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Traveling Suspended Intamin Coaster-Euro Star

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Hi, I'm the new one...


Euro Star was built as a co-production by the following companys:


- Intamin [project leadership, control system, electronical parts]

- Giovanola [tracks, supports, lift, electronical parts ...]

- Fa. Mannhardt [foundation]

- Mack Rides [ticket booth]

- Fa. Johann Gerstlauer (the brother of Hubert Gerstlauer, who owns Gerstlauer Rides) [station]

- a company from the Netherlands (maybe Vekoma?) [Trains]

- Fa. Stengel (design)


The refurbishment in 2003/2004 was done by Gerstlauer Rides.



Euro Star wasn't that rough. I really miss it on the german fair circuit!

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I rode it it its first year and it was an EXCELLENT very intense (think BTR) coaster. The overbank between the loop and the inline twist was comparable to Nemesis' "helix". The inline itself was very "snappy" (like old B&M zero G's) and the downwards helix at the end (before the brake run) was a nice ending too. HOWEVER, I rode it some years later (in one of its last touring years) and it had aged BAD. Even the cross ties reinforcements didn't help: this ride became shaky. But still intense and rideable though. I remember getting a chip of iron falling from the mid course brake run right into my face ! Felt sooo safe LOL. But I would ride it again with no hesitation

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Portable coasters have always interested me. Especially as we not have any big fairs in my area of the world. This thing looks amazingly thrilling for a portable. I know it doesn't measure up to Schwarzkopf standards, but still impressive.

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