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SFAW Tribute Video

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Despite Ive heard it being called a junkyard-with-coasters, it looks like a fairly nice park and I feel really sorry for the people in the Houston area who used to visit SFAW. Hopefully most of the rides will find a better home

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and robb, you have alot of banning to do... but i have a feeling you probably cried harder than any of us.

To be honest, no. I'm bummed to see Astroworld go, but let's be honest, while it wasn't nearly as bad as many people made it out to be, it wasn't a great park either. It's not a park that people would go out of the way for, and while I've had mostly good visits there, I've also had REALLY piss poor vists that were the epitome of Six Flags management.


It was the park we went to 'fill up an extra day during a long Texas weekend.'


When we go to Texas we spent a full day at SFOT, a full day at SFFT, and a half day at SFAW.


Don't get me wrong, I am still totally suprised about this park closing. I'm more pissed than sad because to me it doesn't make any sense. With a market as big as Houston and Six Flags couldn't figure out a way to make the park work. WTF is wrong with them? It's sad to see that they screwed themselves up so much that this was one of the only options.


It's a GREAT video, seriously. I loved it. And while I'm bummed about the park going, you also won't see me sheding a tear over the loss.


--Robb "Just being honest..." Alvey

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Just a few notes that I would like to add on the video:


-The pictures at the beginning, I think that you should have darkened them a bit, sort of like the pictures of UT's lift hill and then the Texas Cyclone with the sun setting behind it. More of them should have been like that.

-The ending IMO would have been more effective had you put in the empty train of the Cyclone.


I think that's all I had. Just some suggestions

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I know exactly how you guys feel like, as this Astroworld Closure being the Biggest Closure since my once home park closed down in 2004. Wonderland Sydney is what I am talking about.


It was indeed hard to get over, but once you visit another park, one which is way better than what WLS was, Ok maybe WLS had it's good points, and Dreamworld has it's bad points, in reality, Dreamworld is much better.


Get yourself out to another park, which is operating, and adding a new attraction every year, and you'll see what I mean.

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My first trip to AstroWorld was in '71 at the age of 2. I visited tons of times over the next 20 years. I remember buying season passes the first year they were offered. I worked as a lifeguard at WaterWorld in the summer of '88. I took my own daughter in '94 when she was 3 and missed the family feeling the park had in the past. I recently got to reminnesing of the wonderful memories.

**The Alpine Sleigh Ride. How we would yell stuff in the first tunnel and it would be played back in the second. And the abominable snowman who scared the crap out of me, but was eventually replaced.


**The boot slide. This wasn't a ride, but just a slide that I always had to make a trip down even when I was too big to be doing so.


**The Barrel of Fun. That was one crazy ride.


**The Boogie Fog Disco. Oh my!


**The summer of '80 when the park was open all night and we stayed till 5:00am.


**Making out on the AstroWay.


**Buying the mini loaf of Wonder Bread


**All the concerts. Flock of Seagulls, Billy Idol, Huey Lewis, Wham!, Outfield, Starship...is that a line up from the '80s or what??


**Riding the Bamboo Shoot and getting totally soaked because we all splashed each other throughout the entire ride.


**Knowing the entire script of corny jokes on the River of No Return.


That video was great and the song was perfect! Thanks!

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