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The Bag-Of-Crap Giveaway Thread!

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I went to the West Coaster Bash 2011 Thread...then found another dead end on Cameron's Club TPR banner:


You did find the 2nd dead-end! One point to you! Beatle11 was dead on with his initial guesses that the clue pointed to the other side or other coast. Now you guys need to find the right link.


Here is another clue...


Round #2 Clue #3

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It is the Big Dipper! Now what does the Big Dipper have to with TPR member Cameron's user account??? Here are all the clues so far for this round:


The Otherside or other coast.


Go west my friend.


Dr. Cameron from House. Hey, someone on TPR has that username!


Save teh Dipper!

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^ The only reference I can find to "Big Dipper" in Cameron's posts is the one that was at Luna Park in Melbourne, Australia, which was closed in 1989.


Edit: Australia is West some more. West of the West coast.


2nd Edit: I guess I'm stuck. Like I mentioned before Big Dipper referencing the West Coast could reference one of the two Giant Dippers in California. But I don't know what that has to do with Cameron's account.

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DID I WIN?!!?!


No, read the rules on Page 8. You did earn a point though for guessing the Big Dipper.


The way to find the correct link is similar to how you could find the 1st one. Search Cameron's user account for the a link to the correct thread.


Here is the next clue...


Edited by ernierocker
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Cameron's most posted page.

Opposite big dipper is little dipper.




Are those the guys from The Social Network?


Yay, two points for you!


Here is the image



Social Network could send us towards Facebook for the next clue.


That is a very interesting guess.

Edited by ernierocker
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