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Six Flags Enthuseast

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Everything posted by Six Flags Enthuseast

  1. I've been having trouble with downloading Gadgets Coaster Goodies, you know, the one with the cool brake fins, wheels, catwalks, etc. Can anyone provide a link or site that I can download it from? I found Vodhin hard to work with. If possible, find one that's like Steelworx, where it has a zip folder that's easy to extract and download. Or if it's hard, just find a link. Please help me, because I plan on possibly uploading coasters to the site. Thanks for your help! You can also PM me with details.
  2. Aftershock for me, though technically it opened as Deja in 2001. Or 2002............
  3. Although as Deja vu had a whole bunch of queue, Silverwood made it a bit more "easy." If you remember, you typically entered the loading station on the left, exited on the right. They kept that the same, but the queue is just one that held a lot less people. Deja vu held may be 3 hours worth of peeps on a very busy day. Aftershock had only 40 minutes wait spilling into the midway. And it seemed pretty busy. I personally should expect to see an hour & 1/2 at least for a ride of this magnitude in this small of a park.
  4. Biggest what? JJC? New S:TE?!?!?!? Yeah, I didn't think so. Maybe the new coaster at the Nurburgring that'll launch from 0-134.5 mph in 2.5 seconds?
  5. Dang! This looks interesting. I have a Serpent Spiral Coaster, but I had to get my uncle to do it! I'm just bad at it! But yeah, keep this going! It looks really cool!
  6. Mamma Mia! This is a bit hard for me. Intamin made the tallest, fastest breed of coaster to date. B&M made the flying, stand-up, and hyper coaster. It's like asking weather you'd ride Goliath at SFMM or Millennium Force. Wait, everyone would say MillF! Except for my mom, she'd be Goliath all the way! It's her favorite coaster. But if it was between the brands that make them, I would say B&M. They make the flyer, they made some good stand-ups, they made good inverts, and they continue to make pretty good hypers. Didn't they make the floorless ones too? And I notice they USUALLY put more catwalks on the lifts, and they do it on both sides, so I feel a bit safer.
  7. Hey WillMontu, I have a question. Have you ever considered your RCT2 park? I haven't seen you update it in a while.
  8. There's too many cool names out there! I like Mr. Freeze, V2: Vertical Velocity, most of the Superman names, Top Thrill Dragster, Kingda Ka, Goliath (kinda, I just like the big sign at the SFMM one), Millenium Force, Wicked Twister, Ultra Twister, Deja vu (kinda), X2............................ Dang, there's probably a few more, but I can't think of them all!! Just goes to show you how many good coasters there are along with their names.
  9. Thanks! Now I get it. So I would think maybe Disco Flashback at WW is maybe a good one. Maybe that Disco "Coaster" at that park in Germany might be good, too. Your theory on what a JJC is seems to make sense. It seems believable, I guess.
  10. Fortunately, I'm going to a friends B-Day party, and it's turning out to be a nice day. Unfortunately, it's not at Wild Waves, my local park. It's at a pool on Washington's Bainbridge Island. But we did go to WW yesterday, so I guess I had a little bit of a pre-celebration.
  11. Mine would be Viper at SFMM. 7 inversions: 3 loops (2 back to back), a butterfly loop (counts as 2), and two corkscrews. For those who might consider GASM at SFGAd, that has the same inversion layout. Scream also has 7............. Ahhhhhhh!!!! I've been on lot's of coasters with 7 inversions! Maybe since I went on Scream before Viper, that would be mine. So either Scream or Viper would be mine.
  12. First off, I was reading an update, and I've been wondering what a Jeff Johnson credit is. Does anybody know that might be able to tell me? Second, what ride/attraction might you consider to be the "Ultimate Jeff Johnson credit?" I was just wondering......... Patrick P.S. for those who were reading my Silverwood update, I have the computer up & running. I'll get the EasyShare going ASAP.
  13. Wow, just as I was getting ready to post some pic's, my computer goes crazy, randomly restarting and never getting out of it! And now I have to do PC Recovery, which erases all of my files! Thank's life! I'll try to get my PC going ASAP, but for now, more waiting. *sigh* Patrick "Viruses and worms really suck" Carnahan
  14. Thank you for being patient, because it's reward is here! Mom says I have to go to bed , but I'll post the rest tomorrow! Patrick "Finally found out how to take, shrink, & post pictures on TPR" Carnahan Wow! Thank goodness we got our tickets at our hotel, and for reduced prices! We would've been waiting forever in those lines. I spy with my little eye...... PAIN! Too many welcome signs!! This is a good sign............. Maybe....... Silverwood Sign! Yay! Note the 2 black Chevy's in a row. 100_0965.mov To begin with, a vid of Aftershock with my own added-in crappyentary.
  15. How do I shrink them? I got the images, but they're too big. I was at summer camp today so sorry I didn't reply sooner.
  16. I solved the problem! I just had to push a button on the dock. Such a simple fix! Now I've never done this before, so how do you post photo's and video's? P.S. It was actually the number of gummy bears I ate on the 6 hour road trip.
  17. I finally got home! But one thing. I hooked up my Kodak EasyShare and it doesn't seem to be loading the photos. I connected it to the computer, but nothing happened. So I finally got the software working but now it's unable to detect my camera. I'm probably going to have to wait until later on tomorrow. Sorry to disappoint you all. Patrick
  18. Hey everybody! I just finished up Silverwood, and I have a pleasant surprise for everybody. Aftershock is now my favorite coaster in the northwest! Not like that's saying much, but it was the standout at Silverwood. How did they do this? How could a Vekoma be a standout? Did Silverwood make some improvements? Did it get better by itself? Did they send it to Vekoma to improve? Post what you think they did here. P.S. I'll post some pictures when I get home later on tonight.
