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Bought a New Toy

Sgt. Fox

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Like it says, I bought a new toy this weekend and boy does it rock!

You can't really tell from the video, but that black speck out there is a 19" monitor meeting its maker.




For those who don't know me from Westcoaster, here's the video from when I retired my laptop with extreme prejudice.



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Holy crap that was awesome!


Where were you at? I know when we were working on Call of Duty some of our guys got to go to Vegas to a shooting range and fire some really old, really crazy guns. I'm pretty sure a .50 cal was in the mix!


I take it that was a monitor you didn't like!


--Robb "Elissa's concealed handgun card carrying father would totally approve!" Alvey

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Holy crap that was awesome!


Where were you at? I know when we were working on Call of Duty some of our guys got to go to Vegas to a shooting range and fire some really old, really crazy guns. I'm pretty sure a .50 cal was in the mix!


Oh, I'm in Scottsdale, AZ. The video was taken in an area called "Four Peaks". It's just outside of town in the desert.


Next time you guys come down for some ghetto fun at Castles N' Coasters, drop me a line and we'll go blow stuff up with machineguns and binary explosives.

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Awesome, we'll take you up on that!

Personally, I'm small, so I usually stick to my .22 Ruger, the big guns leave me bruised!!!


I've got a silenced Ruger .22 with your name on it.


(lol. After reading that it sounded more like a threat than an offer.)

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Awesome, we'll take you up on that!

Personally, I'm small, so I usually stick to my .22 Ruger, the big guns leave me bruised!!!


I've got a silenced Ruger .22 with your name on it.


(lol. After reading that it sounded more like a threat than an offer.)


Are you polishing it right now? (While muttering under your breath, of course)

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That was the niftiest thing I've seen since I woke up. I'm pleased as punch.


For my birthday, this year, my family pitched in and bought me the new S&W 500 Revolver. I'm not entirely sure why, I'm a collector of antique revolvers, most of which don't fire anymore, but I'm not going to question it too much. It's the most arousing thing since genitalia. Truely a work of art. I won't take it out of the box because I'm scared of it. If any gun could become sentient and blow my leg off all on its own, I'm sure it would be this one. Although, for $1,200, I would've been perfectly happy with a new iBook and maybe a shirt.


At least now, if I don't get a shirt next year, I can shoot someone.

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What a great way to off an annoying laptop! Me, personally, I would have blown the computer to bits with explosives, but this is just as fun. I keep it in mind when I go to Afghanistan. I'm taking my laptop with me and things tend to happen on deployments . . .


I highly reccomend using some Tannerite. It's cheap, legal everywhere, and packs a heck of a punch. We put my old PC on top of a four-pack and never found a single piece of it. Personally, I think it was vaporized in the blast.



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