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^ Through my history classes and my knowledge of history, its my belief that the United States would never go to war in order to overthrow a cruel dictator.


The question being posed is a hard one for me to answer. Even though its such a big part of the world right now, I don't have a strong grasp on what is going on in Iraq. Also, I don't know too much about foreign policy, international relations, and other fields in order to firmly say whether or not we should be in Iraq.


Mark "I remain undecided" Luskus

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This just in.....


Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass, who tried to convince his colleagues to approve his Iraq troop withdrawal resolution, failed by a vote of 86-13. This proposal would have required the withdrawal of all combat troops by July 1, 2007.


Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee stated that "Withdrawal is not an option, surrender is not a solution". Frist further characterized Democrats as defeatists wanting to abandon Iraq before the mission is complete.

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This just in.....


Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass, who tried to convince his colleagues to approve his Iraq troop withdrawal resolution, failed by a vote of 86-13. This proposal would have required the withdrawal of all combat troops by July 1, 2007.


Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee stated that "Withdrawal is not an option, surrender is not a solution". Frist further characterized Democrats as defeatists wanting to abandon Iraq before the mission is complete.


Well to be fair, if only 12 democrats voted for the withdrawl, not all democrats are "defeatist wanting to abandon Iraq before the mission is complete"



In reality the war has become much less of a war, and more of a political tool for both sides to use against each other, and it sickens me


there is truth on both sides, the reality is always somewhere in the middle, If Bush was so satanically evil, the Democrats would have loved to burn him at the stake, that said, if the war was going totally awesome we wouldn't have genuine concerns as open minded citizens


I emplore everyone not to go with partison politics, but to think for yourself



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^ Y'know, dude, the person I was accused of being condescending toward already stated that he didn't feel I was doing that. But hey, for some reason you and your pal Jew have decided that it's time to flame me wherever possible.


And you know what?


I could care less.


But back on topic - since, as I recall, you're a Bush Republican, how do you feel things in Iraq are going? Great, huh?

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Fantastic. Couldn't be better.


And yea, I voted for Dub-ya and I dont regret it when examining his opponent(s) - especially in restrospect now that Sen. Kerry wants to pull out already even with so much left to be done. Thankfully his resolution was defeated convingingly.

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Just to balance the comments about the senate vote today...


although D-John Kerry's proposal failed... The Republicans proposal has FAILED to pass as well. Their proposal of redeployment of troops didnt pass. A proposal that means not to put a deadline on the us troops. Nonethe less doesnt put a clear objective on its end.


So no deadline no end. The results we're most likely facing is a battle that can possibly go on more than 10+ years. I'm sure there will be reforms and other proposals to refine the situation, but expect to see US troops in Iraq even after the end.


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They should not be there as the situation has nothing to do with any other country.


Let Iraq sort out it's own problems as long as there are not any nuke issues then let them get on with it.


I hope a Nuke war does not breaks out in my life time as it will be like the Terminator 2 scene and I don't want to see a "Mushroom" cloud appear.


Humans should be searching for other life forms and making the other planets a place to live not destory each other

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They should not be there as the situation has nothing to do with any other country.


Let Iraq sort out it's own problems as long as there are not any nuke issues then let them get on with it.


Well for the U.S. I think we kinda created the mess, so it IS our responsibility to help turn the area into a at least livable country


no matter the means or who is at fault, if you f$%@ up, clean up your mess


Again, if anyone is to blame is is the public, for our "lets get those bastards mentality", and the whole of the goverment for listening to us, although it did help thier standings in the polls at the time

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I am fairly surprised at how respectful this thread has been, topics like this tend to become heated easily.


Anyway, I feel I should state my opinion. Though, I doubt many people care about a 14 year old's opinion on this war.


I feel that this whole 'war' was a mistake, it was something we didn't need to get involved with; none of our business, as long as there isn't an actual threat to us.


But, now that it's taking place, I feel that we should finish what we started, and clean up after ourselves. Withdrawing before completing a mission, in my opinion at least, shows weakness as a military force, and as a country altogehter.



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^hey cody.. most people would agree with how you feel about staying in Iraq to finish what was started.


Yet, who actually knows what mission the soldiers need to complete before they leave?


I think the world knows that we are already a weak country in a political sense, to allow a strong country invade another country for WMD and find out that there wasnt any to begin with. Leaving at a premature time is usually a bad idea... but then again.. whats premature about it if we dont know what time we're sposed to leave.


On another note... I was watching the news last night, and they covered a story about how Democrats are accusing Republicans of planning to withdraw troops months before the Presidential elections, as a political boost for the party.


hmm.. it makes one think sometimes how dirty congress can get.

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I am fairly surprised at how respectful this thread has been, topics like this tend to become heated easily.


Anyway, I feel I should state my opinion. Though, I doubt many people care about a 14 year old's opinion on this war.


I feel that this whole 'war' was a mistake, it was something we didn't need to get involved with; none of our business, as long as there isn't an actual threat to us.


But, now that it's taking place, I feel that we should finish what we started, and clean up after ourselves. Withdrawing before completing a mission, in my opinion at least, shows weakness as a military force, and as a country altogehter.




Before I start, I'd like to say I respect both of your opinions although I agree with only one of them.


