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Photo TR: Opening Day at Sesame Place!

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I recently got back from a crazy trip which took me to NY,NJ,PA,CA and NV. During the first 3 states we managed to get only one credit.. and that was at Sesame Place during opening day! We decided since we had only a few hours that SFGradv would have been a waste and since we had the Sea World Platinum passes... what the heck! This is actually a very cute park that if we had more time would have been fun to play around a bit more in.


Thanks for humoring me with this update and hopefully making it all the way though.


A decently themed station and overall a pretty fun attraction. Worth the 25 minute wait with one train operation? For a new credit... sure!


Stacey is the same size as the height stick. Ha. Ha!


Another photo of Vapor Trail - I was surprised how far you are off the ground at this point.


Another oddly named attraction!


You know your hot when your rat tail drags in the water on the lazy river!


Thinest. Ship. Ever.


Here are some more of the water attractions. It really is geared to be a pre-schoolers water park.


Of course you can meet the Sesame Street characters here. They were out everywhere with huge lines.


Yo. I'm the cookie monster gangsta!


2 Questions... Isn't Mr. Hooper dead? And why does every theme park have to have an Emporium?


Here is Stacey worshiping at the altar of Big Bird. The park was so friggin crowded we even had to wait in line for this!


This was the new area for 2006. It is called Elmos World and it features the Zamprela Catalog! Yae!


This park had TONS of water rides. Unfortunately we did not bring our bathing suits! This one was a bit oddly named...


Self Explanatory.


MmmmMMmmmm... Delicious Elmo!


We decided to get some lunch at a pretty decent buffeteria style restaurant. The food quality was great for a theme park, plus they offered a passholder discount.. yae!


This was our first glimpse of Vapor Trail (a Vekoma custom Junior Coaster) as we entered the park. It is actually a pretty cool kiddie coaster. We decided to wait a bit to ride since we are hungry and it had a long line...


Stacey was very happy that she had a topiary with her initials on it.. Not so happy it was in front of the boys restroom!


Ahh.. the magnificent gates of Sesame Place! This is a very cute park that our Bling Bling Sea World annuals get us into. Yae! It was surprisingly crowded for opening day.


We made a side stop in Red Bank to Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash. We had been there a few years ago and nothing really had changed.. Basically a glorified comic book shop with a few Kevin Smith movie memorabilia items.


After we landed at JFK we decided to see if the Cyclone was open since it was on our way to Jersey. Unfortunatly it was closed and the folks around it were a bit too scary to ask questions about opening time.. So a quick photo and away we went!

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Great TR!


I haven't been to Sesame Place since I was small enough for all of the water rides!


Do they still have the roller slides and nets?


They do! They have quite a few 'dry' attractions, most of which have a max. height. The net area was open to all ages and crazy scary! We had kids running into us at full speed as we were trying to walk across the nets without getting tangled up and loosing all our stuff. It was interesting to say the least. I wanted to do the "climb up the giant foam pyramid and slide back down into a pit of balls" attraction but you had to be tiny.. ahh well.

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Nice TR. I havent been to Sesame Place in like 6 years. Do they still have that little thing where u have to cross over a pool of water on only this little carpeted board with nets around it just incase you fell? Sucks that they closed down the bridge where big birds mouth is now, it was a nice opportunity to get some awesome photos when you were on it.

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Wow, kinda simple park. Thanks for the pics. Would be neat to see Sesame Place and Legoland merged together. I think that would make it an ultimate children's park.

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It was probably crowded because if they still do it, opening day is when all the employee's give cards to their friends and family members to get free admission on opening day. My cousin used to work at the park so we used to go on opening day quite a few times.


I like how they are adding a lot of new flats to the park since before the 2003 or 2004 expansion they had no flats. For those days when it is too cold for the water attractions (especially October), there was always very little to do in the park.


The large Big Bird face with the stairs actually used to be the entrance to a huge suspension bridge that took you to 2 giant tube slides but they got rid of that bridge at least 10 years ago.



I wanted to do the "climb up the giant foam pyramid and slide back down into a pit of balls" attraction but you had to be tiny.. ahh well.


Cookie Monster Mountain (the pyramid) used to be one of my favorite attractions when I was a kid. Yeah it does suck that you have to be 7 or under to enter that attraction. I didn't know they added an age restriction to the ball pit. Must be recent because last time I was there, they let teens and adults in.



Unrelated, but I went to SesamePlace.com to see something and on the main homepage, almost like the border, there is B&M invert track! I know it would never happen but I wish it really meant they had one or were getting one. I'd get a season pass to Sesame Place just for that.

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