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Clementon Park and Splash World Trip Report

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Hello Everyone!


I went to Clementon Park for the first time a few weekends ago and I wanted to share my thoughts and pictures with everyone. I did not realize how close this park was to me (about 2.5 hours). I thought it was about 3 hours away and that is what deterred me from going for so many years. I noticed on their website that for their last weekend they were having a $9.99 special to get in to both the dry side and water park. So I said what they heck and went.


Upon arriving I noticed it seems to be smack dab in the middle of a residential area. I had looked at the park map and Google maps before I went and I knew I would have plenty of time to enjoy everything since it is such a small park so I decided to really take my time and pay attention to as much as possible. I feel as though $10.00 to park at such a small park is a lot to be honest.


First look at the park I thought it looked nice and everything but Hell Cat seemed to be running. I was not too worried since I figured perhaps it was just waiting for people to get to it. We got the front gate and a big sign read that Hell Cat was closed that day. This was the SOLE reason to come to this park and it was down. No one knew anything of course. We decided to enter anyway since we already drove all the way and paid to park.


Instantly, I saw why people call it ghetto there. The people that go to this park are ghetto to a T. HOWEVER, the park is BEAUTIFUL and extremely well taken care of honestly. There was no trash on the ground and the employees were very friendly and kind. The rides area in excellent shape in my opinion. The water seemed very nice from what I saw walking around it. We did not go do it because it was a tad too chilly. People were still in the water though.


On to the photos!


Walking into the park...


Parking lot photo looking at part of the waterpark


I believe this wave pool was new last year?


Yo Yo










I was happy to see this! I am an outcast here by being a Pepsi lover ;)


Fun looking kiddie flat.



One of my favorite flat rides.




This type of the drop ride is the worst because you can not see when you are nearing the top.


Train - it was closed all day



Me on the swings. I love these old Yo Yo type swings that lean back and forth.


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Thanks for the report, and very nice pictures. I only live half an hour away from Clementon and I still have never gone there. Maybe it's just because you went on a gorgeous day, but the pictures definitely contradict a lot of the negative things I've heard about the park. I think I might just check it out next season. Hope you have better luck with Hell Cat next time

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Thanks guys. The park is beautiful in my opinion. Its the people that go there that ruin it honestly. Lots of ghettoness. I just ignored the people and things I was hearing around me. They have a really nice log flume I wanted to add! I forgot to get pictures of it.

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Which day did you go that weekend? I was there the same weekend and had a completely opposite experience. It was filthy, and half the park rides were closed and the rides I did manage to get, I had the rudest ride ops and ignorant clientele.


Then when I was leaving I'm pretty sure the entire police force of Clementon was in the parking lot, starting to run in for some unknown reason. (and I wasn't about to stick around to find out).


I think the only plus was their selections of food wasn't horrible.

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Nicole I was there that Saturday. Yes, the clientele was ghetto. That is what you get at that park. I separated them from my experience mentally. You let that get to you and I didn't. When I was there everything but the train and coaster was running. I am not sure what you mean by filthy. The park was clean the 2.5 hours I was there. The picture I took of the carousal shows how clean the grounds were when I was there. All over the park was that clean. The little bit of flower beds they have had beautiful flowers and the grass was cut every where. Every employee I spoke with had that same ghetto attitude but every time I said have a good day or thank you when leaving a ride I got a response. You have to remember the territory you are in. That is the way of life in that area of Jersey. You can not diss people when that is all they know.


Just goes to show everyone has a different experience at parks. It is what you make it. If you go into it with a sour attitude and let it eat away at your day you won't have a good time. I simply ignore the stupidness. I ignored the line jumping, cussing/profanity, obscene dressing, etc. I knew going into it this was the type of people that go to this park. If someone is going to go to a park that is KNOWN to be "ghetto" and then complain about it than that just shows how ignorant they are.


I overall had a great time there. If it was warmer I would have stayed longer so I could have enjoyed the water park which looked to be in great shape.




Thank you Chad!

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