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Everything posted by BeatleBen

  1. ^ To my knowledge, no they haven't. But the park certainly has a wealth of audio material to share so we can only hope. (I also love the ViewMaster).
  2. Simply an inquiry: Does anyone out there know where I can find a full recording of the original 1960's organ caverns music from the Calico Mine Ride?
  3. My latest discovery, Vulfpeck! These guys are pretty freakin' amazing, can rock really hard and play their own instruments. Check it out! [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]
  4. Check out my latest video! [youtu_be]https://youtu.be/kbAYl9Do-_E[/youtu_be]
  5. We present to you: Captain Clown Man! [youtu_be]https://youtu.be/1AP04DEavCU[/youtu_be]
  6. Hey everyone, check out this funny video a friend and I made! It's called Sexy Savings. It is safe for work too. Enjoy! [youtu_be]https://youtu.be/SffQFZVLaac[/youtu_be]
  7. Nice TR! I really enjoyed this place and it's become one of my all-time favorite parks! It's got a lot of "old time charm" to the level that Knott's used to have years ago which is something that always appeals to me in theme parks.
  8. I like it! Very suave. Is there a way to hide the calendar though?
  9. Sorry if this has been asked before since I haven't been reading the whole thread. But is there a certain timeframe that people have to join the club by? Or will people be able to join the club at any later time or even year?
  10. Thinking about going to Fright Fest this year. I've never been and have always been curious about their event. So I was wondering what nights would SFMM's Fright Fest be the least crowded or dead? Also how does it work, like you stay in the park all day and then the mazes open at some point as upcharge? What time do they open?
  11. That was great! I always enjoy your humorous TR's and videos Jimbo! Now I'll have to get back to Arizona to check out the other coasters beyond Castles 'n' Coasters.
  12. I nearly laughed myself to tears at the Tony segment on the Sesame Place video!! The subtitle perfectly captures that.
  13. Not too sure if their music will end up on iTunes. There's a big old court mess going on between Apple Corps. and Apple Inc. However, there's been talk of the Beatles setting up their own digital download site though. I'll still be buying the whole CD set because well...I'm a fan. It's what I do.
  14. Here's the article! Well, they already have me sold!
  15. It looks to me like all photos were taken at LAX's Terminal 2 so far. As to their destination? Not enough info yet.
  16. I would guess you guys are scoping out Australia for a future group trip there.
  17. Yes, I've been waiting for this update! It was cool seeing you there, totally surprised me! Anyways, hope to see you around again sometime soon.
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