  19. I have a Kodak Easyshare, and if you use it for random park photoshooting and/or taking short videos, it's almost unbeatable. It has different modes that set up the lense to different conditions. For example, it has Auto for normal picture taking, sport for when your moving or when the subject is moving, video if you want to take a video (limited only by the space on the memory card), and a few modes that I haven't used yet. And you can change them at the spin of a small wheel. It is a bit expensive, $300 for the model we got, but it is fantastic for TR's.
  20. Yes, I know I should've spelled Enthusiest correctly, but I wasn't paying attention. That's what you get for being 13; you just think that everything you do is correct and you just ignore it. Oh well....... Well, this is my second day at Silverwood, Sunday, July 27th, so I won't post my photos 'till later. Anyways I'll explain my trip. We started on Friday at the Bremerton Navy Base. We met up with Cathy, her daughter Rachel, and Cathy's friend Justine at 10:30 or so. Right before we left we did some shopping at the NIX (Navy Exchange). So we left a little while later. About 40 minutes into the trip we passed Tacoma, the southern most port city in the Puget Sound. We decided to stop to get something to eat. Rachel wanted to get Carl Jr.'s so we stopped there. I waited 'till Arby's. Obviously I was pretty desperate. After Tacoma we continued on. I watched some TPR DVD's that I had just bought, and I have to say they're great! Next stop was this random rest stop in Southeast Washington. We took a bathroom break and I even spotted a nice BAM M3 Convertible. We headed down the road and we stopped at this random market place just off the highway. We took another bathroom-break and we got some fruit. I got some gummy bears and I counted 112. Yum! Finally, we stopped at a BK for a more *Proper* meal. We continued on 'till We finally got to the boarder and we got to our hotel, which has THE most uncomfortable beds EVER! But that was the least of my concerns. The strip malls.......... There were none. There was a Cabella's. That was good enough I guess. So we slept and went to Silverwood the next day, but not before we stopped at Wal-Mart. And that's when I found the mother of all snacks.... Reduced Fat White Cheddar Chez It's! So we finally reached Silverwood. We walked around the park and we got a locker. We began with Timber Terror, and it's Ejector airtime central! But it was nauseating and jerky, so that detracted from the ride. But then Aftershock brought things back up to speed. Seriously, I can say for the 2nd time in my life (Expedition Everest was 1st) that a Vekoma was the highlight of the day. They must have improved it a bit. It was pure awesome, and the intensity was wild! Definitely a great improvement. So then we rode Tremors(>Timber Terror), then we had lunch. Then we did Thunder Canyon (Rapid's ride) Then the Corkscrew(<<< Oh crud, gotta go. I'll report more later after we've gotten back. Patrick
  21. Hey everyone! I'm a relatively new user and I ADORE playing Mario Kart Wii! It's one of my favorite games and I hope I can participate in a tournament if one can be staged. My wireless router isn't working, but I'll give my Wii #: 6302-4005-6330-6282. That isn't my actual MKW#, but as soon as I get the router working and an internet connection established, I'll be able to get my number out. BTW, my name is Patrick C., so if you'd like to register me please put me under that name. Yay! Can't wait for lots of people to do Mario Kart Wii tournament!
  22. Please continue with this park! I even have a suggestion for the SF area: build a realistic S:TE. Make it launch to it's acclaimed top speed of 100mph (really only 80mph these days) and give it a mile of extra track above the 200ft it already reaches, you know to keep it from flying off the track during an over-launch? (that's unlikely, but you want to be realistic, don't you? ) For the Florida area, maybe a Montu? Kumba? Space Mountain? Kraken? If you're considering Space Mountain, go to amazingearl.com; he's made some cool stuff, including Space Mountain themed cars!
  23. Thank you! I'm glad to have someone complementing me even though I've literally been a member for a few hours. I can't figure out how to add an avatar, change my info such as where you live, weather you like donkeys or not ( I do ), etc. Can you tell me really quick?
  24. Hi! My name is Patrick Carnahan. I'm a 12 year old (almost 13 on September 21) boy who really wanted to join this site, and I'm glad I FINALLY got my account activated. I began liking roller coasters and themeparks in late 2004, when I went to Wild Waves, my local park in Federal Way (approx. 1 & 1/2 hours from Seattle) in Washington. They have a few good rides and, this year, they added my favorite flat ride EVER: Disko Flashback. But I really began liking coasters on our trip to SFMM. Robb, you're really lucky to live near my favorite park (that goes for Elissa too)! I live in Seabeck, also about an hour & 1/2 via ferry from Seattle. It's a small place, not very big at all, but pretty quiet and very peaceful. I really love riding coasters and going to parks, but aside from that I enjoy just hanging out at home playing RCT2, RCT 3, No Limits, etc. I also kinda like basketball and talking with friends on the internet. I really hope sometime I can get an update on Wild Waves 'cause I've never seen an update on it. Also, once I figure this out, I may post an update on Silverwood. We're going on the 27th, so hopefully Aftershock'll be open. Well, that's all from me. Hope to go on a trip sometime and I give best wishes to everyone on the site, especially new members. See you on the boards! Patrick C P.S. If you have any cool RCT tracks/parks, you can post them on Coasterfuel.com; I have an account on there too. P.S.S Favorite Coaster: Revolution @SFMM or Hulk @ IOA. Favorite park: SFMM, soon to be Cedar Point. Coaster Credits; ??????? Too many to count.
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