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Disney Dood

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Everything posted by Disney Dood

  1. ^ So does alligator. But saying you ate a rat is not very Elissa-friendly
  2. This sounds like my basement! Swarming with KFC & Taco Bell and rats everywhere!
  3. Wow, that's really sad. Disneyland always gets plagues with the injuries and deaths.
  4. Remove the paper bag, and when you uncovered her face you screamed in fear! She was the yeti on Expedition Everest! Then.....
  5. ^Nope, I was there this summer. It was not there. I think it was just for a preview of the upcoming Africa area, but then it got cancelled so it's not there.
  6. 4/10 you are the reason why I did not use my c-net name dman, because having a d and g man won't work.
  7. Lucky! Japan has some awesome rides. Oh yeah, BTW, my name is Doug too!
  8. his rocket crashed into the eye of the man in the moon. At first he could not beleive this because we all thought that Jules Verne made that up, but then Jules Verne popped up and said.....
  9. rotten bananas. They proved affective when Kingda Ka came and destroyed all other Intamins. Then Blackpool smartened up and built the 500 foot top hat. It then said....
  10. Yeah, I remember I was there a few years ago and there were construction walls up that said "coming soon: Africa" and there was a booth selling some African merchandise. I think it was cancelled due to the AIDS epidemic. I bet Israel would offend some religious people, so that was cancelled too. But Spain is a good idea, I wonder why it was cancelled.....
  11. ^ If you plan on making arrangements 5 years before its maiden voyage then go ahead!
  12. That restaurant is really cool. That ride is really cool. Everything about this is really cool!
  13. You know how on Expedition Everest the track flips over before you can go out the mountain? One time I was in the front row and I was like "OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE TRACK!!!!!???" , and everybody on the train began to panic. It was hilarious.
  14. Si senor. Have you ever played a guitar valued over $3,000?
  15. That's good to know. I wonder, though, if this means there will be a new DisneySea?
  16. Wow. I have seen SOOOOO many videos like this it's not even funny any more.
  17. Go in the single rider line, then when the lift hill crests, lean over to the person next to you and say, "I like men". Then pretend like nothing ever happened.
  18. 1. Hablo espanol, y hablo espanol muy bueno 2. I play a $2,000 guitar 3. I am tall 4. I got stuck on Expedition Everest 5. Journey to the Center of the Earth is my favorite ride even though I have never been on it.
  19. "I'm just a big, hairy, American winning machine, that's all"
  20. Pretty much any Nelly Furtado, Fall Out Boy, MCR, Taking Back Sunday, etc... song ever made is horrible.
  21. ^ I never undderstood what a homophobe is s afraid of. I mean, sure, it can be a little weird, but it doesn't mean all gays are bad people who stare at groins all day and have lisps and go shopping at Hollister. But I am straight, I have a girlfriend, and she likes both so it's really 'cool'
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