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Everything posted by MagicMountainMan

  1. At the WCB they should have everybody who wants to ride Percy sign wavers of liability so then they can ride. Talk about credit whoring at it's best!
  2. It sounds feminine to me because I guess I'm so used to Spanish and things that end in A are feminine.
  3. ^I'm guessing you're talking about general park commercials. But from my memory, they usually start appearing a bit before Spring Break. Then again I could be completely wrong.
  4. They actually had the fan working a year or so back... It only worked for a couple of months though. Nice to see it back again.
  5. ^Would it really be that easy? As Ty would say, "Let's do it!" Oh and I once heard that the reason why they stopped launching both sides of Superman simultaneously because one day in 1998 or thereabouts on a very hot summer day, both sides were launched and the last shed that houses the controllers for the magnets caught on fire due to so much heat and electricity. I have absolutely no clue if this is true or not but it makes an interesting story, although I did hear it from a former ride op that worked at Superman. I don't think Gold Rusher would mind seeing that big hunk of concrete gone from over top of it, but then again, this is only a wild dream that will never come to fruition.
  6. Why is Batman going to be closed again? It was just closed for what, a month while it was being painted? About the park 'taking out' Superman sometime in the future, I really don't see why they would ever do that. They'd be better off just leaving it there as a massive lawn ornament because it would be so expensive to deconstruct. At least I think it would be very expensive, but I may be wrong. But hopefully something will be done to update for refresh the ride, I pity Superman. He gets no love.
  7. I must admit, I didn't like the new Batman color at first either, but I agree with Eric. The color really is growing on me. Also, I'm pretty sure that Goliath is back up but I'm not positive. Deja Vu should be down sometime around now for its annual rehab.
  8. Tatsu is really faded on some parts so I have a feeling that it was the same type of paint that was used on Scream. I'm quite honestly amazed at how good Riddler's Revenge still looks. It's never gotten repainted as far as I know and it still looks great. I hope that whatever type of paint they used on it is the same that they're now using on all of the rides.
  9. ^^Oh please let that not be true. I like our Batman the way it is! I personally think it looks good with the gray and black color scheme. Personally I'd rather see all of the numerous effects that I've heard about working again then a new paint job.
  10. People have different opinions than me? Seriously? Nah the Raven to me was just O.K. But then again I did ride it during the day. Maybe it's because the Legend and the Voyage are so long (well at least the Voyage is) but the Raven just seemed super short. As far as going through the woods goes, I think the Voyage pulled that off a lot better then the Raven did. So again, it was an O.K. coaster, but to me it was overrated. Maybe I had my expectations too high. But hey, that's just my opinion.
  11. Just putting this out there, if you didn't like Nitro, you probably didn't ride it in the front seat. I rode it this summer in every row and the front row definitely delivered the best ride. As far as overrated rides go- The Raven. People like this ride? Seriously?
  12. Wow. This came out of left field. It definitely will be interesting to see how all of this plays out. There were so many question marks facing Cedar Fair even before being sold. When you're over a billion in debt and you're not a big money maker, assets have got to go. I think that they will be shedding some parks to relieve the debt load. If they don't, Cedar Fair will probably end up being the Six Flags of the next decade... Am I the only one that thinks $700 million is a bit on the low side? I actually have no statistical or financial proof, but it just seems a bit low for what, 11 parks?
  13. According to Screamscape Goliath is going to be painted sky blue instead of teal... I actually preferred the teal look that our Goliath has compared to elsewhere. El Toro is like Goliath's x10 on every hill. Ride it. As far as Goliath goes, I for one enjoy the ride a lot. I guess I'm just not a huge fan of the 'out and back' hypers. Oh and MF is just lame. But to me Goliath is something of a hybrid. It has it's airtime moment (only 1 really) and then has some intense and fun spirals the second half of the ride. I just wish the train wouldn't slow down so much at the MCBR... I've been on Nitro (the only B&M hyper I've ridden) and I actually really liked it, but it was only a front seat ride, meaning that if you weren't in the front, the ride just wasn't as good. It was also different enough not to be labeled a 'true' out and back which I liked. Ranking the two coasters I'd say I'd put Nitro slightly ahead of Goliath based on the fact that it was such a great front seat ride. However, Goliath is still up high on my list and I have ridden quite a few hypers. One more thing to add, I don't think Goliath is really comparable to other 'hypers' that you all have talked about (other than Titian, obviously) because it's so different then a traditional hyper. I also agree with whoever said that it should be labeled as something a bit different, like a twister.
