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Super Aqua Club installs Proslide RocketBlast & Saucer

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The small park Super Aqua Club outside Montreal, Canada is installing a new ride for 2016.


It's a Proslide RocketBlast combined with the Flying Saucer turns. There's only one other ride like this and it turned out to be award-winningly awesome. I'm really excited to see another one of these built and can't wait for the final result.


There are no renderings or anything available, just a very limited number of construction photos:






If you don't know what type of ride this is take a look at this:


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I don't get the point of all the "extra" fiberglass in these turns:




I'm sure it provides some neat "visuals" but why can't they just do a lower edged turn instead of all the extra un-used slide??

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I'm sure it provides some neat "visuals" but why can't they just do a lower edged turn instead of all the extra un-used slide??


It could most likely be done in a more regular way, but on the other hand they got a patent on the saucer turns, so there have to be something unique about them.


I think the visual effect of the saucer is pretty awesome


Two new great photos of this beast to be!





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Leave it to proslide to make the sexiest looking waterslides on the planet.


I mean, seriously, that is essentialy just a tight banked turn, that's all, and they're making it look so good and interesting and thrilling!

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I am really surprised at how much these UFOs are leaning downwards. This one will probably be even more crazy than the one at Tenerife!




I wonder why they went with the "master blaster" style uphill sections instead of the LIMs like on wildabeast though?

It's not a blaster slide, it's a new tope of water driven coaster who is pretty much the water driven equivalent of the LIM driven ones.

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While I may not get the strange turns, it sure does look amazing!! Love the colors they went with!! I wish more parks would install these!! They look like a lot of fun, and I am jealous of anyone who gets to ride this slide!!

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