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Best Historical Park

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I have always been a history buff and have been fascinated with old-fashioned amusement parks. As a child, Cedar Point was always a great place for me because of the rich history mixed with fun thrills. Sadly, in the last two decades Cedar Point began removing many attractions that made it such a great place. Each time we came, another old favorite would be gone. White Water Landing's removal was especially angering for me. After reading this article www.ohio.com/blogs/airtime/airtime-1.489637/cedar-point-removing-turnpike-cars-and-sir-rub-a-dub-s-tubs-1.569265 I felt it was the last straw. I decided that me and my family needed to find a new place to go that mixed thrills and history, the way Cedar Point once did. The only problem was I did not know which amusement park would fit what I was looking for. Does anyone know of any parks (preferably in the US) that preserve their history, while still offering many fun rides and attractions the whole family can enjoy.

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I love Knoebel's too, and as the parks are within a 4 hour drive of each other, plan a trip to hit both (as well as HersheyPark in the middle).


but Kennywood has National Historic Sites thruout the park, and several "only one of it's kind" rides in the USA.


so yeah, Kennywood takes the prize over Knoebel's for "historical" park for me, tho Knoebel's is very, very good too.

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I love Knoebel's too, and as the parks are within a 4 hour drive of each other, plan a trip to hit both (as well as HersheyPark in the middle).


but Kennywood has National Historic Sites thruout the park, and several "only one of it's kind" rides in the USA.


so yeah, Kennywood takes the prize over Knoebel's for "historical" park for me, tho Knoebel's is very, very good too.


And Kennywood's historic rides are their own, Knoebels has rescued and restored many of their classics.


Another place with some old classics is Rye Playland

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Knoebel's is a great park and certainly a lot of the rides are historic, but still, how on Earth can it be more historic than Kennywood? Three wooden rollercoasters that originate in the 1920's, one of which regardless of history is one of the best in its class. Even the newer rides maintain a unique charm and character that make them feel historic.


I LOVE Knoebel's, and you can't really go wrong with them either, but a park that still operates three 1920's era coasters and maintains historical relevance elsewhere simply cannot be beat.

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