  14. ^Go on an ARM drop tower and your life will never be the same. I do think that this is a total bogus move on Cedar Fair's part. Nobody in SoCal is going to go and visit Knotts for this when they already have a huge drop tower in Supreme Scream. Also nobody cares here in SoCal unless it's a roller coaster or some extreme ride that gets people talking. If it's just a run of the mill ride, nobody will care.
  15. Thanks Robb for the free stuff and the super speedy reply to my email! Long live TPR!
  16. ^I never did get to ride Scream when they did put the speakers around the track but I heard it really didn't work... So I don't know. They need find a solution though! I do think that the audio adds a lot to the experience.
  17. ^That was great! I've never heard half those on the ride because every time I ride the audio is wayyy quiet! What they need to do is find some way to balance the audio so it's really loud during the ride, but quieter when you're in the breaks/transfer area.
  18. ^Yes I do live in Newbury Park, right up the hill! I actually didn't ride Colossus when I was there Saturday, although I've had back experiences riding it backwards before. Now I have something to look forward to next year.
  19. ^You think about going to Magic Mountain every other weekend but end up not going! You got to get on it! I'd imagine that it wouldn't be too crowded seeing as nobody gets Columbus Day off anymore...
  20. ^I'm guessing that just like how any type of effect on a ride is triggered by a sensor on the car passing a sensor on the track is how it works on Terminator/X2. One thing I noticed while the mechanic was fixing the audio on X2 was once she got it working, she was able to 'skip' to certain parts of the soundtrack as if there were multiple track to the actual ride and not just one continuous loop. If you've ever noticed, when hitting the breaks on X2, there's a moment of silence before the break squeal is heard. My guess that it's passing a sensor and the break squeal and the Rage song get played after because it's that part of the 'track'. Also, when you're in the station and the train leaves but the audio doesn't start up until it's half way out probably has to do with the positioning of the sensor. So basically I think that yes, on both Termy and X2, the whole soundtrack is actually split up into pieces and each one is triggered by passing over a sensor at some portion of the ride. I just realized that I just basically restated what Atem said, but in a less eloquent way. But I do think that some of the miscues of the audio on Terminator especially either have to do with a bad sound system or faulty sensors. And they still haven't turned up the audio on it, either.
  21. Went to Fright Fest yesterday and I'd have to say that my favorite maze was Willoughby's Haunted Mansion. It was the longest and I got scared a lot! (I was the second person through the maze!) Few notes: Lector's Slaughter House was pretty good, but it was short, as was Bite. I almost feel that I'd rather see them put in 1 really good, long maze in rather than 2 short mazes. Just don't do it like Brutal Planet... The 'ride hauntings', Log Jammer and Tidal Wave queues, were short and lame. Going through Tidal Wave there must have only been 5 actors in the whole thing. Log Jammer's was better, but there was really nowhere for them to hide well so it kinda ruined it. I think it would be sweet if you were able to go through the maze and then get on Log Jammer and have even more actors throughout the ride (Blood Falls). Jokester's Hideout was actually really fun, but like almost every other maze, was really short. There were some great effects in it and I loved the spinning tunnel in this maze. And they made Pop Goes the Weasel scary! This maze has so much potential they just need to expand it more. Oh and Scream on Scream was nonexistent. Viper was supposed to be in the dark and it was still completely lit up. And I actually enjoyed the whole 'rave' scene by Batman, it really made the whole area lively and fun. Unrelated to the Fright Fest, but X2 went down 3 times while I was there. The first two were for audio, and the last time was because they were having trouble rotating the seats back to dispatch the trains.
  22. Well other then that I think it might work! But at the bottom of the first drop, you'd just be going forwards rather then backwards. The only problematic part is the lift, because you'd be hanging towards the ground the whole time.
  23. I might be going tomorrow but I still haven't decided yet. But I'd like to go and check out Fright Fest! I've always wondered this though, what if they changed the orientation of X2's trains so that in the station you're facing forwards and not backwards. Total fantastical thought right here, but you know, everyone dreams!
  24. Seeing the Tomorrowland entrance with out the Astro Orbiters blocking it makes me wish that ride would just go away... The central entrance to Space Mountain looked awesome, too!
  25. I'm personally hoping to go to both Universal and Magic Mountain this year. I know not to expect too much of Magic Mountain as I've been there in years past, but the upside to their Halloween event is you still got a ton of great rides to ride as well as mazes to go through, and you can enjoy it ALL DAY! I think a lot of people forget that and judge the Fright Fest simply on how it compares to others when they forget that a) it's not a separate ticket and b) there are 16 coasters to enjoy, some even backwards or in the dark! I prefer to think of Fright Fest as supplementing my day at Magic Mountain, where as if I were to go to Knott's or Universal I'd go just to do the mazes and such.
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