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2014 Fright Fest "Black Carpet" Preview-NEW PHOTO'S ADDED!!!

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Six Flags Magic Mountain Fright Fest Preview! That's right Fright Fest is back for it's 22nd year to "scare the YELL" out of Southern California, Friday through Sunday, September 27th through November 1st.


So, what did we find out when we walked the black carpet at Six Flags Magic Mountains Fright Fest Preview? Lot's of things, hope I got them right.



Looking for signs of evil...hey, this is a sign, not very evil, but since I can read, I know I'm at the right place.


Evil swept across Six Flags Magic Mountain...no really, they were sweeping, and doing a damn fine job of it too.


Little does this zombie know...I have no brains! Ha!


We are here for scares and to chew bubble gum...and were all out of bubble gum! Be afraid...or get us more gum!


There will be monsters roaming the park this year, hopefully this is not it. Though it would keep the park very clean.


Let's go inside!





No, I don't think it would be cool to throw feces at the stage! Monkeys are so one dimensional.


Neil, give us a spiel, tell us the deal, is it for real?


"largest capital expansion" , Oh yeah, preach it Neil! Two new mazes larger than Willoughby's, theatrical style sets and special effects, new pneumatics, Fright Feast, all new Monster Tour!



Returning Scare Zones!


Returning mazes include Chupacabra, Willoughby's Resurrected, Total Darkness, Aftermath, and Toys of Terror...in 3D!


New mazes...



The Willougby's Garden of Darkness. Eat your vegatables, or they might eat you!


Little Red...wants you dead!!! Largest ever indoor Fright Fest maze.


More on this later.






And these are the dudes that make all this happen...



Okay, now for the fun part...funner part...funnest?



Zombie directs us to the food, sadly there were no brains.


Bubbling cup thing makes it spooky.


Fudgey boo boo!


You know what's good with fudge...


Why not a whole box of fudge?


"Did you try the fudge?"


Caramel Apple female.


Caramel Apple male.


Those aren't zombies, they're just in a sugar coma from all this candy!


Enjoyed, thank you very much.


"Death by Chocolate" funnel cake, or zombie poop, either way it looks delicious!


Okay, at this point the Vault 666 maze was open for a walkthrough, I gotta say it was awesome! Consider that we are seeing it with the lights on, without scare actors, no music and missing a lot of the effects...still awesome! This maze is totally on par with rival haunt events, not simply a painted plywood maze, but a full blown emersive experience. Pictures...



Vault 666


Control room for Vault 666, or possibly the DMV...but which is more evil!


Chill, I never said you shot the deputy. That's not funny!


This one excaped, probably wanted some fudge.


Never smoke in bed kiddies.


This would have made the movie Mannequin so much better.


Chill, I never said you shot the deputy. That's not funny!


I'll make you bleed are you bleeding now? Bleed! Really someone ought to clean that up.


If this is your doctor, get a second opinion.


Guns don't kill people, people kill people...Help! she's trying to kill us!


Totally excited for Fright Fest...wait did I just say that? Yes, it looks like it will be the best one ever! But, check it out on your own, you won't be sorry.


Thanks to Six Flags for an awesome preview of what looks like a step up to a totally new level for them. Everything was awesome, and the scare actors were amazing!2103429111_tallandtwoballs.jpg.3eb9160878e2956414cb29a339e6cf70.jpg

Photobombed by a clown lookin' scarey punk kinda dude with striped socks


To the right I lose my brain, to the left I lose my soul. Mindless, souless...crap they're trying to turn me into a politician!


Bunch a freaks! Reminds me of a TPR trip! Ha! No, but really some of you are kinda freaky.


(Any mistakes, let me know. I am after all only human, unless there's a full moon, then...)

Edited by fatdaddy
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What would be really cool, with Colossus now closed, they could use it's structure. Turn the lights off, turn on some fog, and spooky lighting, then make a walkthrough around the "old abandoned coaster". Can have some scare-actors walking around looking like they died on some freak coaster accicent.

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