OK, so I feel that the whole WMD thing was a mistake but I don't feel that the whole war was a mistake. I think Saddam (although did not plot/get involved in the 9-11 attacks) is in essence a terrorist. The definition for terrorism is The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Saddam was a terrorist because he intimidated his own people with gas chamber, torture chambers, rape rooms and mass killings of people. And I think the 9-11 attacks opened our eyes to the now obvious need to defeat Al-Queda, but also the need to stop everyone who carries the same ideaology and belief in using terrorism.


I also feel that it was are buisiness(going into Iraq) since the people in pain and need in Iraq were actually human beings the same as us here in america. They were denied of god given inalienable rights for decades under Saddam so I feel that going in there was long overdue.


All in all, I am glad that you feel we need to stay the course and support the troops. I truly respect your opinions. Sorry for such a long post.

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Was it morally justifiable? Yes

Was it any of our business? No


Just because a country's ruler is cruel and unfair does not automatically enlist us to go play "world police." To my knowledge, the U.S. never, or at least not successfully, ever occupied a country with the sole intention of liberating its people. If you can name a time when we did, I'll resign this part as being incorrect.


And about the serious threat of terrorism. Is it serious? Yes. Is it huge? Not as huge as most are led to believe.


On top of that, are we really doing much to stop terrorism? NO. We're only protecting our own selves. There are other terroristic groups all over the world that are just as bad as Al Qaeda, but since Al Qaeda was the only group with enough balls to step up to us, we're only focusing on them. I don't see us doing much about the gangs, drug circles, weapons circuit, or human trade groups in areas of Africa, South America, or "Asia." Why do I think we aren't? Well, what harm could a prepubescent prostitute be to us? Let's not get into the "moral justifications" of those cases.


Even if we did have to shut down Saddam, there are much better and tactful ways we could have brought him down rather than using all of our flashy bombs and sending in thousands of troops.



And, just to be honest, I think that area needs a good civil war. Not just Iraq, but think the entire fundamentalist population just needs to resolve their own problems, even if the means through which would have to be bloodshed. There's really no level-headed group over there large enough to garner significant support from the people, so any leader that arises is going to be to some degree out there. I mean, look, thousands of years of back and forth tension and minor struggles have basically done nothing for them and what was once the cradle of civilization is now basically Earth's Ghetto.

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I'm not really going to get into this waist deep, i've just finished a project on this topic about a week ago.


I voted No, my reasons are that I don't see any progress being made. On top of that, the longer our troops stay there, the more are brought back killed. To me, Its fairly easy for anyone to say "Yes, keep them there" when you; yourself is not the one traveling overseas to do the fighting. If the issue wasn't already on the table, we wouldn't even be in this predicament. I agree that it was none of our buniess, but I hardly believe that the US of A is entirely at full blown fault.

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I do agree with what you said about how taking an outsider's perspective changes things. The same can be applied to their entire political structure and beliefs, as they're far more religiously driven than we are in many aspects, so us going over and trying to get them to change it to be more democratic is basically useless since they'll basically always vote based on whoever goes to their beliefs.


Also, just a thought, we are really setting a prime example of how much good democracy does for your country right now....

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I also feel that it was are buisiness(going into Iraq) since the people in pain and need in Iraq were actually human beings the same as us here in america. They were denied of god given inalienable rights for decades under Saddam so I feel that going in there was long overdue.


Its understandable to protect human rights. Yet, it is not necessarily our business to go into a country and start a war over it. Although in Iraq's past, there were people dying under dictatorship rule, it isn't the decision of the US to bring order to that country. If that were the case, why arent we in Kosovo/Bosnia, Countries of Africa, Israel where more than hundred of thousands face their death under genocide, longer than Saddam's rule.


Because of the war, over 40,000 Iraqi civillians have been killed. I do believe we have done enough damage to their people. The US media only wants to inform our country of the positive, instead of the negatives.

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I have to say that I never supported troops in Iraq, but now that they're in there, they have to stay. Perhaps because I'm not American, but it's because the whole world sees the United States as a country that immediately rushes to "hate" everything that doesn't conform to their own belief. Is Iraq any better off than they were three, four years ago?

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I vote every republican and democrat that voted to go in to iraq, should themselves, with the help of their own extended families of course, be sent in to maintain order. Let every one who is there who didn't physically vote to be there go home. If they truly believe in their own cause, they should be willing to die for it, not have all of my friends die for it!

-James "just my opinion" Dillaman

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I have to say that I never supported troops in Iraq, but now that they're in there, they have to stay. Perhaps because I'm not American, but it's because the whole world sees the United States as a country that immediately rushes to "hate" everything that doesn't conform to their own belief. Is Iraq any better off than they were three, four years ago?


Don't worry, a lot of people inside the United states view it the same way....

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I voted no for this reason...


Yes I am a card carrying member of the democratic party...I don't like what Bush is doing. Our whole country is screwed up. I do think we should have never gone over to Iraq in the first place. Bush thought like hell Saddam had WMD. He didn't.


Now we are fighting people that don't want to be free. If they wanted to be free, then why are they killing our troops left and right? Now granted, the women over there deserve to be free, vote, and do what they want. Now they can. But, the insurgents don't want help. So let them be. Let them blow themselves into smithereens and leave the US troops to come home.


Honestly, we should pull out from Iraq and bring home our troops and help the victims of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. Help our own friends and relatives get back on their feet. Help them build their houses, and get rid of the damaged homes and start over. This is what we need our troops home for. Not to fight for another country that doesn't want us there in the first place.....


phewwwwww....end rant.

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