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Everything posted by MagicMountainMan

  1. Are you talking about Thunder Run at SFKK? I also remember it having good airtime, but then I rode it last year and it sucked. But before that it was fun! The Voyage and El Toro are easily the two top airtime machines that I've been on so far. El Toro in the back going over the hill before the S turns is the single most extreme amount of airtime I've ever experienced. The Voyage and the amount of airtime in the underground hills is just trippy. They both are amazing coasters....
  2. I think I've said this before, but it must be restated. The A.R.M. drop rides are seriously the best I've ever been on. And that one one the last page a few posts down with the sweet lights is an A.R.M. For those of you that don't know, it's completely gravity based, no cord or anything on the actual car like S&S has and it drops (to me) faster than an Intamin does. These things seriously drop like a rock. If you've never ridden one some county fairs have them. The combination of the carnies operating it and the fear that they didn't set it up right should make you fear for your life in many ways. Go ride one. It will change your life. But other than those, I thoroughly enjoy ToT at both Disney Studios and California Adventure (yes I have ridden both and I don't really think the California one is all that bad). I also loved riding Double Shot at SCBB back when I was younger and that's probably one of the only S&S towers that's actually thrilling. And a lot of the other ones that people have mentioned on the last page I love also. Brandon "Go ride an A.R.M. drop tower, it will change your life" Tisor
  3. I thought the same thing. I really can't wait until the show opens so all of the speculation will be done with. In the end I'd bet money on that it will all work itself out, perhaps not without a bit of tweaking by the Disney staff. Just content with the fact that the Imagineers get it right 9 times out of 10 and when they don't get it right the first time, Disney has the funds and resources to fix the problem. It's Disney after all... -Brandon "I have faith in Disney" Tisor
  4. I don't know if this was mentioned already, but in an Amusement Today article one of the designers said that the wheels will be urethane, so my guess is that it will be pretty quiet. Or maybe only as loud as El Toro.
  5. I didn't realize that was true with DVDs either.... I guess since most all DVDs are region encoded I figured that it was universal. Can non-region specific DVD and Blu-Ray players play both PAL and NTSC?
  6. ^^I'd film in 3D too if it didn't require a whole new workflow and the camera wasn't $21,000.... I seriously didn't realize that Blu-Ray is region free until you posted that... Well that's a huge plus for everybody else!
  7. Oh heck yeah! I love Blu-Ray and I've always wanted to watch roller coasters in full awesome HD (not just Youtube compression crap) so it would be like a dream come true!
  8. Yeah I wouldn't say that SFMM has really reached it's full "potential" either. Like Joey said there are plenty of things that can still be fixed. Oh and speaking of fog in Batman's station, is that what those random pipes are for in between the brake block (transfer break) and the actual station? I've always wondered what they are for....
  9. Yeah that's true I didn't think of that, but do you think if they left it open if they could dim the lights in the tunnels and on the ride. That's really the only part I could see as being a distraction, now that I think of it, it's not a very loud ride even with the audio on board plus people viewing WOC are going to be blasted with sound the whole time so it wouldn't be noticeable. So I take that back, I do agree that Screamin' shouldn't be closed. Wait, you have inside contact with the big man?!??! My mind was just blown. -Brandon "Just hoping that this isn't a flop" Tisor
  10. ^Well I agree, but at the same time it would kinda suck having the pier close for 2-3 hours every night just for the show. I'm really looking forward to the show but at the same time, is it really worth it/feasible to close down a third of the park for one show? IMO, no it's not. Whoever the guy is that seems to be the root of all of the problems (the one who's designing the show or whatever) I think needs to live with the fact that maybe the show isn't going to be viewed perfectly as he intended. Perhaps some lights around the back side of the pier will be dimmed and not turned off and they won't close Midway Mania. I don't think that would be that big of a deal and shouldn't really detract from the viewing of the show. I can understand them closing Screamin and the Fun Wheel, but the whole area? That's just overkill. Oh well, we shall see what Disney really does when it opens. I for one just hope it's a good show.
  11. ^^Atem did you pay attention to what train you rode on all three times? Just curious... Like I said before, I've ridden Scream a billion times and I rode Bizarro last year at SFGAdv and seriously, Bizarro was a heck of a lot better. Yeah sure it would be a more appreciated ride in a 'lesser park' but that wouldn't make it a better ride... IMO Scream is just one of those rides that isn't very good, theming or no theming.
  12. Maybe one of the trains needs a refurb, it would be great if somebody investigated and tested it out. Tell us which train to avoid for now if we're right.
  13. ^Maybe next time ride it twice and on both trains (that are running) and see if there is a difference. I have a feeling that with a ride like X2, the longer time a train goes without a rehab or whatever you'd like to call it, the rougher it gets. Or maybe it's just a train in general that gives a worse ride. Or maybe I'm completely wrong.
  14. That's weird, I actually rode it yesterday and thought it was running a bit better then it has been in the past 6 months. Maybe it depends on the train that you're on? I really don't know when it comes to X2 because I really have had some good and some absolutely terrible rides on it within the past year. At what part did you hit your head? ^^Scream is 8 feet taller? Wow I never knew that! I guess you learn something new everyday....
  15. Heck they could have kept the whole theme and name and just tied it into HP for that matter. I never really did get why they felt the need to change Dueling Dragons, the whole Dragon Challenge idea doesn't really tie into the theme of the land any better. Yeah I know about the First Task you darn HP nuts but really other than that, I never saw why a retheme was even necessary. Other than that, the rest of the area looks great! Although it does intrude on the JP area by the looks of it.
  16. ^The coaster isn't bad because it's over a parking lot. ^^Wow that's awesome! That would have been a great thing to see
  17. I rode Bizarro last summer and to me at least, the difference between it and Scream was like night and day. Bizarro is like what Scream wishes it could be, it's fun and not super rough (and the whole Auger of Doom thing through the corkscrews is great!). In short, it was a heck of a lot better than Scream is.
  18. ^I've heard from multiple people that the train design on Goliath is flawed though because it eats through wheels like no other. But I'd have to agree that it is the smoothest coaster I've been on, and it's 10 years old now! Yeah I think they did change the lights during the repaint. As far as next year goes, here's to hoping that we get an airtime filled Intamin! But we can rule out B&M since it was stated that Six Flags isn't currently working with them. Next year shall be interesting indeed.
  19. As a major HP fan I'm very excited for the whole land, and especially the ride. It sounds incredible! But I also think of a queue along the lines of Indy when they say "hour long" and on a good day at Disneyland I can get in an out of Indy in 15-20 minutes, so I'm not sure that the queue would always take an hour to get through. Having never been to Universal in Orlando, this REALLY makes me want to go even more. Hopefully I'll be able to save enough money and get out there one of these days!
  20. ^Considering that Revolution was designed with a heart-line in mind, I'd say no.
  21. If you're tall enough that your shoulders are up against the top of the restraint, it's pretty unbearable. I used to love Viper and now I can't ride it anymore because of that. Or maybe I'm just weird. Who knows?
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