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Great Dane Coaster at Scandia Sacramento

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So, I was curious if anyone happened to have any inside information about the Great Dane Coaster at Scandia in Sacramento? It seems to have been being constructed for an extremely long time. To the best of my knowledge, they started re-assembling the Wild Mouse from Casino Pier early last summer, and then construction stalled. I took the following pictures in September, but I just drove past the other day, and it seems to be in the same state:










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Yes, looking at the pics on rcdb it definitely does not look comfortable. But hey...I'm in it for the credit.


I cant imagine the people that live in the apartments across the street are real thrilled with a coaster being there. Perhaps that may have something to do with the delay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a difference a couple of weeks makes. Drove past again yesterday, and it seems they kicked it in to high gear! I know everything people have said is negative about this coaster, but I'm still excited. Sacramento pretty much has NO other coasters.




Bonus shot of their new scrambler.

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Well, there is a Dragon Coaster at Funderland over in Land Park . . . but even Great Dane looks like an upgrade compared to that one.


Ahh yes. The Dragon Coaster. I must borrow a child to go get that credit. Well that sounded a bit creepy.


On a related note, it appears as if the coaster is now called the Crazy Dane Coaster. Not sure if I mis-read it before, or if there was a change in the name, but yeah...

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Just out of curiosity, how does this compare to the old school Miler mice (Treetop Racers, Wild Chipmunk, et al)?


I rather enjoyed the older ones, and all the reviews of this one seem quite poor. Did Miler just completely screw up trying to update their design?

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Just out of curiosity, how does this compare to the old school Miler mice (Treetop Racers, Wild Chipmunk, et al)?


I rather enjoyed the older ones, and all the reviews of this one seem quite poor. Did Miler just completely screw up trying to update their design?


Instead of having the effect of falling off the side of the track, this one just slams you around senselessly. There's a reason they never made another one like it!

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I went to Casino Pier a couple times a year with my family, so a lot of aspects to that place have a small nostalgic hold over me, but... that coaster... ugh. Good luck, Sacramento. Make sure you bring knee pads.


The only decent coaster that place had was the old Jet Star (not to be confused with the Star Jet, the ride that replaced it and ultimately fell into the ocean after Sandy).

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This looks like one of those coasters where the designers didn't really get the point of what a roller coaster is supposed to do and just followed conventions while keeping everything as cheap as possible. It looks like a coaster, but what's the real point if it clearly sucks?


Still, as someone else from a city without any coasters, I'd be excited for anything too.

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