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freefallXL´s -[NL]- workxX

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It´s an old trackwork of mine. You will be attacked and hurt by violent bumbs and higly lateral g forces.

The theming is also a very old 3ds-skill of mine. It´s at all dangerous to drive! So be carefull, if you dare!



(it´s an nlpack. The TrackPackager you can get here: http://www.nolimitscoaster.de/index.php?page=download)





Greetings, freefall[xl]



My tip: try the space environment

Edited by freefallXL
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The video is only a preview.

In the space environment you can´t see the supports (of NoLimits).

But trust me, .. i have made ​​a few ... if you do not trust me:



Here is another picture.


There are things around of this "room" where the coaster is running. I can make some pictures of this area, too (if needed).

It´s only some *space* =D

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Thank you all for your comments! At this point i am collecting some ideas, how it can be better. I really want, at least at the end of the year, to have a final project out of it. The "BetaVersion" is still from 2007 and i think i´m a bit better now, to building coasters and 3ds. So even if updates don´t coming that fast, i´m still working on.

Further comments, critic and something else are welcome

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  • 2 weeks later...

I changed the title of this thread, because i think, it´s better to post my projects in only ONE collective thread.

It don´t need to exist, 1oo Threads of my ideas and half-made NL tracks.


Well,.. here is a new creation.


I was visiting the "Hansa - Park" in germany a few days before and was flashed by the Gerstlauer Eurofighter

"Der Fluch von Novgorod". So i decided to try, to build a layout. Also i was amazed, about the Gerstlauer project at Fuji-Q. So i tried to build that new "element", here a picture:




Where the tunnels are,.. there will be later some buildings.. to telling the story.


I do have a first POV, but please remember: This ride is still under construction.



The coaster is not smoothed out. YET! I work on the variables and the speed. But maybe it´s worth to present you a first feeling for the ride and also a first impression. The story will follow...


Comments are welcome, criticism and suggestions, too!


"HAve FUN!"

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Holy trombones in a pogo-stick factory! (If you know this reference, good for you) very very nice, I love the detail in your rides!. To be honest I think Alien might look better if you changed the track to a Premier Rides LIM Coaster style.

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That eurofighter looks great so far. It's a tad bit pumpy in some areas, but you said it's still under construction. I also see you added the weird element from Fuji-Q's eurofighter. Great job so far and keep it up

Thank you for this positive comment! I will do my best for the smoothing. The coaster is very compact so it will take a time. I don´t use any tools, i like it hand-built.


Holy trombones in a pogo-stick factory! (If you know this reference, good for you) very very nice, I love the detail in your rides!. To be honest I think Alien might look better if you changed the track to a Premier Rides LIM Coaster style.

Thank you! I like the reference ! To change the coaster style is a fabulous idea! Now, as you told, yeah,.. a Premier Rides LIM Coaster would really fit better. "Alien - The Ride" needs a lot of love. Thank you for your great idea. It´s all in one a longterm project. Built in 2007, and i think it will reborn in 2012.



Sixty points of -total- awesomenss for creating the 'funk-t-fied' Fugi-QUEUE element. Out-freakin-standing.


Just out of curiosity: How did you 'bend' the element up to get the banking/track profile to match that?

Thank you, too!!! ...at first it was a cobra-roll,.. and i searched for better layout ideas. Then i remembered of this freaky element. So i tried to bend the cobra-roll. I have now a clue how it COULD be work, especially the g-forces. Not easy at all to think into. To build an inverted tophat first and to "bend" only the "Top", to the side, is surly the simplest way. /o\ i hope i did answered your question right. If not, i´m sorry


"Der Fluch von Uelzen - The Curse of Uelzen" will telling you the story of my Trip to the Hansa - Park. Not very serious, i promise to make it funny enough



By the way, if you like details, i will upload another track today. The coaster called [freelancer] a ready-made project. It´s the coaster, where Climax will be in the summer. Climax is also nearly ready. Because the layout is close to "VanHelsingsFactory" in the Movie Park Germany, i will wait and drive the real coaster first. If you don´t know what Climax is: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57954&p=1010693&hilit=climax#p1010693 <- If you´re looking at the thread: Please forgive me the crazy opening. It was my first thread on TPR and it wasn´t a perfect start after all. So long, so good. This are my only projects, in which i will spend my time. And don´t worry,.. they all will be uploaded.


Darn, didn´t know i have so much to say Thank you for the nice comments again!!! I hope it was at all understandable, my writing. Next stop will be the uploaded [freelancer]-project in the TPR exchange.




EDIT: [freelancer] download: http://themeparkreview.com/game_exchange/track.php?id=1901

Don´t forget to watch "the good bye video" on youtube,...



...a friend of mine did made it, because [freelancer] will be replaced. I hope it´s available in your state/country ...

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Thats amazing! Love it!!! I rode Spinball at Alton towers yesterday and this looks so much better. Especially the speedy close the the ground bits. You've turned me into the little child I never was!

Thank you so much Never forget the child in yourself. And never ever see it too serious. Life is a simulation and has NoLimits =D

My projects aren´t perfect but comments like this makes me happy and give me a big smile on my face. Because i like it THIS way!

I´m really glad, you like what you see and i hope it is giving some people some inspiration. If it is so,.. it´s more than i was expected.




Update: "The Curse Of Uelzen" - byfreefallXL - *Version 4.0*


...still some track work to do, but here is a version which is a bit more smoothed out. Enjoy the ride!

Ps.: Sorry about the support in the track ...but it is only a simple preview ;D



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the doublepost,.. but i have a problem


I did a "recreation" in the last 2 days: Superman / la Atracción de Acero (http://www.rcdb.com/1366.htm)


I do have the original Length (3608' 11") and Speed (62.1 mph) EXACTLY in NL, but the height (164' 1") is lower than the original. If i work with the original height, the lift is too steep and the train too fast (or the complete track, too long). Now, my question: Is NL too fast or is the real coaster lower than 164' 1"?


Here are some pictures:












I would appreciate any help



ThE pOv!


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This was pretty good for a handbuilt. It had it's weird spots with banking and transitions, but this recreation was done quite well from what I could tell. It would have helped if you didn't put a fish-eye on the viewing angle, as that distorted a lot of the elements. If you are trying to go for a "realistic" approach with the fish-eye, I'd recommend not using it. NoLimits actually already has a slight fish-eye on the lowest FOV setting. Also, given that computer monitors (or YouTube video frames) are a limited viewing angle, increasing the FOV won't give the "broad, like real-life" viewing angle efficiently. Just leave it at the lowest FOV so that it looks like a recorded video. At least that's my recommendation.


This ride looked pretty solid though!

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I thank you a lot for this helpfull comments!!!


Here the update of 2 Versions:


NOTICE! I tried to use the *fish-eye* to *simulate* a pov - like the TPR - Onride. But i will make the upcoming videos, *without* (to give it a try).

You can decide what´s better. Because you *must* watch it XD So i want to find out, how you like it Again, thank you for the comments!


Now,.. the ProNs!


*with the better friction*






Here and there, are a lot work to do and the track needs still some love, it´s only an update.

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