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Everything posted by Speeddeamon128

  1. Cool TR. My grand parents live 15 minutes away fron there & I might go on Saturday the 25th!
  2. Great update Josh. Gilroy was a lot of fun. I didn't like SCBB that much
  3. I'll say go with the Civic but I like neither. I currently drive a 2008 Dodge Avenger SXT & love it In 2011 I plan on either getting a 2010 Camaro SS, 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T, or a 2010 Ford Mustang GT. Now that will be a fun & tough choice to make when January 2011 comes around
  4. Right now I am single but can't start a relationship which sucks because I want to. I'm moving to Orlando in January for 8 months with the Disney College Program so I don't see a point of starting one now. Plus I have college which takes up a lot of time. So I'm just going to wait until the move. That way nobody will really no who I am & I can make a fresh start with the ladies in Orlando
  5. Looks cool but I'm also happy with my original white Wii that I got the year is came out & I just bought Wii Sports Resort & have been playing the Air Sports game almost none stop!
  6. This game was good because since Lidge finally produced for the Phillies, they will use him in the playoffs & he will blow it for them like he did all season. Cool photos and report but Let's Go Yankees!
  7. Do not forget about Manta at Sea World. Already rode it & it was AMAZING When I went down for Senior Trip in June we only had 45 minutes at Sea World so I rushed to Manta & it is my 4th favorite steel coaster & my favorite coaster in Orlando
  8. I guess the Yanks will have to kick the Tigers a$$ in the ALDS. No big deal they were 5-1 against them this year & swept them at home. Thankfully they have home field advantage as well Joba is also very good against the Tigers. His record was 2-0 this year with a 1.25 era against them I think (they were talking about it during last night's game I just know it is around 1!). This just in, Boston sucks. Calm down my friend the Red Sucks aren't going anywhere this post season. No need to start an argument when there is nothing to argue about.
  9. ^I feel sorry for you because I am a born and raised Yankees fan! Hopefully the Red Sox beat the Angels in the ALDS because the Yankees have always done bad against LA. However I am very happy that they took the last series against the Angels in LA! I call the ALCS right now. Red Sox VS Yankees & the Yanks will take the series 4-1 and win the World Series against my NL pick the Rockies in a 4 game sweep. My NLCS pick will be the Dodgers VS Rockies & the Rockies will win the series also 4-1. As for the playoffs in general. AL The Yanks will defeat the Twins (yes I think the Twins will beat the Tigers to get in) & the Red Sox will beat the Angels. In the NL the Rockies will beat the Phillies & the Dodgers will beat the Cardinals. Let's go Yankees!
  10. ^Thanks that is good to here. I will get two credits this weekend. HRRR as well as the kiddie in Sea World
  11. ^Awesome! Where there be a link & time of the show posted soon?
  12. ^Thanks for the info. I plan on riding it as soon as I get to Universal on Saturday morning. It is working right?
  13. Thanks for reading. Here is the Day Conclusion & video! Day Conclusion: Journey to Atlantis=1x Giant Dipper=10x Video: [coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=swsdbm1_NEW_gm9k[/coastertube] Don't forget to vote!
  14. Day 7: Sea World San Diego & Belmont Park August 12, 2009 Today was a fun & interesting day. Our first of two parks was Sea World San Diego! We did not have ert on JTA but it was still a fun visit. We did some attractions before we got our credit. The penguins rocked as well as the shark encounter. The Shamu show was bad. If felt like you were in a cult or something. There was even an arctic exploration area where you can write your name on a snow wall! It was a fun visit & I even got a Penguin! Vote for his name! Belmont was a unique park. It was traditional and reminded me of a better maintained Clementon. Now if you remember my phone broke on SCBB’s Giant Dipper so I was hoping the cheap pay as you go phone would survive. It did at least the 4 rides before ert! As for the rest of the park, it was basically a straight street rode with random rides built along it (like Clementon). They had Chaos, which was a lot of fun (I miss Clementon’s). I think I rode it 5x! There claw was fun & their bumper cars were the disk shaped that were found everywhere on the trip. Around 5 o’clock we had dinner & ert on Flow Rider! This was awesome! I’ve ridden this at my old job at Sahara Sam’s so I knew what to do. It was fun watching people bail out and almost loose their pants (I nearly did ). Later that night we had ert on Giant Dipper! It was a fun session however I LOST my phone! I forgot to mention the fact that everyone over 21 got free alcohol for like 2 hours & during ert probably kicked my phone, which was under my hat, off the station because my wallet ended up on the other side. Now what am I going to do I think I am cursed by the Giant Dippers. Oh & don’t forget to vote for my Penguin's name! The poll closes next Wednesday! Enjoy the pics & video: We ended the night with ert on Giant Dipper, which like the Northern Cali Giant Dipper, broke or lost my phone. Belmont was still a fun park & I really enjoyed my time there. I wish I was 21. On my next TPR trip, which will hopefully be in 2011, I will be! That's going to hurt in the morning. Me on Flow Rider! Scenic pic of the Pacific. Chaos! It was a fun ride until ert. This Giant Dipper also broke or lost my phone! Belmont Park was our second park of the day. Here is my penguin. Vote for his name! I went to the parking lot & took some pics behind Journey. This was probably the most popular animal of the trip. We watched epic films like Shark Attack 3 & Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus. Shark Encounter! Hi Paul! Now everyone together "Shamu Shamu!" Credit #266 was wet! Yay Journey To Atlantis opened! OMG Penguins! I agree with Robb but I also agree with this! They had a wall of snow for guests to write on. This is Robb's art work. The quote of the trip "Take The Tunnel!" Hey this polar bear isn't drinkin a Coke. Now I have a chance to convert him to Pepsi! Later today we will be over there! Journey to Atlantis is not opened yet. The sky tower! Sea World has a cool VW.
  15. Not to really side track too much, but whats the problem with the loose article policies? Why hate Six Flags when its the same at Cedar Point too... heck its even $2 instead of $1!! And please, how can you complain about Six Flags maintenance when you seem to work at Clementon I really liked Superman but it wasn't my favorite, for hypers count me in the GeForce camp If I'm correct you only need lockers for MF, Maverick & TTD at CP so it is not that bad since there is 14 other coasters where you don't. Also you don't need to tell me that HellCat is poorly maintained everyone knows that A S&S woodie has maintenance problems written all over it. FYI: I don't work at Clementon anymore. I quite & start my Disney Internship in attractions starting January
  16. ^Thanks for the info. I'm looking forward to an awesome weekend Rockit or not.
  17. El Toro is a GADV & it is one of my favorites but I'm just not a big Six Flags person. I hate the fact that they up sale everything every time you get off a ride "buy this," & "buy that," & not to mention the Nazi locker policies. If MF was at a Six Flags park it would probably be poorly maintained and probably won't be my #1. That is just how I feel.
  18. I like the ride but I think it is overrated. I rode MF when I was 12 & was hooked on it also it was my first "big" coaster which is why MF is my #1 steel. As for Superman, you get good air & the first drop is fun but it just doesn't do it some reason for me. I look for qualities in a coaster & I'm just impressed. Maybe because it is a Six Flags park? I don't really no.
  19. Rockit is closed!? I'm going on Saturday & have been looking forward to riding it. Is Mummy open for the event (first time to HHN)? If Rockit isn't open then no big deal since I'll be living in Orlando in January
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