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I definitely think that there should be ones without scenery. For some of us (ie me...) scenery is a really big challenge. I love building rides but when it comes to theme them half the time I have screwed up by placing sections too close together or I just don't feel like going through the tedium of building a building piece by bloody freaking piece and then putting on the roof... UGh!!!


I think the compact coasters are a really fun challenge and they shouldn't be stopped in favor of just going with scenery related ones. Oh and BTW when you guys create the next scenarios you should edit out all other rides.

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I definitely think that there should be ones without scenery. For some of us (ie me...) scenery is a really big challenge. I love building rides but when it comes to theme them half the time I have screwed up by placing sections too close together or I just don't feel like going through the tedium of building a building piece by bloody freaking piece and then putting on the roof... UGh!!!


I think the compact coasters are a really fun challenge and they shouldn't be stopped in favor of just going with scenery related ones. Oh and BTW when you guys create the next scenarios you should edit out all other rides.

This should be in the RCT Coaster Challenge CHAT thread.


There will most likely still be both types of coaster contests and more to come. We have been really impressed with the quality of this contest but ultimately there are people who's theming/landscaping skills aren't as good as their coaster building skills. We will always try to make each contest that little bit different from the previous one.


As for the scenarios, I did only allow the Giga coaster in the RCT2 scenario, but it slipped my mind when I made the RCT3 one. Besides, they were just to help people who didn't want (or know how) to make one themselves, you DON'T have to use the provided scenarios as long as you stick to the rules.


Can people PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post comments and questions in the RCT Coaster Challenge CHAT thread and not in here, comments about peoples coasters are fine but this thread is becoming full of chat rather than contest entries, and like bocakey said earlier it makes our job harder in sifting out entries.


Edit: Clarity

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With this I present you: Quake!


Here is the story to it. Very cheesy, I know, but I didn't try all to hard...


We have the year 2085.

You, my friend, were located here to go on a very important mission!


At an undisclosed location, scientists have found extremely young remains of pre historic life. After they put up a research facility they have found new, strong proof of life before our time.

However the DNA stiked the scientist to be very unusual. On further investigation they have brought up the strong theory that this life has not been from this planet. But why did they only find the remains? They soon found other similar DNA in other remains and it quickly becam clear that this location has been the place of an epic war!

The scientist were eager to report this discovery to the world, but all of a sudden the erath started to shake in ways a normal earthquake would not shake. Spikes of dirt shot up in the sky and teared the land literally apart.


We got an emergency call from Dustin Fandel. The earthquake, which he guesses is an alien attack to prevent our further knowledge, did major damage to the land and facility. however, he managed to save himself and certain artifacts that will proof his theories.


This is where the line got cut off! We do not know his location, however, there is a camp building close to the facilities where he could have fleed to.

Your mission! find Dustin Fandel and bring him back alive before the inferno takes over completely!




Stats and Station


First Drop and Burning Hut


1st Hill over Research Facility


"EGF Flip", Helix and Station


The Savegame

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OK heres my late entry But at lest i got in on time ok I call it Kiwi Express it has 6 landmarks that are in NZ the sky tower in auckland Te papa in wellington Lake taupo in Taupo (duh) The Waikato River which goes through Halmiton Larnic castel in Duniden and the Chrstchurch Catherdal in Christchurh (another Duh) So i persent to you Kiwi Experess





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OK heres my late entry But at lest i got in on time ok I call it Kiwi Express it has 6 landmarks that are in NZ the sky tower in auckland Te papa in wellington Lake taupo in Taupo (duh) The Waikato River which goes through Halmiton Larnic castel in Duniden and the Chrstchurch Catherdal in Christchurh (another Duh) So i persent to you Kiwi Experess


Cool Coaster. I like the theme.

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Ok I wasn't feeling overly creative this week so I bring a Califorina special. It Mr 7's parking lot ride. A big forceless coaster built over an old parking lot! (I had some trouble making it forceless without the trim brakes. But alas I was succesfull) If I get any votes I will be laughing for a while. There are some really great themed rides this time. Oh I think thats Mr. 7 face I see in the coaster. Dws

Yes I meant that to be a 7 It's one better isn't it?



beep beep It won't stay name a peep james hunt


mr 7 parking lot ride


Mister 7?

