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Everything posted by bgeguy

  1. Griffon had a "sneak preview week" prior to its grand opening as well.
  2. Everyone keep in mind that when Anheuser-Busch InBev was exploring the sale of the parks Six Flags stuck their toes in the water as well.
  3. Maybe, but Cheetah Hunt's viral campaign technically began in June, not September.
  4. Cheetah Hunt is looking fantastic and looks to be an enjoyable ride. Has anyone else noticed that the concrete brick trench walls have been painted a tan color?
  5. ^That sign has absolutely nothing to do with this project, it's been there for years and years and is just a themed version of an "authorized personnel only" sign.
  6. Busch Gardens has filed for a standard character trademark for Verbolten! http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4007:tq562.2.2
  7. That tree has actually been there since before construction even began.
  8. In regards to the SeaWorld coaster, that $10 million is most likely a lump sum amount that would be paid to the contractor, and not the cost of the designing and manufacturing of the coaster itself.
  9. James City County held a Planning Commission meeting this evening. In the public comments section on special user permits, Larry Giles of Busch Gardens spoke and revealed the following... -The first launch goes into the "event building" -It will use the same station as Big Bad Wolf -Will follow a similar path as the Big Bad Wolf heading towards the station -Satellite picture diagram showed a "themed bridge" near the former final brake run of Big Bad Wolf
  10. I think what they mean by the description is that it's themed to the Black Forest, but the speed and idea of a launch coaster was inspired by the Autobahn, and may not be a part of the storyline.
  11. Das Katapult is currently in pieces sitting in the employee parking lot. The queue house floor/deck has been completely destroyed (making me believe the actual covering will be reused) and there is a HUGE hole where Katapult was.
  12. Katapult is on there. However, neither Waveswinger nor Katapult are mentioned as open rides.
  13. White survey markings are located near Katapult and the drink stand by Waveswinger.
  14. www.wvec.com/news/Passengers-on-rollercoaster-hurt-during-storm-100090544.html
  15. BGW has filed a permit with JCC that has a little more info for next year's addition. http://first.jccegov.com/CaseTrak/searchdetail.aspx?caseid=61518
  16. It's gonna be a drop tower. http://first.jccegov.com/CaseTrak/searchdetail.aspx?caseid=61300
  17. Busch Gardens has applied for a 260 ft. height waiver! http://www.dailypress.com/news/williamsburg/dp-local_buschgardens_0429apr29,0,286647.story
  18. If you look at the layout again, you can see a large section of track over the grazing area at the stables. They recently changed it to "Animal Connections" and I'm thinking that this may be only be temporary, and that the stables may be going bye-bye.
  19. Both parks have returned to the BGW and BGT names. Neither Europe or Africa are used in the names in advertisements.
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