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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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^ If you want proof that it's fake, here are the kinematics equations:


Y = Yo + Voy t + (1/2)gt^2

30 = 0 + 0 + (1/2)(9.81)t^2

t = 2.47 seconds


The alleged victim fell in less than a second, and at a constant speed. Also note now there was no rebound whatsoever from the chain after the chair was disconnected. There's basically nothing to verify, because obvious troll is obvious.

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So according to the person who made it as a bid for attention, us roller coaster/theme park enthusiasts that called him out on faking that video are involved in a cover-up scandal with Funtime rides and we're trying to vehemently deny that this "accident" ever happened.

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So according to the person who made it as a bid for attention, us roller coaster/theme park enthusiasts that called him out on faking that video are involved in a cover-up scandal with Funtime rides and we're trying to vehemently deny that this "accident" ever happened.



Pretty much that. This guy is really that stupid, and sadly I've lost a few IQ points for pointing out the obvious and giving this troll the attention he is looking for. People will go out of their way to get attention, especially if they never did get much attention in real life. Gotta love being a "Fair Ride Operator" though...I'm still ing at that


And one pointed out some math equations...you may have scrambled his brain, lol! Another reasoning of being fake: no documentation of the so-called accident, and a major continuity goof. Continuity goofs happen a lot in film where something is done/removed from the shot but is mistakenly back in the next shot...being the chair that fell off but is somehow reattached to the ride. Granted this is all a single shot but you get the idea. Lazy editing in Adobe After Effects, and poor/unrealistic keyframing/animation.

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Youtube GP...apparently I'm a ride op based on my Youtube content. Long story short: some guy comments on one of my fair compilation videos about how carnival rides are dangerous and basically trying to spread the word of a so-called death on a "Carny Star Flyer" (ARM Vertigo?) at the LA Fair. I pointed out that it was fake as...well, it's fake! Chair 'flies off' and is somehow reattached to the ride with rider on board. The guy basically claims that his uncle was killed on the ride (I take it as he must really not like his uncle?). So yea, this guy's trying to get people to spread the word on this 'death' that never made news, let alone the real world.



'Tis GP gold in making


Dude's either a really bad troll or needs to take off his tinfoil hat. Surprised that he didn't say anything about Illuminati involvement or something equally absurd.

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^ If you want proof that it's fake, here are the kinematics equations:


Y = Yo + Voy t + (1/2)gt^2

30 = 0 + 0 + (1/2)(9.81)t^2

t = 2.47 seconds


The alleged victim fell in less than a second, and at a constant speed. Also note now there was no rebound whatsoever from the chain after the chair was disconnected. There's basically nothing to verify, because obvious troll is obvious.

And he focused on the chair that fell like he knew it was going to happen.

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This wasn't a GP comment but a ride op. When I was lining up for Behemoth tonight at Wonderland, the op with the microphone stated: "...We'll see you back here in 6 minutes and 20 seconds. Enjoy your 720 ft drop!"



how does this happen?

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I'm removing the link to the video from a few pages back. Why? The user attempts getting his videos to go viral and sadly, it is. I don't know if he gets hits when it shows up on this thread but I'd rather not bring any more attention to it. I'm not sure (but I'm pretty sure) that he could be monetizing his video.


In the end, (me thinking) he is technically defaming whatever location this was at with his misleading description he's passing off as 'real.' I see it as defaming anyway.

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Good call.

What I am glad about though is that the bulk of people that saw this were enthusiasts who realize that this was fake...you know the GP would think its real and begin sharing it among their GP friends. At least now with the flood of comments stating the fake/pointing out the obvious...and the original user has already made an idiot of himself so much that he's lost all credibility... In the end, we 'crashed' his video before it could go viral

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