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ok so I missed the memo about not including custom scenery. so, I pulled down the screen shots and saved game file. I left the track file so you could at least see the coaster. it's better with scenery but whatever. I guess I'll work on redoing the scenery tonight and post the updated info whenever I finish with it.

Sequoia Mountain Gold Rush.TD6

track file

Edited by AllisonY2K
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Here's my entry: INCA


"On an expedition deep into the South American jungle, you stumble across an ancient Inca settlement. Mysteriously, the beacon of the massive Inca Tower is still alight. Deciding to investigate the civilization further, you discover a temple, deeper into the jungle. Inside, the walls are still covered with depictions of Inca gods and goddesses. As you venture into the 'Vault of Vichama', the doors suddenly shut - the ancient Inca God of Death has been awoken! You begin to flee, as the temple begins to crumble, when a carriage appears. Marked with depictions of 'Manco Capac' - the Inca God of Fire - the carriage appears to be your only method of escape...


INCA takes guests on a heart-pounding journey through deep jungles and Inca ruins, in a thrilling battle between two ancient Gods. Combining the elements of some of the world's best coasters, INCA features a top speed of over 60mph, over 4000ft of track and 17 different drops. Coupled with incredible theming and an involved storyline (including a pre-show), INCA is the ultimate roller coaster experience."


There's the spiel! Hope you enjoy the ride - I put a lot of effort into this one, particularly the scenery and theming. It's probably worth downloading, there's a few surprises in the game too! Thanks to all running the contest, this one's been great fun and has been the best yet!


Here's the file and a couple of screens (would upload a few more, but haven't got much time!):


INCA - Layout


INCA - Stats and layout


INCA - Saved Game File

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Ok here are my two coasters... Ice Flow unfortunately I don't have time to change the scenario so it still has the hills around it. I really wanted to but I just haven't really had much time this week. (fixed that one... I believe...)


The other one is Vampire's Flight and I will post the file in a second... I guess I need to get rid of a few paths...


I know terrible names but well... Hopefully you will like the coasters...


Basically Vampires Flight I put in a castle in the start where the line is housed and it dives into a catacombs area before climbing the lift hill. It also has a small section it goes through as it goes over a camel back. I like it...


Ice Flow is a more simplistic design with more limited scenery but it has some nice hills and keeps a pretty nice speed throughout the layout.


Oh sorry about the lack of pics... I'll try to get more up a bit later but I have a test tomorrow so I was kinda rushing it all to get it up... (sorry about the continued lack of pics... I don't know if I am going to have time before the contest closes...)


Vampire Flight


Ice Flow

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Ok, I'm finally done! Even though, it didn't turn out to be what I wanted to be...


After my first entry I wanted to do something different. I wanted to build a huge, unrealistic kick ass coaster. I quickly began thinking of a moebius coaster. So I started building and spend quite some time with it. Making two different layouts duelling and racing and still make it smooth ain't taht easy, but eventually I got this huge mess of track. I didn't want to do much themeing, since that thing is unrealistic as heck anyway. A station building and a few trees. But when I was thinking about a name, Romulus & Remus came to my mind. With that name you gotta have roman theming, which I usually don't do, so that's a first!

So now I didn't want just "a few trees", I wanted to actually theme that beast pretty good. But easier said then done. Theming such a mess is tough as hell! I eventually got done today, even though the tracks limited me a lot and it's not really my proudest work. I for one like my first entry better, but I figured this track would be popular on here. I mean, just look at the stats!


Overview, Stats and...


Station Drop


Lifthill (Note the supports)


First Drop


The high speed racing part


The final three "close calls" before the brake run

DK Entries.zip

Both of my entries

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Rethemed to be legal.

Coaster #3 - Sequoia Mountain Gold Rush. this coaster takes place at the Sequoia Mountain Mining and Logging Company camp. much of the racing around the two mountains and through the rivers. A very nice effort if I may say so myself.


so again with the gay miner. hey, every time I see his cabin the song "Little Pink Houses" by John Cougar Mellencamp comes into mind. sad, isn't it?


"little pink houses, for you and me." - sorry John Cougar


view #2


view #1



Sequoia Mountain Gold Rush.SV6

saved game - track file is 1-2 pages back.

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