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Everything posted by Kroger8

  1. Ha^ I think that holds true for everyone, I think it will be called Mr. Pibb by most all...
  2. HAHA^ How great was that? My favorite episode still is the one where Hank got the prosthetic butt... hahaha...
  3. Yea^ thats the only thing I notice it sold under anymore, is regular Mr. Pibb even around anymore, or did it all change to "Xtra?"
  4. ^UGH who gave YOU the information for my 9D coaster project??? YOU DISGUST ME!!! Well, I'll defeat you all by destroying all Dimension coasters and creating my own! (Evil Laugh) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhohoHAHAHAHAHA... *cries*
  5. LMAO^ thats hilarious, love the "Deth Star" part hahaha...
  6. Hmm^ thats cool, I wonder how many McDonald's sell Mr. Pibb, ours does... maybe its a regional thing...
  7. Screw you guys, mines a 5D wooden Stratacoaster, and it goes upside down 50 times... so THERE, whatcha gonna do about it?????
  8. ^IDK what it is either, but it does taste better, McDonalds sells Mr. Pibb, and I think Jack in the Box does, but I always get Barq's from there so I have never noticed... I just looked, and JITB sells Dr. Pepper instead... hmm, so Jacks not a fan of Pibb... Oh I see Mr. Box, they've got to make lots of money in order for you to like them, they have to be Doctors... ugh, whats wrong with the average Mr.???
  9. ^^Same here, they sell Mr. Pibb at the "Coke" restaurants, but do not sell it in cans anywhere around here that I know of. I prefer Mr. Pibb over Dr. Pepper too...
  10. Surge too was my absolute favorite soda, what made me miss it the most was reading The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, by Steven King, as Surge was one of her only provisions in the woods... Haven't tried Vault, I need to get out and find it somewhere so I can try it, now I'm excited again.. haha. Other than Surge, Thomas Kemper Ginger Ale is great! Luzianne is my favorite tea.
  11. "Theres some milk in the fridge thats about to go bad.......................................And there it goes..."
  12. 71% (Dixie). Your neck must be at least pink! And I hate rednecks, although I live in the "Highest trailers per capita state" Not that they are bad, but a lot of the times a trailer here is like a 1970s single wide, with a spiderman towel hanging up on the one window in the back, and a dodge truck with KC lights on it sitting out in the front...
  13. GOT MINESSS!!! Awesome idea, its great to see exactly where everyone is!
  14. Oh no, it hit Six Flags too, in the form of "Bird Flu: Camelus Toeus!"
  15. No it can't be Goliath lol, its just some coaster that the recolored to look like Goliath will look...
  16. Awesome drawing!!!! Thats amazing! I have that book too!
  17. I only make the bed if someone is coming over, but other than that... no I hardly ever make my bed...
  18. He meant on the TPR poll. Thanks Dennis, that is what I meant, lol haha^^ seriously...
  19. I am pretty Republican, but M.R. Bush is starting to make me angry, it seems he cares about no one as we spend more and more time with him as commander in chief, I am siding with him on the war, just because I believe we need to build a base in the middle east, so we can be stable and have a stronghold there, but do not like his immigration from Mexico views. I believe that we should get a good independent in the seat who actually cares about the country *cough* Ross Perot *cough* too bad he was a little looney... (I voted republican though) I believe Condoleezza Rice would be a good candidate for president also!
  20. ^I love the Tetons, that is the prettiest part of the country I've been to, and Ansel Adams is truly my favorite photographer.
  21. ^^I know omg how crazy, another thing, for some people friggin four-way stops are like brain surgery, if you get there first, you can go first, its really not that hard of a concept!!!!
  22. UGH one more school day before I go on vacation, hopefully I won't get in a wreck like I almost did today... (not my fault) woman was pulling out, and stopped, looked at me, and pulled out again, well I thought she was still stopped, so I was moving down the road (my right of way, as I was on a street and she was at a stop) so she stops in the middle of the road as I am travelling at like 15 miles per hour because of congestion, so I pulled the wheel to the other side of the road, and look in my rear view mirror and she is still stopped in the middle of the road... stupid drivers...
  23. Yea I change my vote, I say not to go, its headed straight for the keys, well part of it anyway...
  24. The Greenville SC area is a good area to go as it is not very well known, and wont be nearly as crowded as Atlanta or other areas, you can fly into GSP, or drive to Atlanta, and then take I-85 up, there are many hotels in the area.
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