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Everything posted by eddie200330

  1. Apparently the California Highway Patrol retirement plan sucks??
  2. The man on the show did say that this slide was to be 10 or 15 percent taller than Insano. I can't remember which, but if you do the math that only adds a few feet to it.
  3. Bottom of drop, brakes through the launch to loop looks so "short"of a distance? I noticed this on one of the aerial views with the trains as reference points.
  4. They should call this the Shart Screamer instead...lol. That is wrong on so many levels.
  5. That was my thought process also.....along with what looks to be the turnaround from Tidal Force.
  6. Did I miss something in the last dozen or so pages where this was announced as a coaster? I went back through and didn't see any confirmation yet, but if it is, Jesus don't be a repeat of CW's double B & M........
  7. I think the Sprayground is an awesome thing for families like me with kids who are too small/scared to do the big slides. It gives them a chance to play and have fun while the bigger ones ride the slides. As for the nets, are they close to any rides or anything where something could come flying at you? Like the nets under Great Bear over the midway paths.....
  8. I wouldn't say I've seen any sign of that in the last few times I've been there. They've been replacing rides that they take out, except for Space Oddysey, and everything is still well kept. I don't know what's happened with their plans for the old Revolution coaster, except that I don't know where they could -fit- it, but...I don't think it's failing at all. In fact, it's been quite busy and successful looking every time I stop in, even on weekdays. Last summer I looked over where the Revolution used to be stored and it is long gone......
  9. What did they replace it with? Last I've heard, there are no particular plans for Space Oddysey's plot yet. I'm pretty sad about that; I stopped there every year on my way to Pittsburgh, and that was my favorite ride there. Better even than the classic Caterpillar at Canobie. I'll be heading there in a bit over a month again; I'll see if I can find out if there are any new plans to replace it then. This is from their facebook page....... Space Odyssey was removed last season. We are still on the hunt to find a great ride for that area.
  10. Unless I missed something in the last umteen pages, wasn't there some sort of fancy lighting package for Gatekeeper? I don't recall hearing or seeing about it in any reports so far........
  11. The extra hang time it seems to provide while rolling over into the first drop looks freaking amazing from the front view.....Last row left should get a nice whip into the first drop!!!
  12. Quirky.....looks fun...love the trains for some reason.(In reference to the solar powered coaster)
  13. The only possible way for you to be able to make that claim is you must be paralyzed from the neck down... LMAO....No, just young and reckless.......
  14. I never thought Hercules was that bad...my nephew and I marathoned it one evening before closing. About 6 rides and we couldn't stop laughing. My only gripe was how slow it took the last 1/3 of the ride. There were times I thought we wouldn't make it around that last curve. Hurricane.......well let's just say the real thing from Mother Nature is a lot smoother than that POS!!!! 2 rides the final season, 1 in the front and 1 in the back. I was tempted to give away the 2nd tickets after the 1st ride.......
  15. I find it funny in the off ride portion everyone is all look at me ma...hands up at the top of the first drop....and then they get ready to hit the turn at the bottom and grab the side rails.
  16. That looks like pure evil! A steroid version of the Gladiators Gauntlet that used to be a Busch Gardens.
  17. I was hoping for a pinata.....HOLY CRAP IT WAS A HUMAN PINATA LOL!!!!! (3:15 in)
  18. From the looks of the pics, the outside seat closest to the beach should provide a weird feeling rolling slow into the first drop being so far out from the track! That is a pretty big arc from rightside up to upside down and falling.....
  19. Having never ridden the west coast Grizzly, compared to what I have ridden at Kings Dominion, this version looks more "sprawled" out. Is that so or am I imagining that. It doesn't seem to have any edge to it whatsoever. KD's version, after the sleep inducing turnaround, all hell breaks loose. To anyone who has ridden both, is this the case? It just seemed to kinda meander through the layout with no pep of any kind.....
  20. Kingdom Coaster really packs a punch for a family coaster....really surprised me as it was also quite fun and my son loved it!
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