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Where in the World are Robb & Elissa??? 2012 Edition!

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I think they are in Bangkok. Notice the distinctive red stripes on the ground in this picture.


[attachment=0]tpr airport.jpg[/attachment]


Notice this the distinctive red stripes on the ground at Bangkok's Airport.




I'm certain that is not Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok, it could be Don Meung airport but it is not used for international flights, it just re-opened for limited service after the Thailand flooding. I didn't see too many clues in there for thailand other than the donuts with smiles. Not sure where they are! I'll have to read the rest....



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More clues....


I'm pretty sure they are in China, probably Shenzhen because they are headed to the Happy Valley theme park. Non of the photos reminde me of anything in the countries of Southeast Asia other than the donuts. Also, just about every photo has a China reference where it can be identified. They may also visit Hong Kong based on some of the clues, like the B&M clue. There was a china travel book, china tower in Shanghai shown, Air China plane, etc...



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Able to post one quick photo! Man, I love it when I have to weed through the peppers to get to the meat!!! Where could we be that serves up something like this?


That looks like food from Sichuan province, which would be where Chengdu is located. The food there is VERY yummy! I wouldn't expect you guys to go there though, don't think anything new is there since your last visit? Unless you visiting the Panda preserve again for some reason? However, with that said you could probably get food like this in any other province in southern china or any major city because there is a very good authentic Sichaun restaurant in Beijing that I visted a couple of times....



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Wow.... been a long day. Lots of travel.


Here are the FINAL set of clues!


Figure this one out, and you've won round 3. Remember, you MUST SHOW YOUR WORK!!!


Here goes....
















Oh, no! This can't be the last clue, is it? Well, it was fun while it lasted....

Edited by robbalvey
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I think you are back in Japan. So you can easily get to Narita airport for the trip home.


Reasoning: the time it takes to get from either Malaysia or Thailand to Japan matches with the hours Robb said he couldn't post clues. (yes I think a Malaysia, layover in Thailand, then to Tokyo).


To me that park they are at kind of looks abandoned like a SBNO park.


That's all I have for now. Need to do some more research.

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My guess, you are still in Malaysia, but in Johor (or close to there).


This is a sign from a taxi in Johor:


I think this looks very similar to the shoreline in Danga Bay



And is likely some kind of emergency map or something for the hotel you are staying at.


There is a theme park there, but it doesn't look quite as run down as the pictures you are posting. It's also possible you are there to check out Legoland Malaysia on some kind of press tour.

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My guess is from this. You posted a pic of the four man bobsled in Flamingoland UK. That park has a custom SLC that has a clone, In Happy Valley, ShenZen, China. It's called snow mountain Flying Dragon. That park is very close to Window of the World amusement park. You are definitely in ShenZen.

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Danga World

1- Photo shows the inside of a Johor based taxi

2- Shows the casa villas development on the way to day Danga World

3-This is the grand carousel of Danga World

4- Pavement blocks match Danga World (and that is one nice pussy)

5-Guess here, but are these the feathers on the blue duck "family coaster"

6- Not a guess here- The green colored track for aformentioned coaster

7-The cars- note on the sides how the train actually isn't all blue.

8- a photo you took of a sign located at the park

9- Same thing

10-you can rent bicycles to go down danga walk

11- sh*ttier then you expected.

12. In the mirror of the guinness sign you can see the park (or the area you walk past to get to it)

13-water has the blue and white with the bird danga bay logo on it

14-You have to park your car somewhere

15- map of your hotel

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