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Reride Policy

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Ive absolutely never had an issue re-riding anything at SFGAdv if there is no one waiting in our row and they never give you a problem if you want to jump to a different seat that is empty if someone is waiting for your seat. Most times I don't even ask, I just stay seated and no one says anything.


At Six Flags America, it was the same story, though I was only there one day. It was dead and we re-rode just about everything, with most of coasters the ops asked us if we wanted a second ride.


At Dorney, we asked on a few rides and were told "No". We did get an op on Talon who was sympathetic to our plight, even having a discussion with us about how great the re-rides policy is at GAdv, and even asked his supervisor but was told no. I didn't mind other than the fact the queue is so long for that ride.


At Hershey I didn't even try. I was tempted to at one point on Skyrush, but the ops seemed preoccupied so I just walked around.

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Ive absolutely never had an issue re-riding anything at SFGAdv if there is no one waiting in our row and they never give you a problem if you want to jump to a different seat that is empty if someone is waiting for your seat. Most times I don't even ask, I just stay seated and no one says anything.


At Six Flags America, it was the same story, though I was only there one day. It was dead and we re-rode just about everything, with most of coasters the ops asked us if we wanted a second ride.


At Dorney, we asked on a few rides and were told "No". We did get an op on Talon who was sympathetic to our plight, even having a discussion with us about how great the re-rides policy is at GAdv, and even asked his supervisor but was told no. I didn't mind other than the fact the queue is so long for that ride.


At Hershey I didn't even try. I was tempted to at one point on Skyrush, but the ops seemed preoccupied so I just walked around.


Ironically Hershey is probably the most lax park in the US as far as re-rides go... Lax as in 17 re-rides on Skyrush lax, sometimes they'll even let you wait at the exit if a big group comes in and takes over the queue.

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California's Great America is cool with rerides, at least on *ugh*Flight Deck. If nobody's in your row, they let you ride again.


I was able to get about 5 or 6 straight rides by changing seats just after the park opened in one of my visits. I experienced the one reride policy for Gold Striker though when it didn't have much of a wait for the season pass early entry. Then I rode Vortex 3 straight times, which was a mistake, but I was allowed to.

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I was in Efteling last week and the park was really empty. Re-Rides were no problem on any ride, including the darkrides, even if there were a few people waiting. However on Vogelrok we were told to use the queue after 10 rides with literally just us two in the train.

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