....
  8. I LIKE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well, mine would be Mr. Six (possibly RIP soon ) Dancing at SFoF in the middle of a hurricane. May have to change it soon.......
  10. What I thought was weird was that, here at an Iowa BP in Belle Plain, it costs less for silver than it does for regular. $3.24 maybe and $3.48 I think. And neither of the states I've traveled through so far (Illinois, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, you get the picture) have had any fuel shortages so far.
  11. Do you have one from Washington yet? I'd be happy to help! Also, since I'm in Iowa for a little bit longer, do you want one from here too? I even have one from Cedar Point if you don't have one.....
  12. I'm glad to see some improvement and I hope they replace it with something good. But I understand how Window feels; my local park Wild Waves has a coaster called Wild Thing. Although it was one of the first inversions I had done on a coaster, it's way too rough and I think would be better off replaced by something bigger and better.
  13. Wow! The landscaping is fantastic! I can't wait for the Southwest part. P.S. Where can I download those Old Spice Corkscrew Supports?
  14. ^^Man, that one would be hard to resist! Maybe you could combine both of our ideas. You could make 3 sides of the building closed, and one side opened, and you could raise the land at the same time! Imo that would combine everything and create a unique experience never before experienced on a flying ride! But that is my 2nd idea.
  15. For the challenge, I'm suggesting you raise the land for it, so it'll feel more like you're FLYING, and not just 'flying.' And a great job with the rest of it! You could be the next Kraken of RCT2. Just don't lie! Anyways, keep up the good work.
  16. Ok, sorry for the hold up. I finally managed to smooth the terrain, plus add some features to it that make it more fitting. I also added trees and other stuff. And, because I was gone for a while, quite a lot has happened! You'll see what I mean......... Overview. Ooops! Forgot to take a shot of Scream! and Mouse Trap, the two starting coasters! Sorry about that. Some trees were added to make it a little bit more friendly. And teaser for you to figure out....... The enclosure was just filled with a couple of elephants. The carousel. It was naughty, so it gets a "down-time" out! The entrance to the ferry next to the giant wheel.
  17. Unless it's a secret, what do you have planned next? An addition to this already great park would be interesting.....
  18. Actually, I've made a few RCT 3 parks before, but not nearly on the level of these professionals! They really are pros at this, but I'm kinda good. And I have an idea! Not only can we make our own parks, but why not try seeing what happens when we do the parks that RCT 3 has begun for us? At least we don't have to come up with names or anything! I know it may sound boring and a bit uncreative, but it could make it easier on beginners. Just an idea.........
  19. Holy crap! 2nd account, iPhone scam, is he a victim, cheater, liar! Ahh! Patrick "It's the End of TPR as we Know it (in some sections)" Carnahan
  20. Dang! Too hard to understand! 2nd account for him, possible lying, iPhone! Ahhh!! Ok, I get the iPhone thing, and how he could've been using it to make posts, but I don't know what to believe! Liar, cheater, victim? Patrick "It's the end of TPR as we Know it! (in a few places)" Carnahan
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