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The Coaster Bracket

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Here's how this works:

I've taken 16 random coasters using RCDB's random coaster feature, eliminating very popular or very obscure coasters, and have seeded them based on my personal preference of which ones I would ride. What you (the voter) must do, is vote on which of the ones in each pair you would rather ride. It functions like an college basketball bracket, 1 vs. 16, 2 vs. 15, etc. The one with more votes after nine voters advances to the next round. Do not base your vote in each bracket based on if you rode one but not the other, just base it on which one appears to be better based on what you know.


Enough of my rambling, here's the bracket for round one:

1) Steel Venom (Geauga Lake) vs.

16) Mind Eraser (SFA)


8 ) Hydra: The Revenge (Dorney Park) vs.

9) Silver Comet (Martin's Fantasy Island)


4) Cyclone (Coney Island) vs.

13) Shockwave (Drayton Manor)


5) New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's) vs.

12) Comet (Hersheypark)


6) G Force (Drayton Manor) vs.

11) Silver Bullet (Knott's)


3) Deja Vu (SFGam) vs.

14) Dragon Mountain (Marineland)


7) Batman: The Ride (SFMM) vs.

10) Scream! (SFMM)


2) Avalanche (Timber Falls) vs.

15) Viper (SFMM)


Let the Voting Begin!

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1) Steel Venom (Geauga Lake

9) Silver Comet (Martin's Fantasy Island

4) Cyclone (Coney Island

5) New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's

6) G Force (Drayton Manor

14) Dragon Mountain (Marineland

10) Scream! (SFMM)

2) Avalanche (Timber Falls


That would be a pretty good day of riding.

Avalanche is going to win BTW

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1) Steel Venom (Geauga Lake) vs.

16) Mind Eraser (SFA)

I Pick Steel Venom

8 ) Hydra: The Revenge (Dorney Park) vs.

9) Silver Comet (Martin's Fantasy Island)

Silver Comet


4) Cyclone (Coney Island) vs.

13) Shockwave (Drayton Manor)

Cyclone (Stand-ups suck!)


5) New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's) vs.

12) Comet (Hersheypark)

NM Rattler


6) G Force (Drayton Manor) vs.

11) Silver Bullet (Knott's)

Silver Bullet


3) Deja Vu (SFGam) vs.

14) Dragon Mountain (Marineland)

Dragon Mountain


7) Batman: The Ride (SFMM) vs.

10) Scream! (SFMM)



2) Avalanche (Timber Falls) vs.

15) Viper (SFMM)


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After six of nine votes, here's the scores:


1) Steel Venom (Geauga Lake) 6*

16) Mind Eraser (SFA) 0


8 ) Hydra: The Revenge (Dorney Park) 3

9) Silver Comet (Martin's Fantasy Island) 3


4) Cyclone (Coney Island) 4

13) Shockwave (Drayton Manor) 2


5) New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's) 5*

12) Comet (Hersheypark) 1


6) G Force (Drayton Manor) 3

11) Silver Bullet (Knott's) 3


3) Deja Vu (SFGam) 1

14) Dragon Mountain (Marineland) 5*


7) Batman: The Ride (SFMM) 2

10) Scream! (SFMM) 4


2) Avalanche (Timber Falls) 6*

15) Viper (SFMM) 0


*Clinched Advancement

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  • 7 years later...
After six of nine votes, here's the scores:


1) Steel Venom (Geauga Lake) 6*

16) Mind Eraser (SFA) 0


8 ) Hydra: The Revenge (Dorney Park) 3

9) Silver Comet (Martin's Fantasy Island) 3


4) Cyclone (Coney Island) 4

13) Shockwave (Drayton Manor) 2


5) New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's) 5*

12) Comet (Hersheypark) 1


6) G Force (Drayton Manor) 3

11) Silver Bullet (Knott's) 3


3) Deja Vu (SFGam) 1

14) Dragon Mountain (Marineland) 5*


7) Batman: The Ride (SFMM) 2

10) Scream! (SFMM) 4


2) Avalanche (Timber Falls) 6*

15) Viper (SFMM) 0


*Clinched Advancement

Funny thing, when I rode Viper it was great except for the ear banging. But 15? Also, Batman's too high. Maybe a 9, but just my opinion.

Will there be more?

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My rankings:


1 Steel Venom (VF)


9 Silver Comet (Martin's Fantasy Island)


4 Cyclone (Coney Island)


5 New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's )


11 Silver Bullet (KBF)


14 Deja Vu (SFGAm)


7 Batman: the ride (SFMM)


15 Viper (SFMM)

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1) Steel Venom (Geauga Lake)


8 ) Hydra: The Revenge (Dorney Park)


4) Cyclone (Coney Island)


12) Comet (Hersheypark)


11) Silver Bullet (Knott's)


3) Deja Vu (SFGam)


7) Batman: The Ride (SFMM)


2) Avalanche (Timber Falls)

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My apologies for the double post:

My Rankings:












By the way, I'm glad there's no B&M hypers, cause they would whip this bunch.


You just bumped a thread from 2005 that no one has bothered posting in for years and then you voted in it?!?! You need to learn how to use a forum better.

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