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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2023 in all areas

  1. (Screen cap from a video they just uploaded) Ice Breaker is back open with no comfort collars, an added seatbelt, and a 48" height requirement! Also: Pipeline: The Surf Coaster made it's first full circuit test run! Exciting stuff!
    3 points
  2. Lightning Rod was open for part of the day on Passholder preview and same with Sunday. Got to rid it twice on Sunday as it was a walk on. Everything was a walk on on Sunday. We weren't planning to go but when I saw waits of 5 minutes for Firechaser we decided to head out. It was 0 by the time we got there and twice firechaser went out with just my family on it. It was a great day. Doubt any other day will be that empty this week. Passholder wasn't bad either. The parking lot was FULL when we arrived at 3 PM, but lines were fine.
    1 point
  3. Email from the park. No idea who was emailed but I am a season pass holder.
    1 point
  4. That's a good point, though I do miss the old grungy Gotham City I remember from back in 2006. Still can't forgive them for what they did to Mindbender's sign...
    1 point
  5. Very recently, groups of enthusiasts and the press were invited to tour the World of Jumanji building site, witness the new B&M quadruple launch shuttle wing coaster 'Mandrill Mayhem' testing in person and speak to the land's designer John Burton. The 42 mph coaster has been confirmed to have a reversed backrow that will also not come with an upcharge. It was confirmed that a lot more planting was on the way before the area opens in mid-May, and a lot of work is taking place on crafting the area's immersive theming, which will also comprise of a mini recreation of the bazaar from 'Welcome To The Jungle', Alan Parish's treehouse as the Mandrill Mayhem station building, rockwork and sand dunes from 'The Next Level', and of course most of the area's planting (only four percent of which had been planted at the time of the hardhat tour). It was confirmed in the British tabloids that actor Rhys Darby, who plays guide Nigel Billingsay in the Dwayne Johnson movies, narrates guests as they walk around the land. A lot more information in this detailed breakdown on the hardhat tour with pictures from Attraction Source. I have posted some of the officially released pictures below, as well as embedded videos of the hardhat tour, testing footage and an interview with the area's designer.
    1 point
  6. ^I have always believed in Karma and balance in the amusement park industry. SF and CF cannot both be great at the same time and they both can't be terrible. This has been since the 90's. They seem to ebb and flow and go back and forth and put some sort of terrible balance into the world!
    1 point
  7. Maintenance is not the issue. Eventually parts fail. And when they are large parts that can't be sourced from another copy of the ride, the company has long since gone under and their designs and IP were never sold to another the ONLY way to replace them is with expensive custom-machined parts that have to be copied from the originals. Up until its recent rash of failures Xcalibur ran significantly more reliably in SFStL than it did the last few years in Great Adventure. I'm not about to claim that this is because STL is better at maintenance - it likely received a full refurb during the move. And back then they probably actually could cannibalize its recently deceased sibling(s). Silverwood isn't keeping Aftershock running all on their own. They worked closely with Vekoma when they moved and installed it - making sure to incorporate anything new Vekoma had to say to improve the install and operations of the ride. Vekoma has been providing spare parts throughout Silverwood's time with the ride. And they will for the foreseeable future. These are entirely different situations.
    1 point
  8. You guys are seriously lucky to have Aquaman coming. Those rides are an absolute blast!
    1 point
  9. Kiska their killer whale passed away last Thursday and they sent their walrus and her calf to Seaworld Abu Dhabi. It sounds like the end of the marine theme and the sale of the park.
    0 points
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