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Everything posted by eddie200330

  1. In our area of the world, I think KD does the best, followed closely by BG. Hershey just kinda uses it as an excuse to stay open.
  2. They are gonna ship Montezooma's Revenge from KBF to KD.......awesome!!!!!
  3. They had a Coaster pass but I think it is only available during regular season days. If I'm not mistaken, it was basically a front of the line pass good for 1 time each.
  4. There may be a bus terminal close, but the train doesn't go out that way. http://www.wmata.com/index.cfm?forcedesktop=1 Just input Six Flags for your destination. It is really helpful.
  5. Better to plan out something good and spectacular than just start plopping down rides and coasters anywhere they please. This is what puts BGW above Six Flags in so many ways.
  6. Kinda....my nephew and I spent the end of the night marathoning it before it got too neutered. Towards the end of it's life I wondered if we had enough speed to finish the final turn.
  7. They just recently purchased some more land.......hopefully for expansion.
  8. This was a post from a subscribed site on my facebook.....as soon as I seen it I thought of the Knoebel's facebook page.
  9. Gonna look pretty sweet at dusk.....even better if it has some kind of dimly lit areas enhancing the fear of the Banshee.
  10. Kings Dominion has quite a few meandering queues. I never understood why they couldn't implement some kind of straight shot for the non-busy days.
  11. Why is this one so much different than Kings Dominion's? And how do the three of them compare(for anyone who has ridden all 3)....KD, Canada's Wonderland, and this one?
  12. Isn't that what Robb uses for his DVD's and POV's?? Kidding aside, I miss the actual red and blue paint from the ride. The all white is so blah and half the time the chipped worn paint just looks nasty.
  13. I was on it this past Saturday and it was braked at the end, which definitely made it crawl around the last curve. ...Even with that, it's still a fun little coaster. I really liked Robb's video and how it flew into the station......I guess that wasn't a very good idea.
  14. I'm not sure, but I think I like to plunder and pluck.........
  15. I would imagine back in the day when they did the water skiing show the lake had to have been deeper than that. I wonder if they filled it in some when they built Anaconda?
  16. From facebook........ Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom officials will announce plans for a major addition to the waterpark for 2014 at a Media Conference at the Park on Wednesday, August 28, at 9:15 a.m
  17. When this operated at DelGrosso's they braked it pretty hard coming out of the second helix. It just kinda crawled around the last curve and into the station. Nice to see it flying straight to the finish!!! And yes, the backseat airtime whip was amazing!
  18. Does not sound like it or look like it from the diagram. That twitter pic appeared to have the bottom of the first drop below the bottom of the lift entrance by a decent margin.(scaled down in size it was pretty noticeable)
  19. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151786474907272&set=a.10150550531162272.393543.228082587271&type=1&theater Just seen this post on KDFansite's facebook. I know this has been said many times, but peoples comments are absurd. They want to get some of their season pass money back because of 305 being down....LOL!!!
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